View Full Version : Gunsmith Recommendation Needed (Nothing Major)

Suo Gan
12-11-2013, 01:24 AM
I am seeking recommendation on a decent gunsmith. The local yocals are not so hot to say the least.

Anyone out there with a history of quality, decent prices, and quick turnaround (a month or two????)?

Am I dreaming?

Any help would be appreciated. I have a few guns that need to see the doctor.

12-11-2013, 01:54 AM
What needs looking at and what do you need done?

12-11-2013, 10:40 AM
Yes it really does to some extent depend on what you need done. The gunsmithing profession has become somewhat specialized. When I was still doing that work I worked primarily on double guns ,Parkers, Foxes, L.C. Smiths, as well as a lot of European firearms. It's not that I didn't, wouldn't, or couldn't work on rifles and handguns it's just most people prefer working on a particular type of gun and it sort of turn into your "specialty". Naturally the more you concentrate on one area the better you become. I tend to believe in the old adage "Jack of all trades, Master of none" applies.

Suo Gan
12-11-2013, 11:58 PM
Odds and ends. Pad fitted to a rifle, a few rifles D/T'd, refinish and piece in toe on buttstock...that sort of thing.

I am not dealing with the locals, I have tried several, outlived a few good ones, the ones that are left are the very bottom of the heap, wouldn't trust them with my red ryder.

Suo Gan
12-11-2013, 11:58 PM
Odds and ends. Pad fitted to a rifle, a few rifles D/T'd, refinish and piece in toe on buttstock...that sort of thing.

I am not dealing with the locals, I have tried several, outlived a few good ones, the ones that are left are the very bottom of the heap, wouldn't trust them with my red ryder.

12-15-2013, 12:31 PM
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