View Full Version : auto drive cobin s press

11-14-2013, 02:20 AM

11-14-2013, 02:49 AM
opps corbin!! This is the press i converted to auto. Its powered by a speed controlled bodine gear drive motor, with a dillon 1050 auto drive system made by forchet.

I can run lead cores in the squirt die, and also press the cores into the jackets with this. The disk rotates 1 hole per each stroke of the ram. Each time the ram is all the way down, the disk rotates and takes the pressed item off the die, while the ram is going up, he disk will take the next item to be pressed and it falls into the die, and stops rotation of the disk, their as an adjustable arm for every hole in the disk, the arm triggers a stall switch to shut the disk drive motor off, each hole is calibrated to stop for perfect alignment with die. As the finished item rotates around the back area in the disk, it falls though a hole in the main plate and is dropped into a pan on the left side.

Their is also a wire cutter built in this press, one cut per stroke of the ram, i have plans for a wire feed system that will hook up to it, not done yet as so far i have only been using cast cores. I press cores at about 300 per hour and press cores into jackets at about 300-400 per hour.

This is still a work in progress, Its real nice to use though, It pressed cores while i was casting, After all my casting and cores were finished, i made jackets, now jackets are done, so its set to press cores into jackets, while it dose this, i will be able to take them and swage them right away with my 2nd press, with small breaks to fill up the feed tube. I will be using supes jacket tray to fill jackets with cores, then just keep the feed tube full, it auto drops from the feed tube into the holes in the disk.

I do have a small auto feeder kinda like a mini dillon case feeder that will drop lead cores and keep the feed tube full. No pics of this yet. anyways, i thought this might be interesting to share, so far performance is awsome, hardly have any jams or issues, and it runs at the same speed all the time, making A+ quality cores!!

Their are also a few pics of some of my finished bullets.

11-14-2013, 03:47 AM
Very impressive

11-14-2013, 08:00 AM
A work of Art I am impresed

11-14-2013, 08:54 AM

I think I use the same towel. That makes my set up as nice as yours, right? :) That is very impressive.

11-14-2013, 09:15 AM
Oh Jeebus! Rock and roll with that thing! Nicely done.
Can I get a video?

R.Ph. 380
11-14-2013, 10:28 AM
OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Me want one. Can I, Can I? Plueeeeeze Daddy?

Dang that is exactly what Blaster said, A WORK OF ART. I'm envious of someone with that level of expertise.


11-14-2013, 11:34 AM
Sweet! Your work of art definitely needed to be shared. I think the drool is going to short out my keyboard. That deserves an " atta boy".

11-14-2013, 11:43 AM
Very nice, Sure would like to see your jacket making process.

11-14-2013, 11:47 AM
Wow.... We reallllllllllly do have a buncha freaking Rocket Scientists on this forum.... I just love this forum..... Just wish i was a rocket scientist also.... :(

11-14-2013, 12:31 PM
Nicely done! :smile:

11-14-2013, 05:08 PM
Nice job! Video please!

11-14-2013, 05:10 PM
Thanks all!

Clodhopper, sorry to let ya down, but i make jackets the old way, (for now! HAHA)

Good thing about the press though, Is with my feeder and wire cutter setup, I will be able to hand press the jackets while my machine cuts and presses lead cores. So it will be like getting 3 things done all at once, what a time saver. I have figured the cost of lead vrs wire, and my time casting, if i was paying myself $10.00 per hour, i would save $ by buying the wire.

I havent got the wire feed finished up yet, i had 150 lbs of lead i had to cast, and i wanted to make sure this thing worked in real life, instead of how i hoped it would in my mind before moving to the next step i wanted it to do.

It works real good, I have about 15,000 or so pressed lead cores and jackets ready to swage, so it will get a good run in the next few weeks, next spring ill have it back in the shop to finish up the feeder and wire feed system.

I truly would love to build some of these to sell, but i have a poor mans machine shop, Small delta band saw, drill press, belt sander and hand/air tools, all parts were hand made, several of them took 2-3 hours each. I have well over 60 hours of building and R&D into this thing. also the cost is high, the drive system, and gear motor with speed control was about $1300 alone, add the cost of the press and all the other components, 12v power supply, small gear motors/with speed controllers, electronic parts, switches, LEDs, relays, hobby box ext, along with the steel and bearings for the bottom end. Put me to about $2500-$2600. with the R&D done, the build time would be 20 hours or so. was a fun project, kinda looking forward to spring to get all the bits finished up!!!

11-14-2013, 08:54 PM
You really got my head spinning.
Wondering if a motor and speed control might be found in an abandoned tread mill.

Utah Shooter
11-14-2013, 11:03 PM

11-15-2013, 04:33 AM


11-15-2013, 08:51 AM
Thanks all!

Clodhopper, sorry to let ya down, but i make jackets the old way, (for now! HAHA)

Good thing about the press though, Is with my feeder and wire cutter setup, I will be able to hand press the jackets while my machine cuts and presses lead cores. So it will be like getting 3 things done all at once, what a time saver. I have figured the cost of lead vrs wire, and my time casting, if i was paying myself $10.00 per hour, i would save $ by buying the wire.

I havent got the wire feed finished up yet, i had 150 lbs of lead i had to cast, and i wanted to make sure this thing worked in real life, instead of how i hoped it would in my mind before moving to the next step i wanted it to do.

It works real good, I have about 15,000 or so pressed lead cores and jackets ready to swage, so it will get a good run in the next few weeks, next spring ill have it back in the shop to finish up the feeder and wire feed system.

I truly would love to build some of these to sell, but i have a poor mans machine shop, Small delta band saw, drill press, belt sander and hand/air tools, all parts were hand made, several of them took 2-3 hours each. I have well over 60 hours of building and R&D into this thing. also the cost is high, the drive system, and gear motor with speed control was about $1300 alone, add the cost of the press and all the other components, 12v power supply, small gear motors/with speed controllers, electronic parts, switches, LEDs, relays, hobby box ext, along with the steel and bearings for the bottom end. Put me to about $2500-$2600. with the R&D done, the build time would be 20 hours or so. was a fun project, kinda looking forward to spring to get all the bits finished up!!!

Now you have me doing some lay out on my Corbin hydro press!!!!

11-23-2013, 11:52 AM
I am late to the party,

Can you de-rim 22LR brass with this setup? Or do you think it would take more power?
Another question, what horse power motor are you running?


11-24-2013, 04:01 AM
Hp is 1/8 on the motor, its geared down to 21 rpm max. Im fairly sure it would de-rim, although i havent tried it, I know it will put the punch though a 1/4 thick chunk of aluminum!! Opps had the clutch a wee bit to snug!!

I dont know how well this would work to de-rim, I guess if the brass was really good and didnt need any assistance to alighn and fall over the punch it would work ok, never really thought about derimming with it.

I need to get a vid of this running for you guys!!!

11-24-2013, 10:08 AM
Did you make the Gear that indexes jackets under the punch or is it a stock item? B

11-25-2013, 02:35 AM
I made it, all the yellow colored parts were some anodized aluminum plates i had. Everything on the base plate part split into 2 pcs, including the disk. this way i dont need to pull the top of the press off to take the disk or base plate out. I made a aluminum clamp that attaches to the die, the base plate screws to it, front pc and rear pc, then the disk halves go together in the center, their are 3 bearings that keep the disk centered along with the drive gear on the motor. The disk halves have the drive belting JB welded to it, i had to make the diameter of the disk just right so the notches would line up where the disk is cut in half. everything on the base plate goes up and down with the ram, the disk, drive motor, ext. (all the yellow colored parts)

Bills Shed
11-25-2013, 10:20 PM
Nicely done. As a machinist i understand the work that has gone into this. I admire you dedication. The finish look great. If you are willing to share some drawings just let me know.


07-11-2014, 01:23 AM
2 MTSWAGER (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/member.php?33206-MTSWAGER)

What is the fate of your project now?

And, if possible, a video machine operation.

07-13-2014, 07:00 PM
I want one