View Full Version : Brittle wads

Bullshop Junior
11-23-2013, 01:39 AM
Alright guys. Is there anyway to save these? I got about 1000 of them off of a fellow on the internet, and finally got a chance to try to load some today. As you can see, they just fell apart. The few i did manage to get loaded blew to dust goind down the barrel and the pattern was horrible even at 10'. Ive tried baking them in the oven to try to get them to soften up, as well as the microwave. They softened a little but they still break if you try to bend the peddles. Is there a way to try to save them, or should i take it as a loss, toss them out, and order new ones?


11-23-2013, 01:48 AM
Use them as packing material???

Bullshop Junior
11-23-2013, 01:52 AM
Use them as packing material???

Maybe. I was kinda hoping to figure out a way to save them. I have wasted about 50 of them running my own experiments and havnt had a whole lot of luck. They did soften some so you could at least bend the peddles some, but they will still break off at the fully open point most of the time.

11-23-2013, 01:52 AM
The scary part is if you loaded them and they fell apart inside the case or barrel it could change the pressure to very high levels. Loading a shotgun by just changes any of the varibles can be very hazardous. Definitely get rid of brittle wads.
At least I would.


11-23-2013, 11:07 AM
I have the opposite problem with some old wads I acquired recently. Picked up two bags of Activ t-42's because I thought they would make a good twelve pellet O buck wad in a straight walled case. These wads are over 25 years old, and too soft to use for buckshot. They get absolutely shredded even with a mild load. Thankfully, they didn't cost much. Looks like they will be "packing material" this Christmas.

11-23-2013, 11:35 AM
You might try a spray of Armorall or equivalent but I am not sure if it will restore brittle material. I think it is more for keeping soft plastic soft.

They were probably stored in daylight and suffered UV degradation.

What brand are they? Hard to tell form the photo but they look like Win AA Reds. I have had poor results with slugs and Win AA Reds. Hah! opposite problem though mine are very soft so shear very easily if there is any pinching at all going on.


11-23-2013, 12:25 PM
Try soaking them in hot water or run them through the dishwasher. I had the same problem and it seemed to help mine.

Frosty Boolit
11-23-2013, 04:13 PM
Man, I would just trash those. I'd hate to see anyone get hurt.

11-23-2013, 04:20 PM
There is nothing you can do to save them when they get brittle or at least nothing I'm aware of. If wads are stored properly they never seem to break down. I had some plastic wads from the early days of their introduction that were still good as new when I gave them to a collector a few months ago.

Bullshop Junior
11-23-2013, 04:21 PM
The wads are old pacific versalite wads. I bought them hoping to load buckshot in them, bit they just blow to dust going down the barrel. Ill try boiling them, and if that doesnt work, i can fill a lot of flat rate boxes with them dor baxking material.

11-23-2013, 04:24 PM
Man, I would just trash those. I'd hate to see anyone get hurt.

The danger with using wads like these don't come from high pressures, but rather from leaving particles in the barrel of the gun as they disintegrate before proper pressure builds up.

jason f
11-23-2013, 09:17 PM
For the price of a new bag of wads throw them away and get some new ones.

Bullshop Junior
11-24-2013, 12:09 AM
Ok. One last idea before i chuck them....what about since the peddles snap off nice and clean to the base, using them for wad pillers in full bore slug loads?

11-24-2013, 05:23 AM
If they were exposed to strong sun light for years the material will cross link and get brittle.
There is no way to reverse the cross linking. Ask for a refund and toss them in the trash.

Bullshop Junior
11-24-2013, 06:07 AM
Ok. They will go in the burn barrel in the morning. Kills me to do it though.,

11-24-2013, 09:53 PM
Good decision to burn them. Once the plastic has crystallized it is done.

I had over 2000 I got "on a deal". Wound up as junk. I feel your pain but at $75/5000 not worth it.

Don Verna

11-24-2013, 10:18 PM
I see you are in Alaska, no wonder they became brittle from that freezing weather!
Keep all your loading components and loaded ammo in a temperature controlled room.
You stay warm too.

I have Hornady Versalite wads that are some 33 years old but still alright and I use them from time to time including some Rem. wads, keep them in a card board box covered in the house.

Passing the torch of knowledge is something done out of genetic responsibility!

Hoping it helps.
Best regards,
Ajay Madan
Super Blazing Sabots
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-Elite Group of Slug Shooter's
We all, who take slug loading seriously are a dedicated family, who have taken it upon ourselves to perfect our tech. We experiment to find better techniques and share our knowledge.

Bullshop Junior
11-24-2013, 10:20 PM
I actually got these from a fellow in the states. I keep all my gun stuff in the house