View Full Version : when your smoking pork buts

Lloyd Smale
11-22-2013, 07:02 AM
what temp to you bring it to to have it fall apart for pulled pork. theres a fine line between having it tougher like a roast and having it over cooked. I seem to get it right about half the time.

11-22-2013, 08:47 AM
I smoke mine in a propane smoker at 200 to 225 for 12 to 13 hours with wood smoke for only the first 30 minutes.
I take it out when the internal temp is 165. They are always falling apart tender. Keep filling the water bowl every two hours and skim off the fat on top to keep the inside of the smoker moist.
I will be cooking one to go alongside the turkey on Thanksgiving.

11-22-2013, 09:24 AM
between 195-203 is the magic number

11-22-2013, 09:36 AM
All wood smoker. In aluminum (throw-away) pan at 225 until the internal temp is 140 then pour a Dr. Pepper or Coke over it and wrap in foil. DO NOT USE DIET drinks - only regular full cal stuff. Continue to cook until internal temp is 165. Let stand for at least 30 minutes. When cool enough to pull by hand - do it.

11-22-2013, 09:53 AM
between 195-203 is the magic number

This pretty much nails it.

If you have the bone in butts like you should when you can grab that bone and it slides out without too much force and no meat stuck to it they're done.

11-22-2013, 10:54 AM
This pretty much nails it.

If you have the bone in butts like you should when you can grab that bone and it slides out without too much force and no meat stuck to it they're done.

This.....Pulling the bone out with no meat attached is your que that it is ready....about 12 to 14 hrs.

11-22-2013, 12:18 PM
After 180 I use the temp probe to feel wether it's ready or not

11-22-2013, 12:24 PM
Smoke mine to internal temp of 165* to 180*...pull off smoker and the temp will climb for a few minute...let it rest about 15 minutes then chop...


11-22-2013, 01:46 PM
What Buzz said. No higher that 225. If it starts to get done a little to fast, you need to add liquid and cover. I use apple juice or cider. I have also used apricot brandy added to the apple juice.


Lloyd Smale
11-22-2013, 02:16 PM
thanks guys.

Rick N Bama
11-22-2013, 04:56 PM
I smoke mine to an Internal temp of around 160, then I wrap in 2 layers of foil with some Coke or Root Beer added and put it back on the smoker. At 190-195° I wrap the still foiled Butt in several layers of towels and place it in a cooler. When the temp has dropped enough to handle without burning my hands I take it out & pull the meat. It's always Fork tender.

Wayne Smith
11-22-2013, 09:23 PM
I smoke mine no higher than 225 for 8-10 hrs in a wood fired smoker. I have used pecan, hickory, and cherry and have combined the woods.

11-22-2013, 11:40 PM
225 to 250 for how ever long it takes to reach 195-200 internal. Foil and into a towel lined cooler to rest for an hour minimum. I have probably done 1,000+ pounds like this.

11-23-2013, 12:00 AM
Ditto to the 225. However I do like to put one over the hot spot and start tasting early.
As to prep I have tried a lot and a buddy turned me onto this. It is about as simple as I have found for butts and baby backs.
Pat meat dry with paper towels
Spray with cider
Sprinkle with salt and pepper
Brown sugar patted all over
Put in smoker and spray with more cider every hour or so
I try to maintain 240-270 I use all wood no gas or electric
As too wood I am pretty set in good dry oak for heat and some flavor. For flavor I prefer wild cherry but will settle for most any fruit wood. I do like pecan but it is not at hand very often around here.
Over done? Dunno if I have really ever had that happen. Smoke it and they will come is my motto lol. I know as to a competition you can but I have never had any complaints with pork butts.
I started off I was going to smoke three turkeys tommorrow. That number stood for about two days. Now it looks like an even dozen. Gonna have to drag the big one out of storage. It will hold 15-17 turkeys or 24-30 butts at a time. Built a new one for the son this past winter but it is still throwing me a fit. Can't get it to heat like I want. Am going to have to make a few modifications.

11-23-2013, 01:20 AM
I find them difficult to keep lit. What's the secret? :kidding:

Lloyd Smale
11-23-2013, 09:05 AM
well i did this out of nessesity. I had them in the smoker at 220 for about 8 hours when my wife got home and reminded me i promised to take her shopping and to the movie. So I took them out of the smoker and wrapped them in tin foil and put them in the oven and set it on 3 hours at 225. Came home and the oven was cool and the buts were still warm when unrapped and they about fell apart.

11-25-2013, 12:13 AM
I aim for 200-205 internal. Wrap in aluminum foil and towels and put in a cooler for a couple of hours. literally falls apart and is very juicy. I'm from central NC and prefer Lexington style, vinegar with a little tomato with the red pepper, wife prefers Eastern NC style, no tomato, all vinegar and peppers.

Lloyd Smale
11-25-2013, 06:53 AM
Ive got to side with your wife. I learned to love this stuff down in your home state of NC and the guys that i knew would have shot you in the @@@ if you put tomato sause of any kind in it. It was vinegar and pepper flakes. Got to say though that most of the yankees up here like it your way a bit better.

11-25-2013, 10:42 AM
Ive got to side with your wife. I learned to love this stuff down in your home state of NC and the guys that i knew would have shot you in the @@@ if you put tomato sause of any kind in it. It was vinegar and pepper flakes. Got to say though that most of the yankees up here like it your way a bit better.

To be honest I like it both ways, but I grew up on Lexington style. I just love vinegar lol. Couldn't do Western NC style, it has lots of tomato in it.

11-26-2013, 01:06 AM
Lexington style for me too, vinegar, ketchup, red paper flakes, salt