View Full Version : Cramer Bullit sizer

11-19-2007, 10:20 AM
I won a Cramer Bullet Lube a sizer on evil-bay with a 30 cal sizing die and am now waiting for it to be shipped to me. Clearly this Sizer is either a clone or earlier production model of the curren Saeco model as the look identical.

This purchase was made as much as anything due to the fact of the included 30 cal sizer as I'm not set up for that yet and want to start casting for a Marlin 30-30 and a FR-8 308. Anyone with experence with this equipment that can provide feedback or comments woule be great.

Best creekwalker

11-24-2007, 07:49 PM
OK here's an update with a little more information, sorry no picture, will try to post one Monday, dial up and pictures are a PITA.

Any how, the Cramer Lubererasizer was made by the Cramer Bullet Mold Company in Hollywood CA. Hollywood CA sure was a meca of reloading equipment at one time wasn't it. Other than being filthy this luberasizer is in pretty nice condition for it's age and obvious use. I've never owned or used a Saeco luberasizer but the two sure do look a lot alike. This really makes me wonder if Cramer and Saeco were connected some way in the past.

Anyone that can scan and send a Saeco manual to me it would be appreciated. I'm still cleaning old lube and crud out very carefully but am probably going to use a heat gun tommorow to get the rest off the lube out. Oh BTW it has an unusual bench mounting arraingment in that it uses a bottom screw like the Lyman 55 PM but also has two top side holes to set screws in also.


11-25-2007, 09:12 AM
As I understand it, Cramer became Saeco (Santa Anita Engineering Company) when Bob Modisette (sp) bought the company. I might have the time line a little screwy as I'm going on memory. I'm betting they are virtually identical.

BTW- I was watching that auction, but missed the end because of work. I hate work.

11-25-2007, 01:20 PM
I really appreciate the information regarding the Cramer-Saeco product line. The outward appearance as well as the point of origin did lead me to suspect this as well as the North Hollywood CA connection. In comparison to my Lyman 450, this lube sizer is quite compact. Within the week, I should be receiving a near new Star Lube Sizer that I look forward to comparing to the Cramer and Lyman models I own.

Hopefully, I’ll obtain an owners manually for the Cramer/Saeco and a downloadable manual for the Star is readily available. Now with the exception of upgrading my 10# Saeco furnace, most likely with the addition of a Lee Pro Melt, and a few additional molds I’ll have a broader range of equipment. I’m really looking forward to getting back into casting again.

Creekwalker :coffee::castmine:

11-26-2007, 01:24 AM
...............Does the Cramer take a lube-size die that's threaded on the bottom like the Saeco dies?


11-26-2007, 12:14 PM
Buckshot I don’t know yet as I’m trying to find an older user manual for the early black painted model Saeco bullet lube sizers before I progress beyond cleaning the dried lube and crusted filth out of it. I’ve already learned that it uses a leather washer which will need replacement and has an unusual rod that partially covers the top cap with a hook.

This rod of course has a screw attached to its base, which secures the back portion of the die. Beyond that I need a little bit of time to sort things out, however everything moves freely and nothing appears to be broken. Die compatibility and or availability will be an excellent research project. Have you by chance had experience with the older Saeco or Cramer lube Sizers?


11-26-2007, 09:12 PM
OK took the Cramer apart tonight, it may look somewhat like the Saeco but it stops there. Buckshot the sizeing die does not screw in and out, it is a drop in, push out die retained by the top set screw I mentioned in my earlier post. Heard from Redding today, very nice people sent a JPeg of the current manual. So far my research hasn't turned up much on the this item. Does anyone have one of the very early Saeco Black painted Lube/Sizers? If so do you have any information you can share?
Here's a couple of phots of the Cramer



11-27-2007, 11:15 PM
take a look at early lyman lubers they look like cramer/saeco. also look at saeco and lyman melting pots.a lot of these tools were made by some one else or one of them made them all.lyman changed their pot when saeco went out of business.
I all ways wondered if there was a connection. [smilie=1::roll:

11-27-2007, 11:22 PM
Interesting comments TAWILDCATT, Redding Co Customer Service confirmed that the Cramer Bullet lube/sizer was indeed bought out by Saeco who Redding later aquired. You know I've got a mid 1970's Saeco 10# furnace and now I wonder if they made them for Lyman to during that time frame.


charlie / sw mo
11-27-2007, 11:31 PM
i have the cramer and the saeco sizers (1 ea) mounted on my bench. both of these were given to me after a house fire and i cleaned them up. ill see if i can get a pic tommarow. been a while but as i remember they looked the same but some of the parts i got from saeco didnt fit the cramer-- but whatever i did both are useable now.

charlie in sw mo