12-12-2013, 01:29 PM
I bought this mold off Ebay a while back and have casted up about 50 boolits with it. However my pin is very loose and I had some flashing around the hole plus the the hole was slightly off center. I am in the process of making a new pin for it so I can cast up some more as I would like to try these out on a coyote or two. These will be shot out of a Marlin 1894cs using .357 brass. I figure plain ww with a little tin should work ok. I do have some pure lead if I need to mix it with ww
Have any of you guys used these in a Marlin for coyotes and how did they do?
My normal hunting boolit is a Noe 180wfn but I want to try these hp's out if I can get good accuracy out of them. Have not had a chance to shoot them yet.. Not interested in saving the fur.
Have any of you guys used these in a Marlin for coyotes and how did they do?
My normal hunting boolit is a Noe 180wfn but I want to try these hp's out if I can get good accuracy out of them. Have not had a chance to shoot them yet.. Not interested in saving the fur.