View Full Version : Evapo-Rust works it's magic on another RCBS Uniflow Precision Mic

12-04-2013, 12:59 PM
Picked up a used small RCBS Uniflow Precision mic at a gun show on 1 Dec. Lot of interesting toys, but nothing that I couldn't live without. On the way out, I looked for something that I could use, and picked up the mic. Once again, the actual metering screw was slightly rusty, seems to be a normal occurrence. The other parts are blued, and were in very good shape.

Whipped out the Evapo-Rust, stuck the screw in a ziplock, and poured enough in the bag to cover the screw. Took it out today, and all the rust was gone. Rinsed it off in hot water, dried it off, then wiped it down with Breakfree.

Now all I need to do is buy another Uniflow with a small drum and I'm set....

:2 drunk buddies:

12-04-2013, 01:24 PM
Evapo-Rust works great, but for those who have never used it, let me tell you that once you rinse it off after removing the rust, be sure to coat it with some type of rust inhibitor right away. I've had steel molds literally rust in minutes after rinsing if not coated immediately. The humidity is high where I live, and within about 20 minutes the mold blocks were starting to show red all over them if not oiled.

Hope this helps.


12-05-2013, 01:45 AM
It took the blueing off the barrel on my tc scout, right down to pretty bare metal. (unintentionally)

Bullshop Junior
12-07-2013, 06:15 AM
I have been meaning to try it on the 12ga im working on.