View Full Version : Daughter made me smile

11-21-2013, 03:52 PM
My six year old almost 7 years old daughter really made me laugh/smile/proud yesterday so I just wanted to share my story.

Part of her daily rituals include checking the mailbox when we get home. We were as usual yesterday. I was about to tackle the dishwasher when I hear her shriek in glee. She comes downstairs telling me I've got to absolutely look at this. She's jumping up and down with something in her hand. That something is none other than my most recent edition of The Blue Press. She whips open the magazine to a page and is telling me how awesome this gun is and she wants to get me not one but two of them she saw cause "I'm the best daddy in the world". She goes on to point out an ad for an AR15 and a stock photo of a Ruger BH in some nice leather.

I leant down and gave her a big hug and whispered in her ear "your mamma is the best and already got me those, but I'm sure I'd like hers better if she could talk her mamma into getting me one."

That spun off into me asking her what she wanted for Christmas and we went on to discuss the meaning of Christmas and how some people aren't as fortunate as we are and are hungry.

Any how. She's definitely daddy's little girl. A damn fine shot with my 15-22 with red dot on it as well.

Jack Stanley
11-21-2013, 04:42 PM
Bless her little heart !! so now she's thinking of buying a rifle for someone less fortunate ?? ;-)

You are a blessed man .


11-21-2013, 04:45 PM
My granddaughter is the same....fights grandma for her rifle....she is turning into a real cowgirl inspight of her mother!!!! God bless them!

11-21-2013, 06:34 PM
Give your daughter the money to buy it, Have the wife explain to her why she can't give it to you on Christmas day.
Ha Ha!,

Make sure you also buy a real comfy couch!!!!

11-21-2013, 07:20 PM
Thanks everyone. Yes, she means the world to me. I'm glad she has taken an interest in firearms and even hunting.

I took her squirrel hunting earlier this year. She talked the entire time about squirrels and then hush me saying she heard one. LOL. We didn't see anything, but she brought along her Red Ryder and we shot at mud puddles and what not.

11-21-2013, 07:59 PM
Cherish these times. 99% of them test you severely later on!

smoked turkey
11-21-2013, 09:38 PM
Yes they grow up way too fast! Keep taking her hunting and on walks in the woods and I'll venture to say you'll never have to hunt for her. Sounds like you are doing a good job as her dad. You are definitely a blessed man with two wonderful females in the house.

11-25-2013, 06:01 PM
We are raising 2 grandchildren (girl 4) and (boy 6). The other morning my grand daughter asked me in front of my wife..."Papa when I get bigger can we go to the store and you can buy me a new gun like brother?" My wife was none to happy but I'm STILL smilin (:
Gotta luv em. Bruce H

11-26-2013, 07:55 AM
...........Little children are a blessing from God if you just will just slow down, forget your own cares and enjoy them for the pure joy and innocence of their uncomplicated lives. They are 'Of the moment". No house or car payments, or taxes to worry about and their lives are completely innocent of our own worries. My grand daughter is 3 years old and she was "Helping" (you bet) me move some dirt around in the front yard with our little Kubota B2320 tractor.

I showed her how to tip the bucket to dump the dirt. After that it was, "Get dirt pepaw" (I'm pepaw :-)) and after getting dirt we had to then move over to the side and dump it. Dumping it was her job and she was simply vibrating in anticipation of getting to push the lever to tilt the bucket down to dump the dirt. She'd then jump up and down and clap her hands in excitement after dumping it. Immediately is was, "Get dirt pepaw, get dirt!). If she had been the boss we could have probably dug the Panama Canal in 3 days flat.

You need to love them and absorb every minute of their 'littleness' when they're small and everything is new and wonderous, and you're a large part of their world. They grow so fast, and far to soon they're involved in other things of their own.


Jack Stanley
11-26-2013, 01:39 PM
So Buckshot ................ how long ya figure it'll take the two of you to dig a canal from California to Texas ? ;-)


11-26-2013, 02:30 PM

My oldest trying his best to pick off some pine cones with his Red Ryder. We were out back walking the pups. I love my kids.