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12-12-2013, 02:46 PM
Finally heeding the advice posted here by better casters than myself, I decided to get larger expander plugs for my 30-30 Lyman M expander, .308 Redding neck sizing die(bought used for $10, and RCBS 30-06.

I called Redding, explained what I needed and was told to watch my mail. How much? Don't worry about it. Two days later I get the .310 expander for my Redding neck sizer.

I called RCBS, explained to a knowledgable rep what I needed. He said he would send it out, no charge. A week later, I get two complete spindle assemblies with .310 expanders installed and extra decapping pins. Free. I will install one in my 30-30 dies and one in 30-06. If need by I can polish a thou or two off if need be.

I called Lyman, sat on hold for over 20 minutes listening to music that was garbled. Finally I get a rep. She told me to go on the site and order what I needed. After prodding her, she finally told me what I needed and that it was almost five bucks plus shipping.

I am generally considered slow, but I think I got a message here. From now on it will be Green, RCBS, or if I have enough green, Redding. When I think about it, I may take out all my Lyman gear and spraypaint it green.

Jack Stanley
12-12-2013, 03:01 PM
I got the message from Lyman loud and clear too and they have been on my "try before you buy" program for a little while now . Funny thing that , they don't seem to have enough confidence in their product to participate . To bad ..... I only select very "special" companies for the program .

It's nice to hear the "green" companies took care of you but painting Lyman stuff green ai't gonna make it any better .


Kent Fowler
12-12-2013, 03:07 PM
Sent a 7BR FL size die back to RCBS that felt like it had gravel in it. Received a new die from them at no charge, a short while later. RCBS and Redding take care of their customers. I can remember when Lyman used to do the same.

12-12-2013, 11:02 PM
I got the message from Lyman loud and clear too and they have been on my "try before you buy" program for a little while now . Funny thing that , they don't seem to have enough confidence in their product to participate . To bad ..... I only select very "special" companies for the program .

It's nice to hear the "green" companies took care of you but painting Lyman stuff green ai't gonna make it any better .


Remember when you were a kid and taped two popsickle sticks together and pretended you had a real gun. Same childish fantasy as repainting orange to green.

Jack Stanley
12-13-2013, 03:26 PM
Well ........ OK as long as you keep it away from making ammo ........... you'll put your eye out !!

he he he he , Jack