View Full Version : Bottling Moose, Caribou, Deer, etc...

11-23-2013, 05:12 PM
In terms of bottling moose, caribou or deer, etc... the process is pretty simple and can be done on top of the stove or with a pressure cooker. Start with sterilized bottles. Boil lids.

Recipe for pint bottle :

Cube meat to desired size.
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon onion, diced.
1 teaspoon onion soup mix (optional)

Other spices, ingredients to taste. i.e., pepper, hot peppers, etc...

Pack bottle to 1/4 inch of mouth/top of bottle. Place lids on top and screw rings hand tight. Fill pot or pressure cooker with water sufficient to cover 3/4 height of bottles. Make sure water doesn't boil off. Otherwise bottles will break. If water must be added, make sure it is already boiling. Cold water and hot mason jars do not mix. Its a good idea to elevate the bottles off the bottom of the pot for added safety.

Normal cooking times is 3 hrs via stove top method once water is at a full boil. 1.5 hrs using pressure cooker.

Quart bottles:

Same process and instructions as for pint bottles.

1 tablespoon salt (table, kosher or sea salt will work)
1-2 tablespoons of onion, diced
1 tablespoon of onion soup mix (optional)

Other spices, ingredients to taste.

As the bottles cool, the lids should pop, indicating a proper seal. Screw rings tight and you're done. As long as the seal is unbroken and bottles properly stored. (cool, dry area out of direct sunlight).

Hope this helps.


11-23-2013, 11:15 PM
Warning! Meat should only be pressure canned for safety. Yes it was done water bath in old times, and a lot of people died from "natural causes" back then too.

Lloyd Smale
11-24-2013, 07:30 AM
Listen to MaryB!!! Meat should never be canned by any method other then using a pressure cooker!!

11-24-2013, 07:50 AM
Pressure cooker only for meat, all kinds. Listen to MaryB

11-24-2013, 08:45 AM
No mention of pressure or altitude and a generic cooking time. Follow the pressure canning instructions to the tee that are in the books. No one wants botulism.