View Full Version : .30 (.311) mold descriptions for Lyman / Ideal molds

11-26-2013, 02:54 PM
Apologies, some EARLY morning trips to go sit in a (very) cold deer blind here in Wisconsin. After some thought, I will just slam in the Lyman HCB '58 comments, and go back later and cross-check for earlier 308 moulds. Now if I used two separate screens... [ed.]

Scrounged up some descriptions for .311 diameter molds from a variety of sources. If some of you-all have better descriptions from Ideal or Lyman catalogs, please post to this thread with the correction or description of the boolit.

NOTE: Many .311 molds started out as .308 molds. So all of the .30 caliber information in the Lyman '58 HCB is on the .311, but the origin of the mold was with a .308 mold. We must understand the past to comprehend the present. [ed.]

NOTE: Entries for a .311 mold that originated as a .308 mold will not be carried over to the .311 post, but the .311 entry will point to the .308 post for the description. [ed.]

Disclaimer: It is well known that (at times) cherries have been used too long, with undersized cavities resulting. Some throats are too big compared to the groove diameter. Over time, manufacturers held different tolerances and dimensions for the chamber and bore. Different alloys will turn out different diameters. What follows below is simply a collection of the various Ideal and Lyman mold descriptions, which does NOT mean that any particular mold will cast a boolit like you expect. What does this mean? Slug your bore if you don't know the bore/groove dimensions for your gun. If the mold is undersize, you may have to beagle / lap it out some. [ed]

NOTE: Any loads mentioned are taken from period documents, and are not in any way tested. Please refer to modern loading manuals for safe loads. [ed]

A fellow servant to the heavy metal :coffeecom

3111 Designed for .303 British, also good in 200 and 225 grains for the .30 caliber cartridges. See 3081

3112 Designed for .30-30. Can be furnished in a number of specified weights. See 3082

3113 Designed for .30 marlin. Can be furnished in a number of specified weights. See 3083

3114 Designed for .30 Winchester. Can be furnished in a number of specified weights. See 3084

3116 Designed by Mr. Beardsley of the Bridgeport Implement Co. Lighter weights are also good for 30 caliber cartridges. See 3086

3117 This bullet is for the old standard .32-35 Stevens and Maynard rifles. See 3087

3118 Designed for the .32-20 rifles and pistols. 30 caliber rifle users find this bullet fine for indoors at 25 yards or small game with 2 grains of Bullseye. (PB, FN, 115 - TP is 8)

31110 Designed for .303 Savage, short range. For this, and .30-40, use 5 grains of Unique. See 30810.

31111 Regular standard U.M.C. bullet for .32-20 Marlin and Colts. (PB, FN, 100 - TP is 8)

31112 A well balanced bullet giving good bearing and sufficient lubrication. With the 130 grain weight use 7 grains of Unique in the .30-30 or .30-40 Krag rifles. See 30812

31114 A good short range bullet with wide grease grooves and choice of weights, good for most 30 caliber and 32 caliber cartridges. (PB, FN, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225 - TP is 8)

31122 Same design as the 31123 only lighter in weight. (PB, RN, ? - TP is 468)

31123 Long throated bullet with very little bearing and one grease groove. (PB, FN, ? - TP is 8)

31125 This bullet is made especially for .303 British rifles. It is the same length and shape as the jacketed bullet in .303 Eley cartridge. (PB, RN, 240 - TP is 465)

31133 Same design as 3118 only with hollow point which increases killing power of the .32-20 rifles. (PB, HP, 100 - TP is 8)

31141 173 gr.FN GC
31142 Adjust. RN
311041 173 gr.FN GC

311157 This has the same shape as the .32-40 Marlin. (PB, FN ? - TP is 8)

311206 This is the 308206 Kephart bullet. (TP is 465)

311223 An early design for the .30-40, nose diameter .290, bands .310. (PB, RN, 205 - TP is 445)

311224 Same as the 311223 with nose diameter .300. (PB, RN, 195 - TP is 465)

311227 Designed for the .32 Auto. (?, RN, 90 - TP is 465)

311234 Can be deep seated with ample lubrication for light loads in 30 calibers. (?, FN, ? - TP is 8)

311240 A well designed bullet for light squirrel loads in the 30 caliber cartridges. (PB, RN, ? - TP is 465)

311241 A very accurate and reliable bullet for all 30 calibers up to 200 yards. (PB, RN, ? - TP is 465)

311243 154 gr. RN

311245 This bullet was designed especially for the U.S. Marine Corps for 25 yard short range work with the .30-40 Krag. Proper charge for 3.5 grains Bullseye or 4 grains Unique. (PB, RN, 87 - TP is 465)

311252 Designed for the .32 Colt or .32 Savage pistols. 30 caliber rifle users find this bullet fine for indoors at 25 yards or small game with 2 grains of Bullseye. (PB, RN, 77 - TP is 465)

311255 Similar to 311241 except this bullet has a dirt catcher band and groove. Good for the .30-30 and other 30 calibers. (PB, RN, 115 - TP is 465)

311256 An early design for the .30-40 with the front band measuring .316 to take up the space between the case and the bore and to seal off the gasses. (PB, RN, 220 - TP is 465)

311257 Lightweight plain base bullet for the 30 calibers. (PB, RN, ? - TP is 465)

311259 Another early design (refer to 311256), nose .300 dia, 1st band .327, balance .310 dia. (PB, RN, 200 - TP is 467)

311264 Designed with dirt catcher band and groove, with crimping groove just behind this (PB, FN, ? - TP is 8)

311268 Another early design (refer to 311256), nose .300 dia, 1st band .319 dia, balance .311 dia. (PB, RN, 175 - TP is 467)

311274 Good 30 caliber, plain base bullet with wide bands and ample lubricating grooves. (PB, RN, 195 - TP is 346)

311276 An early German design Schutzen bullet. (refer to 311256), nose .302, 1st band .317, base band .308 (PB, RN, ? - TP is 467)

311277 Another early German design bullet. (refer to 311256), nose .302, 1st band .317, base band .308 (PB, RN, ? - TP is 467)

311278 Designed for the .30-40 Krag for use at 100 and 200 yards. Recommended by Dr. Hudson. (PB, SP, 197 - TP is 278)

311279 Plain base bullet designed for .30-40 Krag but gives excellent results for medium loads in other 30 calibers. (PB, SP, ? - TP is 278)

311280 An early design for the .30-06. (PB, TC(?), ? - TP is 278)

311281 Designed for the .30-06. Long nose of .300 dia. makes very practical plain base bullet for 30 calibers. (PB, FN, ? - TP is 8)

311282 A well designed bullet for the .303 British or .30-40 Krag or other 30 calibers for medium range loads. (PB, RN, ? - TP is 467)

311284 Designed for .30-40 Krag, but excellent for all 30 calibers. Very accurate up to 600 yards. (GC, SP, 214 - TP is 467)

311287 Plain base with front band and groove for dirt catcher. A well desined bullet for the 30 calibers. (PB, RN, 176 - TP is 467)

311288 A fine plain base bullet for .30-30 and other 30 calibers. (PB, RN, ? - TP is 467) [illus marked "7th N.Y. 30-40" ed.]

311290 Fine gas check bullet for the 30 calibers. (GC, SP, 210 - TP is 467)

311291 Designed for the .30-30, .303 Savage and .30 Remington cartridges, but most popular for all 30 caliber rifles. (GC, RN, 170 - TP is 465)

311299 Designed for the .303 British for use from 200 to 600 yards. (GC, RN, 202 - TP is 467)

311304 A good plain base bullet for the 30 caliber to be used on varmint. (PB, RN, ? - TP is 8)

311316 Designed for high velocity in the .32-20. Also good for light plinking loads in 30 calibers. With .32-20 rifle suggest 5.5 grains Unique. (GC, FN, 112 - TP is 8)

311329 Designed for the .30-06. Good for target work from 200 to 500 yards. (GC, SP, 185 - TP is 329)

311331 Designed for the .30-06. They shoot well even in worn barrels sized to .311. Good for 200 to 500 yards. (GC, RN, 218 - TP is 466)

311332 Excellent for the .30-06 and similar to the 311413 with a long bearing surface on nose which measures .300 diameter. (GC, SP, 180 - TP is 413)

311333 An excellent gas check bullet for the .30-06 and other 30 calibers. (GC, RN, 197 - TP is 278)

311334 Designed for .30-40 Krag or .30-06. Splendid accuracy up to and including 600 yards. Most suitable for military shooting and recruit qualification. (GC, SP, 190 - TP is 413)

311335 Similar to 311299 with the nose .300 and wider base bands. (GC, SP, 206 - TP is 467)

311340 A good gas check bullet for the .30-06 and other 30 calibers. (GC, RN, ? - TP is 329)

311351 Has deep grease groove just before gas check. (GC, RN, ? - TP is 329)

311359 Pointed bullet for .32-20 loaded single shot, and good for all 30 calibers. (GC, SP 115 - TP is 467)

311365 Designed by F.W. Kachelries for the .30-06. (GC, RN, ? - TP is 329)

311375 Same as 311413 only with nose shape of 311284. (GC, SP, 168 - TP is 413)

311397 A long-throated pointed gas check bullet for the .30-06 and other 30 calibers. (GC, RN, 195 - 312)

311403 Designed by Harry Pope for extreme accuracy with the .30-06. Should be shot as cast. Bullet seated with fingers so mouth of case extends only half way up base band. (PB, FN, ? - TP is 8)

311407 A flat nose bullet with Loverin type grooves. (GC, FN, 180 - TP is 445)

311410 Designed for light loads in 30 calibers. (PB, SP, 130 - TP is 467)

311413 The most popular bullet for the .30-06. Excellent accuracy up to 600 yards and good for small game. Also very good for other 30 calibers. (GC, SP, 169 - TP is 413)

311414 (GC, SP, 150 - TP is 329)

311419 An excellent small squirrel bullet for the 30 calibers. (GC, FN, 88 - TP is 8)

311437 Similar to 311413 but with long gas check band for 30 calibers. (GC, SP, 169? - TP is 413)

311440 Excellent blunt nose gas check bullet for 30 calibers. (GC, FN, 147 - TP is 470)

311441 Good lightweight bullet designed for 32 and 30 calibers. (GC, FN, 117 -TP is 8)

311445 ? 95 gr. SWC

311465 A very popular design by H. Guy Loverin for short range work. (GC, RN, 122 - TP is 465)

311466 Designed by H. Guy Loverin. Reported very accurate up to 600 yards. A very good game bullet even for the .30-30. (GC, RN, 152 - TP is 467)

311467 Excellent results even up to 1000 yards with this bullet. Designed by H. Guy Loverin. (GC, RN, 177 - TP is 467)

311576 123 gr. RN GC
311644 177 gr. FN GC
311672 160 gr. RN GC