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View Full Version : Still salmon around here...

11-20-2013, 06:51 PM
I went out and saw salmon still hanging around waiting to spawn.... But there are lots of them...

Also saw my favorite tree... The peckerwood tree... See how it got its name?

And saw a lot of these around my Dolly Varden fishing spot.... Not sure if the pics will show them very well though...8810588106

That will keep me looking over my shoulder when i go out friday to gather some fat dollies that have been gorging on salmon eggs.... I will post pics of the results of the trip for dollies. Click on the pics for a better look.


11-20-2013, 07:02 PM
You haven't put the bears to sleep yet???
That FAVORITE tree makes me wonder about you. lol
What brand salmon is still there?

11-20-2013, 07:19 PM
Lol.... There are still silvers hanging around... Lots of them and bear tracks everywhere... Last year i had brownie's on my trail cam up till christmas. No reason for them to go to bed with so much food still available.. I did put the 44 away for the winter, but i will have to dig it back out before i go after those dollies.... Those tracks were real fresh, and lots of blood around too... Bears are surely working the area hard.

11-20-2013, 07:26 PM
Here is a trail cam pic from last winter.... Same time of the year and i believe the same 3 bears as the cam was setup in the same dolly fishing hole...


11-20-2013, 07:28 PM
But with the cold weather, we have been getting some great northern lights pic and awesome sunsets... I will post some pics in another forum...

11-20-2013, 07:30 PM
Don't ya have a can of bear spray????? lol

Trail cam on a fishing hole. Do it see underwater??? lol
Do ya have many blackies hanging around this time of year?

11-20-2013, 07:48 PM
Nope, blackies are snoozing... I never see them out this late.... Just the brownies...

11-20-2013, 07:58 PM
aren't the browns related to the polar bears??
or descended from the same gene-set.

11-20-2013, 08:21 PM
Around here they are just grumpy old brownies, but on Beranoff island area in SE alaska, they are genetically close.... But just those....

Here are some pic's of some friends and their recent bears... I personally have never shot a brown bear. The first 3 are a friend named chris johnson, and he guides for bear.
The next one is Wayne Woods... A real great all around guy that i have gotten to know pretty well over the last few years.... He is a master guide and guides the east side of the copper river flats..
Plenty of big brownies around...

Love Life
11-20-2013, 10:14 PM
I'd brown my shorts if I came across one of those bears!

11-20-2013, 10:40 PM
I go hunting for bear every year. They are a lot smaller than those bears. And I'm still not sure I can pull the trigger on one. They are a magnificent animal and they do no harm by me. They have caused some of the biggest scares of my life when you stumble upon them in the woods.

11-20-2013, 11:16 PM
I have only shot black bears in the spring. But they are sure good eating in the spring. But i never pulled the trigger on one of them big brownies... I do want to take on just once with a stick and a bow someday... Went out for a couple years, but was never able to get in the right situation for a shot... But that day will come.... Before i hang my boots up, i will hang some bear boots on my door...