View Full Version : Hipsters redemption is now complete

12-11-2013, 03:58 PM
My kids call me an original hipster(what ever that is) but this past year I saw the true evil side of false bp and I repented for being led astray by the advertising agency and following other sheeple into the world of caustic, rusting and nasty imitation bp. So I got a bunch of true BP and was a shooting today. Heres the good part. Wifey is at work and daughter says fish for supper and leaves and into the kicthen I go, sink filled up with hot water, ram rod and patch in hand and I have a old fashioned HIPSTER cleaning session with the good old stink and all. Barrel than goes on wood stove and gets a nice pass thru with lube and life is good. The fish will cut the sulfer stink and wifey will be none the smarter. Am I clever or what?!!

PS the shooting session with true black was great!

12-11-2013, 04:13 PM
Hope all that turns out the way your planning.


12-11-2013, 05:56 PM
when i cleaned with ballistol my wife walked in the house and said what is god ugly smell? i said adolph hitler and his crew invented it. she said it figures. does work good though.

12-11-2013, 07:54 PM
"The fish will cut the sulfur stink and wifey will be none the smarter. Am I clever or what?!!"

Only if the fish smells worse than the sulfides!

12-11-2013, 08:00 PM
When cleaning or cooking fish, you can put a bit of vinegar in a saucer, and it removes the odor. Don't know if it works for BP!

12-12-2013, 10:39 AM
Lucky you. I got caught boiling a motorcycle chain in 90 weight. (at least it was an old frypan) The Boss was not happy, but after some "tap-dancing" on my part all was good.


12-12-2013, 07:31 PM
HA ... hadnt thought about the chain boiling for years. used to get about murdered everytime ...but... then when i shot and cleaned bp in the house it were worse ...so... i could cover my nasty cruddy chain boilin in heavy grease with the cleanup after a day in the back yard with the smoke pole. my Harley chains made history in my circles with their long life just because of the melted axle grease in a kettle and boiled into the chain for a few minutes ... followed by the cooling down process and then the GREAT job of digging that nasty thing outta the hardened grease and wiping it down as best i could then ... install it back on the scooter and take that first ride with a pair of old greasy blue jeans on for the grease flippin rodeo till it shook all the excess grease off ... man those were the dayz my friend. shoulda kept that pair of Levi's for posterity ... left leg drippin grease and the right leg with holes burnt thru from slippin off the kick pedal and not smart enough to move from the hot pipe till it felt hot ... too late ... nother leg scar ... ah yes ... all comes back now ... who says kemickles arent the way to live life ... till ya drop anyway ... :popcorn:

12-12-2013, 07:39 PM
Yessirree, every thing went according to plan, got a little bolder and used the sink today again!!
With the Harley in mind how about the old 650 Triumph and a little vibrating for good measure!

12-13-2013, 01:02 AM
had an ol '67' trumpet 650C with that old terrible bolt on hardtail section and Lucas electrics with the magneto ... my my what a turkey that was ... fast tho!

nothin like the real deal tho huh ... real old metal to ride and real powder to shoot ... kinda go hand in hand to my thinkin. taken care of properly they last forever.