View Full Version : .490 and up mold descriptions for Lyman / Ideal molds

12-11-2013, 02:32 PM
Scrounged up some descriptions for .500 plus diameter molds from a variety of sources. If some of you-all have better descriptions from Ideal or Lyman catalogs, please post to this thread with the correction or description of the boolit.

Disclaimer: It is well known that (at times) cherries have been used too long, with undersized cavities resulting. Some throats are too big compared to the groove diameter. Over time, manufacturers held different tolerances and dimensions for the chamber and bore. Different alloys will turn out different diameters. What follows below is simply a collection of the various Ideal and Lyman mold descriptions, which does NOT mean that any particular mold will cast a boolit like you expect. What does this mean? Slug your bore if you don't know the bore/groove dimensions for your gun. If the mold is undersize, you may have to beagle / lap it out some. [ed]

NOTE: Any loads mentioned are taken from period documents, and are not in any way tested. Please refer to modern loading manuals for safe loads. [ed]

A fellow servant to the heavy metal :coffeecom

#490303 178 gr. Ball
#498304 149 gr. Ball

#500294 designed for the 50 caliber rifles. (PB, RN, 447 – TP is 394)

#500406 183 gr. Ball
#501680 375 gr. SWC
#504617 370 gr. FN
#508656 395 gr. FN
#508668 420 gr. FN

.509 (.50 Calibre Sharp and Remington and .50 British)
.509 is the proper diameter of bullets for the .50 Sharp and Remington sporting rifles, also for many English arms using the Eley .50 caliber cartridges. No. 3 special tool only, made when ordered. Sample shells are always required.

509133. These bullets are in shape like the .50-70 Government. No. 3 special tool required. (PB, FN, 385, 465 - TP is 191) [caption says ".50 Sharp's" ed.]

509134. This is a round point bullet of lighter weight than standard. No. 3 special tool with double adjustable chamber. Sample shell required. (PB, RN, 360 - TP is 191)

509135. This makes a fine light weight grooved ball for above rifles. No. 3 special tool with double adjustable chamber required. (PB, RN, 310 - TP is ?)

509136. Round ball. This is for light charge of powder, small game or short range. (200)

.512 (.50 Calibre Winchester)
.512 is the proper diameter of bullets for all arms using the .50-110-300 express, .50-100-450, .50-95, etc. The points of all these bullets are of the same shape.

512137. This bullet, 350 grains, is similar to 512138, with four grooves only. One band shorter will make a bullet weighing about 300 grains, which bullet is thought well of by many. (PB, FN, 300, 350 - TP is ?)

512138. This bullet was first made by Mr. Barlow for a heavier ball for the .50-95 Winchester. It was afterwards adopted as the standard bullet for the .50-110-450 Winchester M. 86 rifle. (PB, FN, 450 - TP is 191)

512139. This is the standard .50 Winchester express bullet. (PB, FN, HP, ? - TP is 191)

512140. Round ball, for very light charge of powder, short range, etc. (200)

512197. This is a special bullet made for the New York Seventh Regiment. Very favorably reported. (PB, FN, 475 - TP is 141)

512198 This is the same bullet as 512139 only for solid ball. (PB, FN, 335 - TP is ?)

.515 (.50-70 Government)
.515. This is the standard size for all arms using the regular .50-70 Government cartridges.

515139 A lightweight bullet for use in the 50 calibers. (PB, FN, 290 – TP is ?)

515141. This is the regular standard .50-70-450 bullet for the old .50-70 Government cartridge used in .50 caliber Springfield and Remington single shot rifles, and has an excellent reputation. See No. 6 tool or No. 3 special tool. (PB, FN, 450 - TP is 141)

515142. This is a special bullet made for the New York Seventh, Thirteenth, Twenty-second and other New York regiments. Shells are supposed to be crimped over the second band, making the cartridge over all longer, allowing more room for the powder. It is used for long range target work. No. 3 special tool is required. (PB, FN, 515 - TP is 141) [Lyman ’58 HCB says “A standard hollow point bullet for the .50-70” ed.]

515143 Round ball used for short range practice. (200)

518144. This is a special grooved bullet made for short range, gallery or armory practice. It is made a little above the Government size, but used in those rifles. Has met with great favor among the New York militia for short range or gallery practice. No. 3 special tool required. (PB, FN, 285 - TP is 141)

518145. This is the same shape as 518144, is one band longer to suit those who desire a medium range bullet. Requires same tool as above. (PB, FN, 350 - TP is 141)

538146. This bullet is for some of the old style rifles called .58 caliber, but is seldom seen in use at the present time. (PB, FN, 347, 435, 524 - TP is ?)

#53344 415 gr. FN

533476 A hollow base bullet for the 54 caliber muskets, and some 52 calibers. (HB, FN, 410)

538146 This bullet will fit the old .52 Spencer carbine. (PB, FN, 524)

#542622 425 gr. Minie
#548669 445 gr. FN
548687 450 gr. FN

557456 Hollow base for some 54 and 56 caliber muskets. (HB, FN, 475)

#562407 257 gr. Ball

#575213 .58 cal. U. S. Government Springfield Muzzle Loading Rifle. Minie (HB, FN, 505 - TP is ?) [illus shows 475 grs. ed.]

575387 Solid base bullet same design as .58 Minie. (HB, RN, 565)

575494 A light hollow base semi wad cutter for the 58 calibers. Minie? (HB, SWC, 315)

#575602 400 gr. HB FN
#57730 570 gr. HB RN

577489 Original bullet designed for the Sharps carbine. (Ringtail, SP, 440)

#577611 249 gr. FN Minie
#578675 405 gr. Minie
#635408 350 gr. Ball

662310 Ball (427)

68569 The original .69 Minie Bullet design. Minie. (HB, FP, 730)

Good Cheer
12-22-2020, 11:50 AM
Have had a solid base set of blocks for the #575387 design sitting in the fun box for years, never knowing what they were originally for.
Some day I'll try it out in a 48" twist musket like a maxi or a REAL.:rolleyes:

Good Cheer
12-28-2022, 10:38 PM
Also, I have a factory hollow based version of #500294.
Don't have a clue what it was for.