View Full Version : Scoping a M/L using Permatex Ultra silicone sealer.

12-02-2013, 08:32 PM
A guy I used to work with that ran the San Jose Gear Shop at one time was showing me how strong Silicone can be. He made a wonderful set of displays on plywood boards that could be hung on the walls of our classrooms. He held the parts on with silicone sealer. One of these boards wieighed over 50 pounds with all the parts attached. It was displaying a lockup torque converter. After the thing had set up, we were able to pick up the whole board by hanging on to a component on each end. We are talking a 4 X 4 Sheet of plywood here full of automotive components.

So...on to the muzzleloader part. After using this stuff to bed in the barrell of my Marlin 62 with better than outstanding results, I decided to try it out on a nice little muzzle loading sidelock "Mule-ear" Navy Arms Poorboy in .36 that made it thru the Central California Quake of '89 with some small amount of stock damage. I "glued" the Weaver base onto the rifle with Silicone and let it sit for a day, being careful to line it up parallel with the bore. I mounted one of my "Extra" scopes on it (another story!)and I can pick it up by the scope and shake it and it doesn't come off. Still, you can slide an Xacto between the mount and the silicon and take it off no trouble. The remaining sealer comes off with a popsicle stick.

So, this is one of those projects for a blustery day when you're stuck inside. Gotta go shoot it maybe tomorrow (in between the snowflakes). Now to find those little .36 Maxi-balls-Oh yeah, they're out in the shed!

Hope to post target results here in a couple of weeks if the weather holds up. Sorry so long winded but didn't want to leave out any details.89313