View Full Version : What is in your hunting pack?

12-08-2013, 10:53 AM
I had a very successful deer hunt this year. I harvested a nice 6 point in archery season and a nice sized doe with a rifle this week. I am cleaning up my hunting gear and putting everything away until next year. I decided to take a pic of my "pack" and the gear that I store in it before it gets put away. So here is the basic stuff that I take with me in my pack. I might add more depending on the days expected conditions but this is the basic list that I carry when deer hunting. What about you guys?

Cabela's fanny pack
Rolled up orange plastic deer sled
Section of rope with PVC handle to pull deer with
Lip balm
Zip ties for attaching ear tag
Hunting license and pen to fill out tags
Cell phone
Water and snacks
50' of rope with D rings for pulling bow or rifle into tree stand
Couple of chemical heat packs
LED MAG light for tracking
Head lamp for the hike in or out of the woods in the dark
Schrade Old Timer 6OT folding knife for field dressing
Couple of pairs of disposable gloves for field dressing
1/4 roll of TP squished flat in a plastic baggy
A 5 hour energy drink ( helps with the drag out)


12-08-2013, 11:40 AM
I don't have a pack. I just use my pockets. Mines not a lot different from yours except maybe older school. TP is like yours, rope is just a rope, just one flashlight, fire building materials, couple extra shells. My coyote call and the ever present 45 colt of course. Pocket knife and hunting knife. Small whetstone. A drink and a candy bar. Woody

12-08-2013, 11:49 AM
Just tags, a knife, flashlight, lighter and my tree stand. Oh, and my bow/gun. But I'm never more than a mile from the road.

12-08-2013, 12:35 PM
I use a small day pack instead of a fanny pack.

Mostly I have the same contents as you add:

Heavy rope for dragging


12-08-2013, 01:26 PM
What you guys have plus LUNCH! I now own some land and have a cabin on it. Less than 200 yds frome the cabin I have 2 stands, have gotten deer from both now. I'm getting lazy!

12-08-2013, 01:46 PM
One thing I added to my pack this year for a few of my hunts was a package of gallon zip loc bags and a filet knife. For a couple of my hunts I was about an hour's walk in from my vehicle. Maybe because of my age and general slowness I don't do too well dragging deer any significant distance. Twice, I killed deer too far back in for me to drag out. Took me about an hour apiece to bone them out. A good sized doe in southwest Virginia can be reduced to nine gallon-sized zip loc bags of meat including heart and liver, and probably added no more than fifty pounds to my pack, although I confess I didn't weigh it.

When I go a little deeper in than usual I add matches to my pack and aspirin if I think about it. I always carry spare ammunition and a couple of knives on my person. Figuring out what to put in a pack is always a problem. If I try to carry everything I might need in an emergency, the pack will be too heavy. I usually go in with an almost empty pack in the hope that I can fill it with something that I found, shot, or caught that I can eat when I get back home.

12-09-2013, 09:23 PM
Good thread. I'm never farther than a mile or so from my truck but I have a backpack I carry in with me. Usually I have the following:

Skinning Knife (fixed blade)
Face mask
Grunt call
Rack Pack by Knight & Hale
Shooting sticks
Hearing protection
Doe Tags
At least 10+ rounds of extra ammo
Two SureFire flashlights w/ extra batteries
Tree step for improvised rest
30ft of rope
Book for reading or firestarting
Small bottle of corn starch for checking the wind
Small folding saw for clearing limbs
Thermacell w/ refills (VERY important in my neck of the woods)
Hand warmers (only when it gets cold enough)

EDIT: Forgot to add orange flagging tape. I have a roll of that I use for marking trails or mostly for tracking a deer if the blood trail is spotty or I have to come back the next day to look for it.

Then in the truck I have a big cooler and inside the cooler are bone saw, trash bags, paper towels, and nitrile gloves. Jeez, I have a lot of ****, better than not having it though!

12-09-2013, 11:36 PM
I have a CamelBack Mule pack with a 3L Hydration bladder.

In side I have:
Havalon Piranta knife with extra blade
Fixed blade Gerber skinners
Buck Folder
Small piece of 120gr sand paper (striking matches)
Para Cord- 50' or so
3/8" rope only 25' (I don't drag anything)
Couple ink pens
LED flash light
Orange survey flagging
2 compasses
Garmin GPS
Zip lock bag with spare ammo
Hunting regulations for the animal I am hunting
Cow Elk call
Predator call
Paper towels
and whatever food I want for the day, jerky, apples, hard candy, granola bars.

12-10-2013, 12:26 AM
Seeing these make me look like I am going on an expedition in comparison. I always carry enough to spend the night out if need be.

Blaze orange hat
Blaze orange vest
I wear the lightest clothing to walk in to a stand then put on my woolie bib overalls and jacket
Then my climbing harness (wife's cousin was poster child for safetyharness wear a few years ago (they planted him several days after he hit the ground))

First and foremost I carry a minor survival kit in a gallon zip lock.
quart zip lock bag
cheap disposable plastic drop cloth
2 forms of starting fire
multi purpose paper
space blanket
2 Snickers bars

Over prepared . . .

Hopefully so

12-10-2013, 12:33 AM
Too much ****!
It varies but I just got in from a trip too so it's fresh on my mind. If I'm stand hunting I actually take two bags, a fanny pack inside a small duffel. Fanny pack has ammo for whatever I'm carrying, a spare flashlight (one's on my belt), flagging tape, a compass, a short section of rope and a nylon treestand safety strap that is excellent for dragging. Fanny pack is mainly for tracking if necessary, duffel stays in the stand.
The duffel has binocs, rangefinder, water, TP, another rope, another spare flashlight, gloves, two (?) orange vests, a stocking cap, lens wipes, spare batteries for my flashlights, a few calls, nylon zip ties and possibly a snack.

12-10-2013, 12:37 AM
I back-pack hunt quite often so I have a tent and sleeping bag in my pack on top of everything else.
I also have a day pack and short hunt hip packs.
they all have water, rope, gloves,lighter, and at least one shrade folding knife at the minimum.

12-10-2013, 02:41 AM
propane heater

12-10-2013, 09:05 AM
What---no one carries "rattlin antlers"?


12-10-2013, 10:09 AM
I've stopped carrying my pack if I am going to be stalking, to move thru the woods more quietly. Put my tag, pen and my phone in a pocket, along with two reloads for the muzzleloader. If using a rifle, I put three cartridges in the 30-30. Only other things I have on me are a knife, and maybe a deer call and a compact monocular. The cabin is just a short hike away. I come back with my truck or on an ATV to haul the deer out, so I just bring what I need then.

If I'm going to be sitting in a deer stand, my pack goes with me. Has an assortment similar to Archey's picture.