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View Full Version : May as well rip my heart out and beat me with it...

12-07-2013, 09:17 AM
I've been working out of town, left very early on Tuesday. Was supposed to be home yesterday, but things ran a little long, and will be home today.

Wednesday evening I was talking to my 2yo girl on the phone, and she asked me "Daddy work?"

I saId "yes,sweetheart, daddy's still working".

Her reply... "GET HOME! GET HOME!"

I know she loves me...

Makes me feel like a tool being gone, but you go where the work is...


12-07-2013, 09:21 AM
Following the building trades I did a lot of traveling during my job career.Good luck

12-07-2013, 09:21 AM
I know what you mean. I have been away from my family way longer than I had initially planned on but as things go prices go up and you work where the work is with the goal of getting home as soon as you can.


12-07-2013, 10:13 AM
Yep I watched my kids grow up from one weekend to the next and sometimes from one month to the next, I will regret it as long as I live because no job is worth that! For almost twenty years I did this until I got fed up with being away and gave up to come home, I was surprised at how well and how fast things worked out and still wish I had done it sooner. The money was really good but what I missed I now know was priceless but it's too late, it just ain't worth it!!!!!!

12-07-2013, 10:33 AM
I know it is hard to be away from children and family, even if the best job is requiring absence. But these children will be grown before you turn around.

The following is my personal experience and I do not intend to tell any of you that you should do what I did, but I am glad to this day that I did so.

Back when my middle daughter, now 43, was an infant I was buying produce in 20 southern and southwestern states as well as Mexico. I lived in a rent car and airplane and sometimes missed weekends even because of harvest problems several states away. I was making more money than I ever imagined as I was good and drew commissions on all business. But one phone call home at night just wasn't cutting it. The crowning blow came when I returned after 2 long weeks on the road and Amy would not let me hold her. I gave a month's notice and finished up open contracts and came home to farm.

Sometimes there are blessings in disguise as I was offered a Department Head position out of the blue with a local college teaching agriculture and expanding the offerings of the department to include continuing education classes especially in shop classes. I could still farm full time and the job was a dream

Even as a grandfather I like to be involved with the daily activities of my children, be they first or second generation. The smiles on their faces today will never be repeated. I try to see as many smiles as possible. Children are just proof of God's blessings.

12-07-2013, 10:34 AM
My wife would tell me the kids would ask, "Wheres my daddy?" after I got home.
I work cook gear repair, lots of late days starting out, made it hard.
After a few years I started to get home in time to pick them up from school.
As they get older it not so bad, they understand "why" the late hours and long weeks.

12-07-2013, 10:45 AM
We are at the opposite end of this. Our daughter is a sophomore in college away from home. She wants to stay there next summer and work. We have mixed emotions on her being independent and growing up vs missing her at home. In the end it makes me proud that she is making her own way in the world.

12-07-2013, 11:35 AM
This is about as long as I've been gone in her lifetime.

My son is 11, and it doesn't affect him as much. W butt heads sometimes, both having red personalities...

But my girl is a daddy's girl.

I'm supposed to have a job change in the next few months, not really a pay raise, but moving into the office, from the field. Should mean more time at home.


12-07-2013, 12:05 PM
Almost 20 years ago I was making very good money, played golf twice a week, moving on up, but was constantly working every day except the two mornings a week for golf. My daughter was 2 1/2 and my son 6 mos old when I hurt my back. Fast forward a few years and I'm not making what I used to and am home a lot. My son's class homework one day was to complete the sentence "I know my Daddy loves me because..." His response was because he spends so much time with me.

I would not trade my daily pain for anything compared to what I gained. I say it this way, I got to grow up with my kids. Sometimes the sacrifices we think we need to make just aren't worth it for the dollars. Just my two cents.

Love Life
12-07-2013, 01:00 PM
Yeah, being away from the family is a bummer.

12-07-2013, 01:10 PM
Now that I think about it, it seems small compared to those of you that have spent much more time away serving for the rest of us...

My hats off to all of you,I don't know how you do it.
