View Full Version : A medical update

12-07-2013, 01:55 PM
I'd like to open this with an apology to all the folks that have PM'ed me about various things and I've taken too long to respond.

As some of you might know, I had a neck operation in July that went well, but before I could fully recover and start rebuilding my business I had to have a femoral artery transplant in October. Since about March of this year I've been fighting a heel ulceration, one of those things that never got better. Turns out my femoral artery was blocked and I wasn't getting enough blood flow to my foot.

The transplant has gone well; the incision is healed, and except for some bruising which is going away that operation seems to have accomplished the goal of getting good blood flow back to my foot.

The down side is that I have a hole in the bottom of my foot and on the outside under the ankle bone. The vascular surgeon that did the transplant also cut away a lot of degraded necrotic tissue. When I last saw him he compared the wound in the center of my heel to the entrance wound of a 12 gauge at contact range, and the larger wound on the side to an exit wound from the same weapon. Fortunately there is no through-hole connecting them, but the similarity is there. He also used the phrase "rat hole wound" to describe things.

I've been pretty depressed for a while; a combination of meds (hopefully some changes made will help) that have effected my thinking and have pretty much turned me into a jellyfish, and the lack of observable healing of my foot wounds has kind of knocked me for a loop.

I think I'm coming out of my shell; I'm normally a fairly positive and upbeat person but I've never been home confined and unable to work for more than a few days and it is wearing on me.

Nurses from the hospital's home health care come see me twice a week. My wife, who has to take care of me, changes the packing in my wounds twice a day. She also feeds me and takes care of everything else in the house. Bless her heart, she is taking really good care of me and I owe her a lot.

I was hoping to be able to get back to my regular job and my private business in January, but my surgeon says that I should think in terms of months, not weeks, and that it may be 3-6 months before I can even work a reduced load.

My Department Chair and Dean know I won't be back for the spring semester and have already hired adjuncts for my classes.

I'm feeling better today; my wife couldn't put as much packing in either foot wound this morning, my head is clearer than it has been in days, some rather indelicate digestive problems seem to be resolved, I had a good nights sleep for once, my pain level is down and I have the strength to sit up and type for more than a few minutes.

Sorry if this seems like a long and boring post; I haven't been on here very much and I just wanted to let all my friends know what was going on.

In any case, I will get better and I will get back to making nose punches, die wrenches, push through sizers, and a couple of other products I have in the pipeline. It may take a little longer than anticipated, but like General MacArthur "I will return". And when I do I plan to set my business up in a way that would insulate it from my own health issues.

In any case, Merry Christmas to all. I hope all my friends here have a safe holiday season.

Ramble off.

12-07-2013, 02:01 PM
Being a one man business can be difficult sometimes. I was off for 3 months last summer with a hip problem, which is now totally resolved, but it seems to take forever to get caught up again. I have even refused orders(the horror!, just seems un-American) but had to do something. Follow your doctors orders, the customers will wait if they know the quality of your work, no use ruining your health for a few bucks, or just because you become impatient.

12-07-2013, 02:27 PM
Wow, you have definitely been through the mill. Listen to the Docs. I tried to do too much after some serious surgeries and it did not work out well. It takes time to heal and if you push too hard it will take MORE time to heal. Praying for your complete recovery and wishing you a Merry Christmas.


12-07-2013, 02:44 PM
Good to see you peeking out of the shell!
Miss your posts.

12-07-2013, 02:46 PM
That's what I told my Chair and Dean. I would not return to work until my surgeon could guarantee that anything I did would not cause any future problems. I had almost a full year of sick leave built up, so fortunately I am not under any financial pressure to return to work. They were suggesting I could return in the Spring at some point and do some clerical/managerial work. Light duty as it were. Don't think my doc will let that happen. If I can't stand and work in my own shop I can't work period, light duty be damned.

Charlie Two Tracks
12-07-2013, 02:53 PM
Great to see you back on the board. You had quite a bit of work done. I pray that all will be healed. It's always good to read your posts.

12-07-2013, 03:01 PM
I will comment that some legal drugs can have side effects that can be extremely psychologically and physically debilitating. Just 'cause they are legal and your doc prescribes them for you doesn't mean they can't hurt you. And I have great respect for all my docs, but I'm the one that knows what I feel like and how I'm being effected by my medical issues, and when what they give me degrades my health instead of enhancing it I will do whatever I need to do, starting with an honest discussion with my docs, backed up with as much documented information as I can share.

If your doc won't discuss things with you, get another one who will.

12-07-2013, 03:22 PM
perfessor, doggone good to hear from you. Like Recluse, you've been conspicuous by your absence.

33 years ago, at nearly 60 years old, my dad, while helping a friend harvest corn, got his foot caught in a corn thresher. Lost nearly 1/3 of the meat off his foot. The docs said because he had adult onset diabetes, the risk of infection and gangrene was too great and amputation was the only answer. My father said as long as there was no infection or gangrene present he was going to keep his foot. Mom soaked his foot in a betadine solution, debrided and rebandaged his foot twice a day, for months. It took nearly a year before he could wear even a loose fitting moccasin on that foot, but he did keep his foot.

It may take longer to recover from this than first thought, but you will recover. When you get back to teaching, machining, casting, loading and shooting, it will be more fun, more enjoyable, more satisfying than it used to be.

After being waylaid by back and hip problems, I discovered that pain meds can really do a number on your liver and liver problems can in turn weaken your morale and make it tough to see the light at the end of the tunnel as far as getting back to your once healthy and robust self. Take care to drink lots of water and fruit juices high in anti-oxidants; pomegranate, blueberry and unfiltered apple juice are especially good. Ask your doctor if it's OK to take milk thistle supplement to help cleanse your liver.

Please keep us apprised of your progress.


12-07-2013, 03:28 PM
Good to hear how you are doing, Pray its only uphill for you from here on.

12-07-2013, 03:37 PM
Our prayers are for you and your speedy and complete recovery.

12-07-2013, 03:52 PM
You have some great friends here Keith !
I think of you often because of the tooling you have made.
thanks for updating us on your condition.
I will keep you in my prayers.

12-07-2013, 04:26 PM

Gods speed to you
Get on the mend and keep a clear mind

Swede Nelson

12-07-2013, 04:56 PM
I echo your statements about Doctors not listening. I`ve had enough hospital visits for several people to know what you said is the gospel. A friend of mine got tangled up in an "Agent Orange" area in `Nam. His feet have been a proving grounds for surgeons to try things out on at the VA. Now they are telling him he MUST have his left leg amputated at the knee to stop an aggressive bone deteoriation advancing up the leg. He just doesn`t think the docs know what they`re talking about at the VA. Get better my friend, I`m thinking up jobs for you for later.Robert

12-07-2013, 05:25 PM
Very few of us know you face to face, but please let me assure you that many of us do wish to hear from you, what ever you care to post. You seem the kind of guy I'd be content to sit around a fire with.
Take care, and think positive thoughts. Please pass along my kind regards to your wife.

Sorry if this seems like a long and boring post; I haven't been on here very much and I just wanted to let all my friends know what was going on.

In any case, I will get better and I will get back to making nose punches, die wrenches, push through sizers, and a couple of other products I have in the pipeline. It may take a little longer than anticipated, but like General MacArthur "I will return". And when I do I plan to set my business up in a way that would insulate it from my own health issues.

In any case, Merry Christmas to all. I hope all my friends here have a safe holiday season.

Ramble off.

12-07-2013, 05:25 PM
My prayers are with you. Get better first before trying to work too soon.
Your needs come first, my orders will wait.

Mr. Ed

12-07-2013, 05:27 PM
Good to see you posting again Perfessor. Meds can definitely mess with you. Once you get those worked out you will at least feel better and be more clear headed while you heal up. You have plenty of company to visit with here pretty much 24/7.


Jim Flinchbaugh
12-07-2013, 05:28 PM
So good to hear your on the up side of things.
Foot issues I am very familiar with, as my diabetes has resulted in the loss of 3 toes and one metatarsal,
which required splitting my foot in half to remove infected bone and tissue.
I healed good, but the 6 months of sitting on my better end did not do my body well.
I'd suggest finding a person who can advise you on exercises you can do while sitting,
to prevent putting on weight as I did. Rejoice in the fact that you still have your foot and
do your best to stay positive. A good attitude is a good healer. Ask your doc about Manuka honey as a
wound dressing.;-)

12-07-2013, 05:40 PM
My wife got me some padded hand weights, and I'm starting to use them. I need to at least try to rebuild my upper body, otherwise my neck operation will have been a waste. So far I'm not putting on much weight, I'm staying on my diet, keeping my blood sugar control, and eating extra lean protein at every meal.

All I lack is patience...

12-07-2013, 05:55 PM
Thank you for the email response to my question. I know what you are going through to an extent. I had a surgery over 6 weeks ago and the surgery site still hasn't healed fully and is literally a pain in my back side if you get my drift. I had similar issues with my meds they gave me Oxy's and they messed me up something fierce. I told my doc and he just gave me more. So I started talking half doses, and once the pain was bearable I just cut my self off. Get better, stay positive, take your time to fully heal. We'll be here when your back on your feet again!

12-07-2013, 06:07 PM
Great to hear from you, perfessor. The effects of surgery, the meds that they give you, and the idea of your body starting to let you down as you age combine to make a mess of your mind. Been there, done that, won't bore you with details. You are on many prayer lists, hang in there but on the other hand push gently as you heal, you will soon be back close to normal. I told my therapists that my goal is 90% of what I was, 100% might be asking too much. I'm getting there, it takes time. Stay in touch as you can, we worry about you and Recluse. GW

12-07-2013, 06:09 PM
Even stretches can help with circulation and prevent or at least reduce muscle loss. Your liver also needs starch. Don't mean to harp on the liver, but I'm just remembering what some of the meds did to me. It's a little surprising how stressing your liver can actually hinder your positive mental attitude.

One of the things I did when the sawbones ordered me to stay off my feet for months at a time, was to get some of the drafting done that I had been putting off for months and in a few cases years. Whether it be mechanical or CAD it gives that feeling of having produced something. I had a few parts and assemblies in my head and a pile of napkin sketches that needed to be made into proper blueprints.
Got a piece of tooling, a fixture, a boolit design that's been floating around in your head for months? Now might be a good time to digitize it or record it onto a sheet of vellum.


12-07-2013, 06:11 PM
Hoosiers are tough!

"Get Well" wishes from Indianapolis.

12-07-2013, 06:12 PM
Keith I have missed your contributions to the site and am sorry to hear of your setbacks. It is clear to me from reading your posts that you have a good head on your shoulders. You will overcome this I know.

12-07-2013, 06:17 PM
Take care and do you part to get well, I'll be praying for a complete recovery.

12-07-2013, 06:32 PM
I will comment that some legal drugs can have side effects that can be extremely psychologically and physically debilitating. Just 'cause they are legal and your doc prescribes them for you doesn't mean they can't hurt you. And I have great respect for all my docs, but I'm the one that knows what I feel like and how I'm being effected by my medical issues, and when what they give me degrades my health instead of enhancing it I will do whatever I need to do, starting with an honest discussion with my docs, backed up with as much documented information as I can share.

If your doc won't discuss things with you, get another one who will.

You are a good man sir. As usual you write wise words.

Last July I had my first surgery at age of 58. Was just three hernias repaired so nothing life threatening. But was surprised at how hard it was on me. Thought I’d be a tough guy. Dugh. Problem was when you can’t overcome the pain to force air into your lungs the low blood oxygen alarms go off. So much for being a tough guy.

Spent two nights in hospital before I got off IV drugs. The codeine and Tylenol they sent me home with prevented me from having a bowl movement for a week. Which was a day after I stopped taking it. I stopped it as son as I could breath without it.

My oldest daughter is studying on her masters on the way to becoming a doctor of Phyc. I’ll have to ask her if counseling on side effects of pain meds is in the program. Most of have heard of the issues with the really effective pain meds. I’ve never had any but we all know they send you on your way down a road sane people are not on. Given my total bill was over $50 thousand I think a couple hundred for a visit to a Phyc Dr. when you're under meds they charge hundreds a day for isn't to far out of line. But what do I know about wood piles.

I’ve decided I’ll just never ever go see an American based doctor again. My insurance still hasn't paid the bills and I think I'll have to get a lawyer. Wish these whores would just give me a price up front so I could pay.

12-07-2013, 06:36 PM
Now that I can think clearly and have the strength and energy to be awake for more than a few minutes I do have some CAD work to do. I do have to keep off my foot and keep it propped up waist high to keep it from swelling. If I don't do something I'm going to go nutty after the college and NFL season is over.

My thanks to all of you for your concern and good wishes. It is appreciated.

Now I am praying for my friend Recluse to get better.

gray wolf
12-07-2013, 06:48 PM
Sorry I am late on this one, but let me say ""Gods speed to you.""
Prayers offered for your recovery. Julie and I care about you and truly wish you the best.

Your friend


12-07-2013, 06:48 PM
Prayers for your continued recovery and return of your health.

12-07-2013, 07:51 PM

It is good to hear from you, and I am both heartened by your progress and sad to hear of your
trials and tribulations. I sincerely hope the worst is behind you, especially the mental stress and
such. Keep working on this and get that foot healed up - I presume that the increased blood flow
is the solution, given time.

My mother-in-law had some real problems due to too many drugs from different docs and we
eventually recognized that she was drifting into a fog. It took two weeks for her to come back
to earth after dropping all of her meds but BP. I agree very much with your leeriness of drugs,
especially those with mental effects.

You are absolutely correct that changing docs is sometimes required, there are good and bad ones,
and it is hard to tell at first.

Best wishes.


12-07-2013, 08:21 PM
Keep plugging away, Keith. With your rugged good looks and amazing charm, I'm sure you have the ladies wrapped around your finger taking care of you!

12-07-2013, 08:28 PM
Prays Bro

12-07-2013, 09:10 PM
Great to hear from you Keith.

You are dead on with the docs. They work for you. No different from any other profession, they don't meet your requirements then go find another one.

Sounds like you are on the mend and know what to do. Keep positive, keep fighting.

12-07-2013, 09:30 PM
Wow! You've been thru the mill, bud. Wondered where you were. Sorry to hear of all the downsides. Only thing that comes to mind is, "Hang Tough." I've had friends where you are. Also, I feel that you know your body, and how drugs affect you--go with that. I've been prescribed drugs that just didn't work with me--doctors said they would be great!--they weren't. Anyway, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife. Again, "Hang Tough." See it thru, endure and recover. Many good days ahead.

12-07-2013, 09:45 PM
Waksupi, you just about made me choke on my Diet Dr Pepper! The wry humor is most appreciated.

My bride reminded me at supper that I've only been out of surgery for six weeks and that I need to be patient. Sigh. It will be a lot easier to be patient if I can do something useful (CAD work and writing G&M code) and if I'm not so depressed that I want to do something other than curl up in a ball and sleep.

When I get depressed its not a self-destructive thing, I just go into hibernation mode, curl up in a ball, and grunt at intrusions from the outside world. My bride calls it my "curmudgeon mode".

Hopefully most of that is now past. I really enjoy taking part in the discussions here, but I have to be awake and alert enough to comprehend what's going on around me.

12-07-2013, 09:54 PM
My Mom hip replacement done, than back work.
Got over medicated, her body did not "use" the meds right.
They built up over time, we were thinking of Alzheimer's
had set in fast. We put he in a home for a few weeks to clean her out.
She is OK now, she jokes about her "addiction" now.

12-07-2013, 10:13 PM
Keith, glad to hear you are feeling some better, you have been missed around here!

Prayers offered for your continued recovery.

Like many others around here, I have some work for you WHEN YOU ARE ABLE, and not a minute sooner.

As you know, there is not much worth risking the progress of your recovery for.

We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers, and hope to see you around more often.


12-07-2013, 11:49 PM
Glad to hear you are on the mend.

We have no idea what loss of health is until it happens. My hope is to only see it at a distance.

Family history on both sides are for a long and healthy life.

People laugh at me, but if I should be so unlucky I could be sick for over a year and be covered.

Others where I work NEVER have over a day or two, maybe a week of any kind of paid "off" time.

12-08-2013, 12:27 AM
The older you get the longer it takes to heal. Keep at it and you will be back at it soon enough.


12-08-2013, 12:41 AM
Glad to hear your doing better ! I shattered a bone in my ankle and had a three month recovery before I could even try to walk. It was a trying time for me as I also lack in patience. It hard on morale when you can not do your normal routine but it will pass. FB

12-08-2013, 12:47 AM
Keep up a positive attitude, listen to the doc(s), and get better! We need all of our members running on all 8 cylinders!

12-08-2013, 12:50 AM
Follow the docs orders and I know what it can be like. Back surgery did me in for 3 months, and I had pain for 6 months. I found getting some computer work done each day made me feel like I gt something done even if it was minimal.

12-08-2013, 01:12 AM

Thanks for updating us, we like to know.

The best way to help us, and more importantly your family, is to do the very best you can to help yourself.

Every time I use your lubrisizer wrench I think of you and thank you.


12-08-2013, 02:23 AM
New prescription:
Visit Cast Boolits daily and contribute to discussions in several sections. Practice CAD skills at least three days a week. Tell your bride that the Cast Boolits crowd thanks her for making you better.

Hopefully your CAD work will be for some more products for us to play with.

12-08-2013, 02:36 AM
Kieth, I was wondering how you were doing, so I offered up a prayer. Thanks for the update, the prayers will continue.

12-08-2013, 12:12 PM
2013 has not been a stellar year around here either, but it could have been a lot worse!! Glad to hear you are starting to feel better! Keep it up! From our house to yours, prayers for a good recovery, a very Merry Christmas and a better year in 2014!

12-08-2013, 03:24 PM
Get well! Glad to hear you are feeling better! Hang in there and Merry Christmas!

Idaho Mule
12-08-2013, 04:17 PM
Welcome back Kieth, we're all pulling for you. JW

12-08-2013, 09:31 PM
My wife got me some padded hand weights, and I'm starting to use them. I need to at least try to rebuild my upper body, otherwise my neck operation will have been a waste. So far I'm not putting on much weight, I'm staying on my diet, keeping my blood sugar control, and eating extra lean protein at every meal.

All I lack is patience...

I read a prayer somewhere that went like this

"Lord, I need patience, and I need it right now"

Prayers going up for you and your wife. Looks like a long haul, but a good outcome down the road.


12-08-2013, 10:12 PM
I read a prayer somewhere that went like this

"Lord, I need patience, and I need it right now"

Prayers going up for you and your wife. Looks like a long haul, but a good outcome down the road.


If you were ever in any sport, you will understand this.

It's not a windsprint, it's an endurance run, like a marathon. Like, in football, when we had to run 10, 20 and 30 yards in windsprints in conditioning--then the 50 and 100 yard sprints, then the 440 yard run. You learned to "put out," but also to pace yourself, so you didn't lose it in the end. Keep the end in mind, that's what counts!

12-09-2013, 08:03 AM
I pray for you and your return.

12-09-2013, 01:14 PM
Good to hear from you again, and that you are getting better, even if it is slower than your liking. I've learned a lot from you posts and appreciate it.

As far as you saying "I really enjoy taking part in the discussions here, but I have to be awake and alert enough to comprehend what's going on around me." Don't worry about it. Heck, I obviously never concern myself with little details like that.

Take care of yourself, and don't rush things too much. I find whatever I don't get done now will still be there later waiting for me.

12-10-2013, 12:39 AM
You have my best wishes and prayers for a complete recovery. About 10 years ago I had C2-C7 disks removed and replaced with titanium rods and pins. 5 years ago I had lower back surgery for cleaning out bone spurs and calcium deposits. 3 years ago I underwent rotor cuff surgery on the right shoulder. Then in December of 2012, I had stents placed in both femoral arteries, as it seems I have PADS. I can't do what I once did, course that was 15 years ago, but I'm still going and not stopping. I know that you will do the same. Merry Christmas and think about doing things in miniature. Doesn't require a lot of space or tooling. Doll furniture, scale cannons, models, etc. You'll get to where you want to be.

Semper Fi!

12-10-2013, 12:55 AM
Okay that is close to my medical history... no stents and no neck surgery yet, lumbar laminectomy(they remove the back of the vertabrae) alongwith removing parts of the discs that were free floating, right shoulder rotator cuff twice, right wrist carpal tunnel, right knee bone spurs...

You have my best wishes and prayers for a complete recovery. About 10 years ago I had C2-C7 disks removed and replaced with titanium rods and pins. 5 years ago I had lower back surgery for cleaning out bone spurs and calcium deposits. 3 years ago I underwent rotor cuff surgery on the right shoulder. Then in December of 2012, I had stents placed in both femoral arteries, as it seems I have PADS. I can't do what I once did, course that was 15 years ago, but I'm still going and not stopping. I know that you will do the same. Merry Christmas and think about doing things in miniature. Doesn't require a lot of space or tooling. Doll furniture, scale cannons, models, etc. You'll get to where you want to be.

Semper Fi!

smoked turkey
12-10-2013, 01:27 AM
Keith: I was very glad to see your post. You have had your share of problems for a while. I appreciate your input on various things here and look forward to more of them in the future. Meanwhile do have patience and do as your health care providers say. Particularly your wife. Sounds like Christmas will be joyous around your house. My prayer are for your continued recovery and that you get to 100% sooner than later! Merry Christmas to you and your family.