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Idaho Mule
11-20-2013, 06:00 PM
Had surgery on my right shoulder yesterday. Torn rotator cuff repair and re-attach bicep tendon. Hurt the thing back in August and it took this long jumping through the hoops to get it done. Now I have at least 6 weeks of recovery time before I can go back to work, maybe longer. Good part is that it feels better already, that gives me great hopes that it will feel really good once completely healed. My hunting is over for the year and I still had my regular deer tag to fill,but, oh well. Has made me think that as I heal maybe I should try some left handed hand gun practice. JW

tomme boy
11-20-2013, 07:22 PM
You think that is long? I have been trying to get my left shoulder and back looked at for 3.5 years. I am on the state insurance here. ObomaCare hasn't even started yet and I can't get anything done. I just can't wait!

Take care and not try to use it!

11-20-2013, 07:32 PM
Are you going to have any physical therapy for that shoulder. For me, PT was much more "interesting" than the original injury or the surgery. As my surgeon said to me with a smile, "Have fun."

11-20-2013, 07:53 PM
Good luck with your recovery. I Had straight rotator cuff surgery in January...without any work on tendon(s)...and was shooting my long guns again in eight weeks. By 'shooting' I mean .22s and light loads in the centerfires. Today, things are pretty much back to normal but I'm still wearing a padded shooting jacket just to be on the safe side.

The best advice I can offer is to take your physical therapist's word as gospel and stick to your prescribed exercise routine. It's gonna hurt some...won't BS you about that...but doing it right will shorten your recovery.


Idaho Mule
11-20-2013, 08:18 PM
tomme boy, man I sure hope things change for the better for you, good luck.

Doughty, yes I will have PT and I plan on doing whatever they tell me to do. I know it won't be fun but having it
hurt constantly is no fun either so I am more than willing to do whatever is needed to get it healed up.

Kraschenbirn, thanks , your advice is appreciated. JW

11-20-2013, 08:49 PM
Had both mine repaired/rebuilt over last 3 years. Dropped off the 300 Win Mag - mostly because I didn't shoot it much anyway, and too big for dog deer in AL... But I did just get a 45-70! As my Doc told me, shooting may be uncomfortable at times, but you are not going to hurt your shoulder repair from shooting. The danger is pulling/tearing it.

Things I would recommend. Hit PT HARD! Don't let it start to lock up on you - it will be nasty to get it loose! Had THAT problem with both mine. Buy a PAST Recoil Shield, and use it for all your practice shooting. Not needed for hunting. Stay on top of your pain meds - I tried doing it with very minimal meds - wore me out. Bag sleeping in a recliner! Put a bath towel roll from your shoulder/ear to your hand - and sleep in the damn bed! I slept MUCH better this way. As I was told, they will never be great again, and will always nag you after serious activity like shooting, climbing treestands, working a chain saw, etc. But they work and you can recover. Anti-Inflammatories will be your friend after these activities!

Good luck in your recovery! You will be back in the saddle soon!

11-20-2013, 08:54 PM
Hope you have as Good Luck as I've had today.

Bad Water Bill
11-20-2013, 09:04 PM
Idaho Mule

Just remember I DID warn you about turning your back on them red headed mules.:kidding:

Get well soon.

11-20-2013, 09:10 PM
I too had my right shoulder scoped yesterday (Tuesday) for tears and tendon relocation. Doc removed a couple of bone spurs and some arthritis as well. PT starts tomorrow. I wish you well as I keep hearing horror stories, but so far they have not been true. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

11-20-2013, 09:26 PM
Good luck with your recovery. Hope it goes smoothly. I hurt my right knee in early Aug, and the VA has finally allowed that I can have the MRI that the Ortho department ordered. When they called to tell me that it had been approved, they asked if I still wanted it. They were a bit surprised when I told them that the knee was still giving me problems. Makes you wonder about 'health care', sometimes. Anyway, hope it goes smoothly and you recover soon.

11-20-2013, 09:39 PM
I had the same surgery on my left shoulder, torn cuff and bicep tendon. I slept in a recliner for several weeks but other than that it was tolerable. PT was a bit of a stretch (pun intended) but when it was all said and done I got back to 95% of pre-injury mobility. The surgeon said that was pretty good. I didn't shoot anything for two months and then pistols only for another few months. I'm back to shooting the 338WM and 45-70 again with no problems at all. It does remind me on occasion that it's a little worse for the wear. Hope you heal well and Fast Sir!! I reckon that deer ya harvested a few weeks ago should do ya till your healed up!!

11-20-2013, 09:50 PM
if the scar tissue locks it up you may have to visit with your surgeon about a manipulation. its where they put you under again and basically hold you down and tear it loose.
you wake up feeling like you have been hit by a truck but with much more mobility.
wish i had known about it much sooner.

11-20-2013, 09:56 PM
I had the right one worked on twice, first time around the decompression and 3 stitches in the torn tendon. Second time around it tore completely and had to be reattached. The scar tissue from the first surgery left me with limited range of motion after the second.

11-21-2013, 12:54 AM
As many have said before do your PT and do it now. It is totally up to you no one else can do it for you. If you don't, the scar tissue will build up and limit your mobility. It hurts or sure but it is either a bit of discomfort for the next few weeks or a life of misiery your choice. I did the 6 weeks of PT and then was told that was all the ycould do for me and to do the exercises they gave me to prevent the stiffening up of the shoulder and now 5 years later I have 100% mobility but still do some of the exercises just in case. Every surgery is different and you may not get all motion back but you have to put the effort in and not give up. good luck


Dean D.
11-21-2013, 08:35 AM
Best wishes on a speedy recovery JW! If I can find some time I'll try to wander down that way for a visit sometime in the future.

Idaho Mule
11-21-2013, 10:27 AM
Thanks for all the good wishes folks. As I said earlier, I plan on behaving myself and following doctor and pt orders to get healed asap. You're welcome anytime Dean, we could share a good bs session. JW

11-21-2013, 11:48 AM
Are you going to have any physical therapy for that shoulder. For me, PT was much more "interesting" than the original injury or the surgery. As my surgeon said to me with a smile, "Have fun."

I TOTALLY second this post. I had a total Left Shoulder reconstruction and the Surgery and recovery was a piece of cake. Physical Therapist evidently was a Sadist. Just kidding, full range of motion is extremely important and she got me there.

11-21-2013, 12:34 PM
I went and had a MRI on my back from an old injury that I had surgery on in '93. Suppose to be covered for life, the results came back had two ruptured disk, six slipped or bulged, and shrapnel floating around. Workers comp came back and said not our problem, medicare said not our problem so guess it is my problem. Isn't the new medical wonderful?

11-21-2013, 01:43 PM
Get well and shooting soon! Holly and I are looking forward to seeing you and Lagene again at NCBS.

11-21-2013, 02:08 PM
Had rt one done last yr, now it's time for the left in a few wks! Believe it or not, I can't wait because I'm in so much pain. The bone spur is like a dagger twisting into my nerves.

11-21-2013, 07:55 PM
Hope you have a speedy recovery and listen to the PT therapist.

11-21-2013, 11:17 PM
best thing is to get a snowshovel that fits your wife's hands! See you at NCBS!

11-22-2013, 01:19 AM
Why won't medicare cover it? My advantage plan will cover fusion for me next spring.

I went and had a MRI on my back from an old injury that I had surgery on in '93. Suppose to be covered for life, the results came back had two ruptured disk, six slipped or bulged, and shrapnel floating around. Workers comp came back and said not our problem, medicare said not our problem so guess it is my problem. Isn't the new medical wonderful?

11-22-2013, 10:01 AM
Went in for my post op appointment yesterday. Everything is great and I haven't had any pain to speak of, though that will probably change after PT starts. The biggest problem I have is my doctor says I cannot lift anything heavier than 1 pound with my right hand for 6 weeks but my 1911 weighs 3+ fully loaded. This is not a good thing.

11-22-2013, 10:17 AM
Went in for my post op appointment yesterday. Everything is great and I haven't had any pain to speak of, though that will probably change after PT starts. The biggest problem I have is my doctor says I cannot lift anything heavier than 1 pound with my right hand for 6 weeks but my 1911 weighs 3+ fully loaded. This is not a good thing.

Good time to learn how to shoot the 1911 left-handed!!!! I'd recommend that you give GREAT WEIGHT to the Docs advice. If you re-injure either the rotator cuff or Bicep tendon prior to healing you have hurt yourself badly and permanently. Give it some time Idaho Mule, you'll be back up to speed soon enough!!

11-22-2013, 07:17 PM
My doc told me not to lift with my arms extended. Lifting close to the body was ok (but still limited).

PT isn't that bad. They just twist the arm back for an hour (or at least what seemed like an hour) trying to break up the scar tissue. If you bite your tongue hard enough you won't even notice it.........

If you can shoot left handed you could use the handgun for deer hunting. I did take a break from bowhunting that year. I probably could have but thought it best to give it that extra time. The next year I was able to draw my bow easier than I had for years. I have full mobility but have strength loss when I try to lift with my arms extended.

Idaho Mule
12-03-2013, 11:37 PM
My buddy horsesoldier showed up today to pick on me. We had a good visit. The doc's appt. yesterday went well, I have to stay in the sling for another 5 weeks, with short breaks for shower and some stretching, NO lifting or pulling they say. I can't lift anything heavier than a "soda can" with my right hand the doc says. That means if I get one of those "big boy beers" I gotta heft it with my left hand only. Any way, I am healing up, doing my best at behaving, still married (barely she says) and coping the best a caged up coyote can do. Horsesoldier and I discussed today a new to us spring bear tactic, and that is from member sixshot here. I can't wait to get healed from this and try that!!! I have a good idea of a few spots to try. JW

12-04-2013, 05:34 AM
I looked and unit 4 is where we were talking.Electric calls and a 2nd bear tag unit.Sounds like a good time!

12-04-2013, 07:52 AM
Sounds like what I've been doing since September. Breaking scar tissue sucks. Had my left shoulder done two years ago and was just getting to where I felt it should be when the right needed done. Hang in there! I've been shooting pistols left handed and loaded down some ammo to get in the woods this deer season. Biggest set back was spending a couple days in the hospital while my wife delivered #4 last week. Felt like I lost 2 weeks of progress just by getting out of my exercise routine...

12-04-2013, 03:56 PM
if the scar tissue locks it up you may have to visit with your surgeon about a manipulation. its where they put you under again and basically hold you down and tear it loose.
you wake up feeling like you have been hit by a truck but with much more mobility.
wish i had known about it much sooner.

I took a bit diff approach to this issue for both mine. My first one, the surgeon said he almost had to replace it vs repair. So when it started to lock up and they talked manipulation under anesthetic, I said h*** NO. Afraid it might tear it up. AND I AM a control freak - there, I said it!!! lol! hope my wife didn't hear that...

My approach, yes with a willing Sadist of a therapist - was to tell her to have her Co-op - a big college baseball player - to pin me to the table and crank on my shoulder/stretch it until she saw the whites of my eyes. D*** it HURT! Went to the point of passing out 3x week, for about 3x weeks... But, I did it my way, and felt much more comfortable than the surgeon cranking on it...

And I affectionately call my therapist "Dragon Lady!"

12-04-2013, 06:12 PM
I had a buggered shoulder years ago, courtesy of a horse. Poor folks having poor ways, I did my own rehab. When I got to where I could stand to do anything with it, I got a compound bow, set it as light as possible, and started shooting every day. I was increasing the weight a bit each week, until I had it pegged out. Went to the archery shop, and had them change the wheels, and started in again. By the time winter came around, the shoulder was good, and I decided to shoot archery league that winter.
I had went to a couple of the weekly shoots, and the shop owner asked me how many pounds I was shooting, as the bow was very fast, and I was among the top shooters. I told him I had no idea, so he said, let's weigh it. He put it on the scales, and I was pulling 137#. After I found out how much I was pulling, I didn't shoot worth a damn the rest of the season.

Ohio Rusty
12-04-2013, 07:57 PM
I had mine done in January ..... I ended up with frozen shoulder and it took longer to get it moving. I used up all my therapy time and have had to do all the excersizing at home with weights and bands to get it right. I bet the shoulder is now 85%. Both the Doctor and therapists said it really takes a full year to get the shoulder and arm back to where it should be. It may never get back to what it was originally, but your arm will be in good shape at the end of everything. I have had both shoulders worked on for the same thing in the last 4 years. I hate falling apart getting older .............
Ohio Rusty ><>

Idaho Mule
12-04-2013, 08:15 PM
Thanks to all who have sent the advice and good wishes, it is appreciated. Waksupi, I loved your rehab but right now I don't think I could pull a 7 lb. dart bow. One day though, I will have to post a pic of my bow just for you. A most appreciative moose hunter built it especially for me a few years back. It is one of those treasures that a man really appreciates. I will try to get the wife to take some pics and post them soon. JW