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View Full Version : Old age and junk

12-13-2013, 02:02 PM
I am now 77 years old and have come to that point in my life where 50 lb over weight, bad knees tell me it is time to do something with all the gun junk I have aquired over the last 60 years.
Now is the time to do this while my health is still good.
My children have no desire to own guns or gun junk.
So my question is ,is there a( i don't want to say market) desire here on the forum for 60 year old books like ," The Rifle book,and The Shotgun Book by Jack O'Connor?
I have them and several more that I will have to dig out to get the titles for.
Just need to know if I am spinning my wheels or not?


12-13-2013, 02:07 PM
Uh, yeah!

12-13-2013, 02:08 PM
There's always a market for peoples "gun junk". Post what you have and there should be somebody here that wants it.

12-13-2013, 03:44 PM
Uh, yeah!

oh heck yea!

12-13-2013, 03:52 PM
I just got townsend whelens "why not roll your own" a month or so back.
I thought it odd that someone could write a book in plain simple words and still be able to convey some technical points.

12-13-2013, 04:02 PM
There should be abundance of interest here on this forum.

12-13-2013, 04:33 PM
Do you have a copy of "Yours Truly - Harvey Donaldson"?
I have been looking for years.

12-13-2013, 05:18 PM
I'm always looking for gun related stuff.

12-13-2013, 05:59 PM
Old books in general for me . Gun books are even better.

12-13-2013, 07:01 PM
let someone else enjoy what you use to enjoy. Remember one man junk is another man's treasure!

12-13-2013, 07:08 PM
I just got townsend whelens "why not roll your own" a month or so back.
I thought it odd that someone could write a book in plain simple words and still be able to convey some technical points.

Having followed your posts here I can see where that might confuse you.......

12-13-2013, 07:08 PM
Do you have any shooters in the family? What an awesome gift that sort of stuff would be.

12-13-2013, 07:14 PM
Do you have a local gun club that has a library shelf?

Bad Water Bill
12-13-2013, 07:26 PM
Do you have a copy of "Yours Truly - Harvey Donaldson"?
I have been looking for years.

Try AMAZON. That is where I found mine.

12-13-2013, 07:46 PM
Please post them here.

12-13-2013, 08:00 PM
Beekeeper, there is probably nothing you'll be offering that someone here won't at least make an offer on.

s mac
12-13-2013, 08:15 PM
See at swappin and selling.

12-13-2013, 08:43 PM
OConnor books are always desired. I grew up reading his writings . Someone will absolutely want them along with other books you have assuming you do not pass the, to close friends or family.

12-13-2013, 08:54 PM
post it on the site i want to c [smilie=w:

12-13-2013, 09:09 PM
Do you have a copy of "Yours Truly - Harvey Donaldson"?
I have been looking for years.

I've got a copy of that I can part with. PM if interested, and not available from the original poster. IF he has it, he of course has first shot at the sale.

12-13-2013, 09:23 PM
How about PO Ackley? I'd be interested.

white eagle
12-13-2013, 09:24 PM
most all of us like gun junk
so please do

12-13-2013, 09:27 PM
I want an award for not making jokes about old age and junk......

On another note- is there nobody you know who might be interested? I still say this is the kind of stuff you gift to others and it makes a lasting impression. A more meaningful gift isn't possible.

12-13-2013, 10:11 PM
Gun.....JUNK??>> Does not compute.

12-13-2013, 10:13 PM
Thing about it, as I see, is that you have some dedicated casters/reloaders over here who are young enough to want and use that, then, at a later stage, pass it on. In my mind, I would offer it up over here in S&S. If it sells, good, if not, then look elsewhere, as some members have suggested. If nothing else, put it up in the helping hands section of general. Lots of new reloaders who are interested, especially if it it free.

s mac
12-13-2013, 10:41 PM
Beekeeper has posted these items on swappin and selling.

12-14-2013, 10:40 AM
Uh, yeah!

Ditto for me!!!!

12-14-2013, 11:06 AM
OLD stuff is THE BEST stuff!!!!!!!

12-14-2013, 11:15 AM
Just because its old doesn't mean its useless. This is coming from a 24 year old who grew up with "if broke, throw away". Of course I always tried to fix it

12-14-2013, 12:27 PM
I have had the same thoughts and am 20 years younger my son in law is the only one in the family interested now maybe his off spring can use it.......if we straighten out Washing D.C. and it is not all contraband in twenty years!

12-14-2013, 12:31 PM
someone say gun junk?? I thought i heard gun junk? looking for some gun junk ? hahah this site thrives on gun junk haha

Bad Water Bill
12-14-2013, 01:57 PM

12-14-2013, 11:22 PM
"Complete Book of Rifles and Shotguns by Jack O'Connor" 477 pages, hardcover, published by Outdoor Life (my copy in 1961 for $6.50). It was a Christmas present from my parents. I'm not holding it in my currently swage-lube stained fingers 'cause I don't want to mess it up, but it is on the bookshelf in my living room. This is the book that set me on a life-long journey with shooting.

Any younger shooter who wants to connect with the roots of what is now and learn the lore as spoken in the last century should look for that treasure and any similar. Make Beekeeper an offer on whatever he has and I think you'll be glad that you did.

I read mine cover-to-cover many times in high school, and I think I'm about to turn those pages again!

12-30-2013, 08:16 PM
I was surprised this week by my wife she told my son in law that if something happens to me all my reloading stuff is to go to him . I had told her that before and she said she would sell it all so i guess that sounds better.