View Full Version : Boolit Lube Question???

11-21-2013, 12:43 AM
So I have been using Lars Carnauba Red, and it is some great stuff. My question is, Does anyone know a comparible receipe? I am looking for something as hard, if not harder. My problem is I am trying to get a ready supply of boolits lubed and ready to go, but when I put the lubed boolits in my container for storage, the lube is all over the boolits. I know this is not a big deal, but I would like to load my boolits without having to wipe them off afterwards, plus I have to clean out my die.

Plus it would be a good idea to know a good hard lube receipe, just incase. Thanks

11-21-2013, 04:54 AM
Just try mixing some beeswax in with the Carnauba Red to stiffen it some.

Personally I don't find the Carnauba Red a problem, tacky to touch yes but messy no. Have you tried BAC?

11-21-2013, 05:50 AM
Mica and separate with wax paper, store in a cool place. Coffee is ready and off I go.

11-21-2013, 08:59 AM
they sell a bit harder and not as sticky recipe called carnuba red commercial.

to make carnuba red at home you'll need 7 different waxes blended in exact amounts to control the melt temp of the lube.
your on your own to figure out which 7 you'll need to duplicate glen's recipe.

if you wanna make something similar I'd start out with synthetic wax [maybe B/W 351] and natural bees wax blended 50-50, then go from there with 3% carnuba and an oil to control the viscosity of the final blend, a mineral oil based one would soften the mix easily.

11-26-2013, 01:09 AM
If non-sticky, loose storage is of paramount importance, consider the multitude of people who are using the various thermoset powder-coats and epoxy paints to eliminate the need for traditional lube. It might be for you.

If you want a more traditional-type lube for pistols that won't melt, is hard, very clean-shooting, and not very sticky, melt a 4-ounce bar of Ivory soap with two ounces of high-temp microwax and two-three ounces of Lucas oil stabilizer. Flow point is about 460F, gel point is around 430F, and below about 300F you can't stir it with a spoon.


11-26-2013, 02:27 AM
If you want a more traditional-type lube for pistols that won't melt, is hard, very clean-shooting, and not very sticky, melt a 4-ounce bar of Ivory soap with two ounces of high-temp microwax and two-three ounces of Lucas oil stabilizer. Flow point is about 460F, gel point is around 430F, and below about 300F you can't stir it with a spoon.


Just out of curosity how does one get this lube from pot to luber-sizer without melting every plastic/rubber part in the luber-sizer?


11-26-2013, 03:14 AM
Just out of curosity how does one get this lube from pot to luber-sizer without melting every plastic/rubber part in the luber-sizer?


Pour into a pan, let cool, slice into strips, pack it in by hand.


11-26-2013, 08:39 AM
I just pour my lube in, you just melt the lube to a temp where it just melts. This is much lower than the melt temp of rubber. Works in my Old RCBS LAM and my Lyman 450.

Just out of curosity how does one get this lube from pot to luber-sizer without melting every plastic/rubber part in the luber-sizer?


11-26-2013, 08:54 AM
Gary, you obviously haven't used a lube like Gear is speaking of. That lube needs better than 300 degrees to begin to flow. That is way more heat than I want to put into a sizer reservoir.

Having used much lube of a similar makeup I can assure you that the cut into strips and pack it in method is the way to go. Messy, but it works and isn't going to over heat anything.