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View Full Version : Ruined my deer hunt

11-30-2013, 06:40 AM
So, I decide to go hunting a couple of days ago out behind the house. I'm down there about an hour and the wind starts to shift, totally wrong for this particular spot. I hear something coming in the dry leaves behind me, definitely 4 legs, right behind me and it stops. I'm on the ground, so I wait and it starts to move again back the way it came, so I ease around to look to the left and its a big ole coyote and he stops and looks straight at me. His body is hidden in the brush and he is looking around a tree, he looks away, and a thutty thutty j word goes right through his ear. That'll teach him to ruin my deer hunt, they are really thick around here and I need to specifically hunt them,I just haven't. My wife does her power walk on adjoining acerage and several times has had encounters where they showed no fear of humans, I've tried to convince her to carry her smith but she won't.

11-30-2013, 06:55 AM
We have a high population of coyotes in Indiana. I usually shoot and kill them while hunting. When one cuts through and I don't get a shot I don't stop deer hunting.

Last week a yote came thru under my stand running pretty fast. Needless to say I never got a chance to fire a shot before he blended in through the brush. Twenty minutes later I watched a doe "drag" in two decent bucks. The funny part is the deer came from the same direction the coyote just ran.

11-30-2013, 06:56 AM
Varmint calling is great fun.
Add it to your list of outdoor activities and kill two birds with one stone.....dale

11-30-2013, 08:08 AM
20 acres behind the house adjoining the woods I was hunting in is completely overgrown with blackberry bushes, so a lot of good cover. I have a little electronic pocket call, but am unsure how often I should call, what interval do you use? I can't afford a remote call right now. I'm thinkin the shotgun for calling as I have heard they just absolutely come running, 12 pump and 20 semi at my disposal and I'm thinkin they would get pretty close, thoughts?

11-30-2013, 08:33 AM
I got my first coyote on 11/27/13 while deer hunting behind my house. 45-50 yd shot with my 12 ga using slugs. Shot right through the front shoulders. Here's a pic. Incidentally, our two outside cats have not been seen in well over a week. One of them was MY cat.


11-30-2013, 08:47 AM
Castingfool, that's a very healthy looking 'yote! Nice full coat and super bushy tail. Looks like that 'yote just got back from the groomers. That would make a really nice floor rug in a head on pelt.

11-30-2013, 09:06 AM
furs will bring lead money .... only good yote is a dead ONE

11-30-2013, 09:13 AM
I saw a big full length coat made out of coyote once. It looked real warm.

11-30-2013, 09:25 AM
Odd I should stumble onto this thread. Upon returning home from work late yesterday afternoon my wife tod me about a coyote sighting. Just after noon about 50yds behind our house. Didn't seem in a hurry or nervous. When our three bird dogs spotted it thru the den windows and started barking it slowly made an exit. No wonder the dogs pause before they step off the deck for night time potty breaks.

11-30-2013, 10:28 AM
Back when I lived in California, I was up just before 5:00 a.m. getting ready for work and a whole bunch of coyotes were yapping it up just across the street. I turned on the Internet and looked up to see if there was some sort of "language guide to coyote talk" on Google. There were some sounds you could listen too and as I was listening and the noise was going out the window, all the coyotes outside stopped ...

I wondered if they were thinking, "That must be some bad-a** coyote! He even lives in a house!"

11-30-2013, 10:55 AM
My cat and two ducks disappeared this year. I am sure the yotes got them. A little hard to shoot on my property the tracts out here are 1-5 acres.

I keep the 12 gauge handy just in case I get a chance. No danger to the neighbors with that. I'm worried the GSP's may be next.

At the lease I kill every Yote I can.

11-30-2013, 11:22 AM
There are few states that don't have a more than abundant population of them now.

11-30-2013, 08:54 PM
Yea yoddle pups love kitties.

Bad Water Bill
11-30-2013, 10:03 PM
My neighbor decided to buy 5 acres and build his retirement home.

He told the realtor he wanted a 4' cyclone fence around his property so his 2 German Shephards could play all day.

He was told that a single coyote would love that.

But my male weighs 120# was his answer.

Good as the yotes need some fat with each meal was the answer.

Never heard anything after they moved but my money would be on the yote or pack.

Both of their dogs LACKED a lot of obedience training.

11-30-2013, 10:05 PM
20 acres behind the house adjoining the woods I was hunting in is completely overgrown with blackberry bushes, so a lot of good cover. I have a little electronic pocket call, but am unsure how often I should call, what interval do you use? I can't afford a remote call right now. I'm thinkin the shotgun for calling as I have heard they just absolutely come running, 12 pump and 20 semi at my disposal and I'm thinkin they would get pretty close, thoughts?

I'm an avid coyote caller hence my moniker. I like to give three or four squeaks every five minutes or so. Sometimes they'll be in my lap before I'm done calling the first set. Sometimes it may be 30 minutes before they show. Most times if there's not a dog in 5 minutes there's not one coming.
Lots of people use shotguns with heavy loads but I prefer a rifle. Woody

11-30-2013, 11:04 PM
I try to set so I can face downwind. Most if not all will circle downwind before they come in. Most often the circle will be well inside of 50 yds but a call shy dog may circle way out. You have to shoot before they catch your scent.

11-30-2013, 11:09 PM
Those dogs would tear those yotes to pieces. We run totes with plots all the time they run like the vermin they are.

Bad Water Bill
12-01-2013, 12:06 AM
Those dogs would tear those yotes to pieces. We run totes with plots all the time they run like the vermin they are.

Might happen if they could run more than 30',the distance from the back door to their poop area.

Both of these dogs are FAT lap dogs. They never were taken for a WALK around the block ever in 6 years that they lived here.

Coyotes are either in EXCELLENT shape or DEAD.

12-01-2013, 12:18 AM
Castingfool, that's a very healthy looking 'yote! Nice full coat and super bushy tail. Looks like that 'yote just got back from the groomers. That would make a really nice floor rug in a head on pelt.

I thought it was a very good looking coyote, too, but it only weighed 24 lbs. A guy I know, who's more familiar with the local coyotes told me he thought that one was a young one. males around here get up to 45 lbs, and females 30-35 lbs.

12-01-2013, 07:24 AM
Thanks for the calling advice, gotta couple extra days off work, gonna give it a try. This time I'll take pics.

12-01-2013, 07:42 AM
Here in southwest Michigan, it's legal to use rifles for coyotes during the day, but at night, you have to use a shotgun.

12-01-2013, 09:12 AM
I don't worry too much over the coyotes I see while hunting. What gets my goat is the dogs I've seen while hunting my acreage. Last week I saw 5 different ones while hunting. Even had to call the wife from the woods to tell her to pack the Smith when she takes ours out for a walk. I like dogs and really don't want to kill someones pet but I am at my last straw. Went to talk with my neighbors and no one knows who they belong to. They don't look abandoned, too much body fat but no collars! Deputy Sheriff lives a couple of houses away and told me Arkansas has no laws pertaining to dogs causing trouble. I guess I'll be implementing, Shoot, Shovel and Shut-up!


12-01-2013, 09:16 AM
Lucky we have none here yet but some have been seen not too far away.
Shoot them, let them lay and keep deer hunting. The shot will not stop deer.

square butte
12-01-2013, 09:33 AM
Didn't think there was a place left in the US where coyotes hadn't invaded.

12-01-2013, 02:46 PM
I guess I'll be implementing, Shoot, Shovel and Shut-up!

If the feral dogs were caught, they would wind up being euthanized anyway, so you save yourself some tax dollars by doing it for them.
I hate doing it too, but just like the predator and feral hog issues, it keeps things in balance.

12-01-2013, 04:55 PM
I've heard about coyotes being a problem up my parents' way. They retired to NE Georgia. There's been bear sightings lately, supposedly the bears haven't got their fill to hibernate yet and are desperate.

My mom fired a shot in anger at a feral dog that tried to attack hers. She missed but that still did the job. I'm not so sure the .38 I gave her would be so good against a bear, but is better than nothing. Dad has started to carry his Bulldog in his pocket instead of relying on a 9x18.

I'd just open carry on the property if I were the

Dad has been keeping a rifle handy in case he sees a yote outside handgun range. We'd sure hate to lose any of the beagles.

12-01-2013, 09:48 PM
Winelover, the SSS program is in full effect here in our area. Too many people do NOT restrain their dogs and they will run in packs and attach deer and cattle. If found do dame then Shoot, Shovel and Shupup, works for me. Y'all take care, John.

12-01-2013, 10:05 PM
What's a 'yote pelt worth these days, and where do you sell them?

There thick as thieves out back, and I think it would be pretty fun to try calling some...

12-01-2013, 10:07 PM
We hear them all the time at my place in north east PA. But it's extremely rural and wooded. I'm hesitant to call them in for fear of my dog getting out while they're in the area. I don't know of any sightings where I live in south east PA. But it's really built up. It's only a matter of time before they're here. The ones up north are the larger variety that have been breeding w/ wolves. I have more problems with the large fox population destroying the pheasant and small game population. PA finally put up a bounty for every coyote you bring in.

12-01-2013, 10:36 PM
What's a 'yote pelt worth these days, and where do you sell them?

There thick as thieves out back, and I think it would be pretty fun to try calling some...

I want to say prime western yotes last year went somewhere around a hundred bucks. NAFA is the biggest market for them, but you will also have some local buyers.

12-01-2013, 11:11 PM
Wolves nearly always kill the coyotes they catch. Never heard of them cross breeding. Doesn't mean they don't, just that I have never heard of it.

I've lived here in the far west where we have LOTS of coyotes for 68 years and have never heard of them cross breeding, so I don't think cross breeding is very common if they do.

Coyotes feast on kitties. If you don't kill every damn one that is anywhere near your house, keep your kitties and small dogs indoors, or stay with them when they are outside. Coyote doesn't much care if you have your pet on a leash, nowadays they will just come up on your pet and chomp away.

Coyotes down on the FIL's place would tease the farm dogs out away from the house and then the pack would tear the farm dog to pieces. It took a BIG TOUGH dog to go out amongst 'em and come back intact.

12-01-2013, 11:41 PM
A big coyote is likely a feral dog/coyote cross, pretty common here in TX. Big, aggressive and not afraid of much.

12-02-2013, 01:14 AM
What's a 'yote pelt worth these days, and where do you sell them?

There thick as thieves out back, and I think it would be pretty fun to try calling some...

Fur prices are up quite a bit this season, a couple prime yote hides should buy ya an 8lber of powder or 3K primers.....are you headed out yet? Hides from around here aren't worth what your northern hides are, but I've already shot enough to pay for 2yrs worth of shootin' supplies and I'm not near done for the year.:Fire:

12-02-2013, 02:05 AM
do not under estimate the coyote in any way shape or form. a deer hunter in ct who I know nailed a nice 4 point with a Bow. waited some time and went looking for it. found it laying in a clearing next to a stream.while checking it out something moved to his right on checking tony spotted 3 yotes about 15 yards off glaring at him and moving around him. turning to his left there was 2 more. slowly moving back towards the woods. the yotes moved in on the dead deer."In ct hunters can not carry a hand gun into the woods during hunting season as back up" at this point tony tried to scare them off by shooting one with his bow. nothing. shot another one. yotes keep working the deer. tony got back to his truck and home. to this day he will not hunt with out a handgun on him no matter the season. he says the state of ct can go pound sand. Also remember the young singer up in cape Breton nova scotia went for a jog in a state park hiking trail with people all around her within 20 yards got jumped by two yotes. people heard her screams and got to her within minutes scared the coyotes off. all to late.
the girl died later that day. so watch your self & your animals.


12-02-2013, 07:26 AM
Good advice gandy.

12-02-2013, 09:59 AM
Wolves nearly always kill the coyotes they catch. Never heard of them cross breeding. Doesn't mean they don't, just that I have never heard of it.


It's old news here. They are noticeably larger. I've been told that the hybrids have made it down to Florida by a friend that lives down there.

Captain Capsize
12-02-2013, 11:40 AM
I don't know about hybrids making it to Fl. but average yotes sure have. Late one afternoon one walked down my street on Merritt Island (note: ISLAND, the only access is by a bridge or causeway) right in front of my house. My neighbor saw it and hollered to me. I live on a dead end street that ends in a 6' high chain link fence. There is a big ground hugging tree on my side of the fence so my neighbor and I walk over there to get a better look, the yote was on the other side of the fence walking away and looking back at us. I found it hard to believe that he scaled a 6' fence but there is no other to get on the other side. The next day I was reading a description of coyotes and it said they are capable of scaling an 8' fence in pursuit of prey!

12-02-2013, 08:40 PM
this is why I like a rabbit call in my side pocket.

12-02-2013, 09:02 PM
I used to let them pass when I saw them der hunting, now I have adopted a policy that if I see one and have something that shoots, they get shot at.

I don't want to see them eradicated, but I do want them to maintain a healthy respect of humans. On Fort Irwin, California where they couldn't be shot, they grew big and healthy and didn't fear anything. They used to spook me a little out there. In rural Kansas, they tend to make tracks fast if a human is around which is how it should be.

12-02-2013, 09:05 PM
this is why I like a rabbit call in my side pocket.

Not me, I keep mine around my neck and tucked into my chest pocket in my vest. Woody

12-02-2013, 09:16 PM
around my neck is my deer call. I don't like to look at calls to seperate them!

12-02-2013, 09:38 PM
around my neck is my deer call. I don't like to look at calls to seperate them!
Makes sense to me. Woody

12-03-2013, 02:24 PM
Take a fox call and blow it different to sound like a fawn in distress. A doe will charge in.

12-03-2013, 02:40 PM
Tree huggers are stupid. Yotes are wild animals and dangerous. Shoot the things, they get out of control.
Long ago we had tons of rabbits and birds until the huggers got involved and fur lost value. Yotes kill deer and anything they can. Trappers are rare because they don't make money. Trappers helped small game, it is no more.
Balance is gone. Liberal creeps that want to protect until it hurts them.

Bad Water Bill
12-03-2013, 02:53 PM
ATTENTION Tree huggers.

You have won.

Now you will soon have a coyoye for every house on your block.

A cougar for every town as well as a pack of your very own timber wolves.

Now THEY have the RIGHT to decide which of your loved ones to have for lunch every week.

12-03-2013, 04:50 PM
Here in southwest Michigan, it's legal to use rifles for coyotes during the day, but at night, you have to use a shotgun.

In Texas and New Mexico you can't use anything larger than a .50 BMG :) but in NM you can't use artificial light at night. :(


12-03-2013, 05:29 PM
Sucks you can't use a spotlight here in NM but an ATN night vision scope on an AR sure works well.

12-05-2013, 12:32 AM
there are quite a lot of trappers around , if your looking for one in your area you might look over on trapper man forum , we are everywhere but tend not to advertize much

there is also a fur buyer list by state so you can find a buyer for your pelts , you will find videos on the site on how to skin them right , or freeze them and find a buyer , the amount of damage done from some rifles or buck shot can reduce pelt value but they still have some.

12-05-2013, 11:59 AM
Back in October, during Archery season, I saw a very large coyote chasing a doe through the woods. When I say large, I mean that I honestly thought it was a full grown German Shepard until it was within 50 yards of my stand. I could not get a shot on him with the bow. If he shows up again during rifle season it will hopefully be a different story. I have heard them howling many times while waiting on the side of some logging road after dark following a hunt. I plan to do some focused coyote hunting after deer season but before our spring turkey season begins this year.

12-05-2013, 06:05 PM
Lucky we have none here yet but some have been seen not too far away.
Shoot them, let them lay and keep deer hunting. The shot will not stop deer.

Trust me Jim, you know I am not far from you as the crow flies. I have seen several over the last few years around my place.

They have learned a lot from "Man", so the first places they start to populate are were the game they usually take or common! Like cats, mice, rabbits, small dogs, garbage, etc,. They will go after larger game, but not when there is just one, but get several in a pack and they are worse than wild dogs.

You probably haven't heard any because (the yotes) can't hear anything for a week when that .480 of yours go's off so they run over my way, LOLAL!

The following is well said/true:

Tree huggers are stupid. Yotes are wild animals and dangerous. Shoot the things, they get out of control.
Long ago we had tons of rabbits and birds until the huggers got involved and fur lost value. Yotes kill deer and anything they can. Trappers are rare because they don't make money. Trappers helped small game, it is no more.
Balance is gone. Liberal creeps that want to protect until it hurts them.

12-06-2013, 06:20 AM
I am 60 yrs old and in my lifetime rabbits and quail have all but disappeared here in east central Georgia. They were the staples of southern hunting. Deer and turkey populations increased dramatically into the 80's. Then the yotes started showing up and life was good for them. All they could eat all the time. Now as I said quail and rabbits are virtually gone. Deer numbers are way down and so are the turkeys. Yote numbers seem at an all time high and they're becoming bolder and in suburbia pets are at top of menu. We need a bounty on these invasive predators while there is still game to preserve for the next generation!!!

12-08-2013, 01:34 AM
I don't worry too much over the coyotes I see while hunting. What gets my goat is the dogs I've seen while hunting my acreage. Last week I saw 5 different ones while hunting. Even had to call the wife from the woods to tell her to pack the Smith when she takes ours out for a walk. I like dogs and really don't want to kill someones pet but I am at my last straw. Went to talk with my neighbors and no one knows who they belong to. They don't look abandoned, too much body fat but no collars! Deputy Sheriff lives a couple of houses away and told me Arkansas has no laws pertaining to dogs causing trouble. I guess I'll be implementing, Shoot, Shovel and Shut-up!


Been there done that. Preditors are preditors wether coyotes or dogs killing your stock.

12-08-2013, 07:57 AM
I have a friend who raises cattle. He told me that last year he lost a calf to coyotes, just after it was born. The year before, he lost another one, too. He's had a guy come out, and supposedly taken 5 or 6 coyotes, but obviously that's not enough. Wish I had time to help him out, I could use some fur money to buy components.

ebner glocken
12-09-2013, 01:10 AM
Nekshot, wolfer.....sounds like you have similar problems we face in my parts.
