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View Full Version : Really liking Cabela's this morning.

11-29-2013, 11:34 AM
Well, thanks to a 3 hour nap after lunch yesterday, here I am staring at the ceiling at 3:30 this morning. Couldn't get back to sleep, so put a pot of coffee on and jumped in the shower. I'm clean and dressed and coffee's done, so now what? Hey!!! Cabela's opens at 5 this morning and I'll bet they've got some 22 ammo today. I remember the daughter saying there are gift cards and prizes for the first 600 people in line. Don't think there's anyway there will be 600 people in line when I get there about 4:30. Boy was I wrong!! Parking lot is about full and they're parking in the fields on both sides. Get lucky and find a spot in the lot, but it's on the far corner from where the line is.

Well I get in line and visit with the people around me. We trade stories about going to the big sidewalk sale at the store down in Sydney NE. After a bit Santa comes along passing out candy canes and hand warmers. A bit later there is a gal passing out coffee and hot chocolate. About 15 minutes before the store opens comes a guy handing out the gift cards. He only has maybe a couple dozen after I get one. Boy I got in just under the wire. Wasn't sure how to open it in the dark. I thought maybe you had to wait til the check-out to open it or it would be void. Couple in front of me opened theirs and they were for $10 each. Well I got mine pried open and " Woohoo it's a $100 gift card!"

Well, I head straight for where the 22 ammo normally is and there's none there. Some one said it's out in the main aisle on a table. I work my way over about 30 feet to the main aisle and the whole place is literally shoulder to shoulder. Get up to the table and all they have is the bulk packs of 300 in the Winchester wooden box. I grab two and move on. Thought I'd grab some ammo for stocking stuffers for my son and son in law. Couldn't find what I wanted so now what? Reloading supplies!! Hmmm, no powder to speak of. No brass I can use. No J words that interest me. Ooooh, look primers. Grabbed a brick of small pistol and a brick of small rifle.

Oh my God!!! Look at the check out line. Daughter is out at sales and the wife wants to leave for work at 6, so I need to be home to watch my grand daughter. Well the line is moving much faster than I expected. They've got employees directing traffic and two people working each register. Get to the check out and it's a limit of one on the 22 ammo. Oh well I'll get all this for free. Clerk tells me congratulations on the hundred dollar gift card and hands it back to me with almost $8 credit on it. All right , I'm out the door and home by 5 minutes to 6.

Man!!! 2 bricks of primers and 300 rounds of 22 ammo for free and all before 6 AM. Could the day get any better?

11-29-2013, 11:47 AM
Sounds like a great morning. Not sure how busy it was at the Ft Worth store, I think my sister went to try & pick up a smoker.

Swamp Man
11-29-2013, 01:12 PM
What a score.

11-29-2013, 01:22 PM
Glad you got some stuff!

But.............I value my sleep! Got up at 8:45 and put the Joe on. No big whoop.

I hate lines and so-called sales.

Here in a VERY big metro area, people go crazy for everything after Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.


11-29-2013, 01:56 PM
Im just happy you you were not stabbed or shot

11-29-2013, 04:09 PM
great score happy u made it in time :drinks:

11-29-2013, 04:33 PM
9w1911, apparently your Cabela's is in a lot rougher neighborhood than ours is.

11-29-2013, 05:27 PM
Good for You! I never win gift cards. I did show up at Walmart several days ago and they had 100rd boxes of Yellowjacket 22 for $9.95 so I bought 3 of them which is the limit. I guess thats pretty good but the Friday stuff? It had better be a sports store like Cabelas or no dice at all.

11-29-2013, 07:34 PM
Congrats! Wish there was one near me. Until then it is mail order. I did visit one in Lehigh Utah and was impressed.

Didn't get any gift cards like you did but I got a great deal on Stand Hunter coveralls.

11-29-2013, 08:02 PM
Congrats! I thought about fighting crowds for a run to one of the new Cabela's here in Denver. Fortunately that silly idea passed within a few seconds. I might be able to handle Rapid City sized crowds but Denver crowds are just too much for me. Since I grew up in Custer, going to Rapid was a trip to the big city. I still don't do crowds well.

11-29-2013, 09:19 PM
SIL, GK & just went shooting. No stores for us today. On the way home he asked what I wanted for Christmas - I said LEAD! He asked where I got it and ordered me 50# from Roto. Free shipping, no tax and 10% discount - he was happy too.

11-29-2013, 09:20 PM
My wife wanted a smoker that Cabela's has on sale for black friday. She found it on their website for less than it was on sale. Plus one on avoiding the odiocy/ madness of the crowds.

11-30-2013, 12:00 PM
I hate to even open the front door on black Friday. The insane season is upon us and there will be very little in the way of shopping for me until well after new years day. Does anyone have any idea what any of this insanity might have to do with Christmas? The local Lowes Store was fully decked out with Christmas stuff in the middle of September. I've avoided the place since then.

Congrats on your gift card, not sure I would have gone had I known I would get one.


11-30-2013, 12:04 PM
If they were smart they would hold sales several times a year and they could be in the black by April instead of november. They can keep their black fridays. Never been out and never plan on being out. Bah humbug

11-30-2013, 01:12 PM
My motto has always been:


Especially since I worked retail for too many Black Fridays.

I spent yesterday with my family, including my new nephew. It was his first birthday so pretty special all around. Much better than fighting the crowds. Congratulations on the gift card win, though. I never win those types of things. If I had been there I would have been the guy in line right after they ran out. :-?
