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11-13-2013, 03:18 AM
Soon, the whole page will be stickies.
Just saying....

Walter Laich
11-13-2013, 02:36 PM

11-13-2013, 02:44 PM
Read 'em!

11-14-2013, 09:52 PM
I think this should be a sticky....

762 shooter
11-15-2013, 09:44 AM

I agree Stickee....Stickee.....Stickee.......

11-15-2013, 02:13 PM
Blammer beat me to it! My mouse has a wheel on it and I just spin the wheel and zip right passed the dreaded stickies...;)

11-15-2013, 04:43 PM
Worthwhile reading, more should take advantage of them.

11-15-2013, 04:46 PM
we should create a sub forum under the general forum and call it Classics & Stickies...and keep all the sticky stuff in there :kidding:

11-15-2013, 05:03 PM
we should create a sub forum under the general forum and call it Classics & Stickies...and keep all the sticky stuff in there :kidding:

I agree. As a moderator/staff member at an aviation related web site, I try to keep the stickies down to about five current topics at any given time in the fora that I attend to. No matter how relevant they are, they become stale after a while.

By the way, for those that haven't seen it, there is a "Classics and Stickies" forum under the "General" heading. The software that this site uses allows for easy transfer of topics from forum to forum.

Jeff H
11-15-2013, 05:09 PM
we should create a sub forum under the general forum and call it Classics & Stickies...and keep all the sticky stuff in there :kidding:

That's a great idea - and no, I am not kidding.

Certainly all worthwhile reading and I do and have read them but I think they are beginning to get a bit heavy at the beginning of every sub-forum. I think it's great that the great contributions made here are recognized and I also think that there's been plenty TO recognize, but soon - we will have to go to "page two" to get to the recent discussions. Always good to keep what's good but we can't stop looking for/at new stuff or we will become intellectually stagnant.

The Classics and Stickies sub-forum is a great idea. Why is it that we don't use it to its fullest potential and start migrating some of the many, many stickies at the beginning of every other sub-forum to there, where we still have easy access but without them plugging up access to NEW discussion?

I have read many of the stickies more than once but will certainly never read them every time I visit a sub-forum.

11-16-2013, 08:25 AM
I use a bit of Goo-Gone on my monitor and all the stickies go away. Works great.

11-16-2013, 12:21 PM
If we move the "stickies" to a seperate page there will be one more excuse for lazy people to NOT READ THE STICKIES!!! Leave them where they are! It is easy enough to just scroll past them.

11-16-2013, 01:08 PM
If we move the "stickies" to a seperate page there will be one more excuse for lazy people to NOT READ THE STICKIES!!! Leave them where they are! It is easy enough to just scroll past them.
Many if not most, new/visiting viewers just zip passed the stickies and scan current threads. Then some ask questions covered in the stickies. Human nature? After hanging around here for a while, I still read them instead of posting questions, most of the time, but I have an idea what I'm looking for...

11-16-2013, 02:03 PM
I think we need a sub-forum for all the banner ads that take up the top half of my screen. That way I wouldn't have to scroll down through all that AND THEN through two dozen stickies to read the first post. But you know what opinions are like.....


Wayne S
11-16-2013, 02:23 PM
in you classifications of new / visiting members you forgot the ones to lazy to use the " SEARCH" feature.
If they won't use that, then they damn sure are to lazy to open a sub forum to search for the info they want, and thus another question on loading the 30-30, 38 / 357, OR on a specific bullet. IF that bullet isn't listed in the RESULTS section, DO A SEARCH

11-16-2013, 02:42 PM
We could have a sub-sub-forum under each sub-forum for stickies then only the latest sticky post is shown and the stickies are just a click away. The five latest stickies could then be held in the relevant sub-forum or something like that. Only needed when the number of stickies gets too high

11-16-2013, 03:10 PM
Do we have a sticky on stickies?

11-16-2013, 03:11 PM
Or a sub forum forum?

Love Life
11-16-2013, 03:28 PM
RE: The search feature- The site search feature sucks, and has since September 2010. Much easier to use Google to find what you want on the forum. So I definitely understand when members say "I used the search feature, but nothing came up."

11-16-2013, 09:03 PM
What a sticky mess !

11-16-2013, 09:25 PM
What a sticky mess !


11-16-2013, 09:26 PM
I am another that hates the rampant overuse of stickies. People come to discussion boards to discuss.

11-16-2013, 09:32 PM
This is the best of both worlds!

We are discussing stickies!

11-16-2013, 10:08 PM
RE: The search feature- The site search feature sucks, and has since September 2010. Much easier to use Google to find what you want on the forum. So I definitely understand when members say "I used the search feature, but nothing came up."

Exactly!!! A couple of guys here showed me how to use the Google search so I could search this site. Before that help, it was a nightmare.

But I also agree that many newbies do not do enough (sometimes any???) reading before wanting to get an answer.

Don Verna

11-16-2013, 11:43 PM
We need a sticky on thread drift.

11-17-2013, 01:51 AM
RE: The search feature- The site search feature sucks, and has since September 2010. Much easier to use Google to find what you want on the forum. So I definitely understand when members say "I used the search feature, but nothing came up."

I agree 100% search feature is garbage, I've dug up some old post relavent to what I was interested in by using google search.

11-17-2013, 03:11 AM
Get lube grooves from Waksupi and use sticky to fill them. After drying they can be loaded and shot with no leading and great accuracy.

11-17-2013, 08:03 AM
Loob grooves? Groovy.

Sadly, groovy isn't sticky. Well, at least not at first.

11-17-2013, 12:23 PM
Couldn't you just have a sticky link at the top of the page that takes you to the stickies for that page? Did someone already say that?

Love Life
11-17-2013, 12:25 PM
Oh my!! We are in a sticky situation.

11-17-2013, 12:26 PM
I have nothing more, I am stuck.

11-17-2013, 12:49 PM
in you classifications of new / visiting members you forgot the ones to lazy to use the " SEARCH" feature.
If they won't use that, then they damn sure are to lazy to open a sub forum to search for the info they want, and thus another question on loading the 30-30, 38 / 357, OR on a specific bullet. IF that bullet isn't listed in the RESULTS section, DO A SEARCH
Yep, You're right. But, and I ain't defending the lazy ones, I haven't been able to ever get satisfactory results using the search function, mebbe my fingers are too old?...

11-17-2013, 01:55 PM
I never understood the issue of someone posting a quick question instead of reading through the sticks and searching the entire archive. I love talking about reloading/casting to anyone. If anyone has a question, it's fun to help them out. If you don't want to, don't open their thread.

Oh well, I guess. Maybe it's because I'm still new.

11-17-2013, 02:10 PM
Not because you are new, it is because you learn thru reading.

I tell people all the time to think with their mind, not their mouth.

11-17-2013, 04:45 PM
And newbies still won't read them. . . . . .


Love Life
11-17-2013, 05:33 PM
The problem with posting a quick question is that the answer to the majority of quick questions concerning reloading can be found in the reloading manuals...which every reloader should own and read.

The only time I ask a question is if, after thorough research, I can't find an answer. 99% of the time the answer can be found by looking for it, instead of by asking for it.

I'm trying to teach people to fish here.

11-17-2013, 05:51 PM
Some don't want to fish. They like to buy it fried and ready to eat.

I think most of us here are guys who like to tinker and do for ourselves. We don't have much patience with those who aren't like minded.

Want to cast, then cast. Learn to do it. Experiment. You can NOT learn to do things without hands on experience.

I will not put forth more effort to teach than the learner is willing to put forth to learn.

Love Life
11-17-2013, 05:56 PM
I will not put forth more effort to teach than the learner is willing to put forth to learn.

If you were closer, I would buy you a double double for that statement. Those are my exact feelings to teaching anything. You can tell the difference between someone who wants to LEARN and who just wants the ANSWER very easily.

11-17-2013, 06:03 PM
Exactly. I will help you but I won't do it for you.

Learning is an active process.

Love Life
11-17-2013, 09:04 PM
So does this mean I can shoot a boolit with a gas check shank without a gas check?

11-17-2013, 09:14 PM
Yes. Can I use a check on a Non-check design?

Love Life
11-17-2013, 09:22 PM
Sure, if you have a sizer or press stout enough to make it happen.

11-18-2013, 01:10 AM
I've got to admit, I recently "discovered" a sticky on this very page that made no sense to me first time I read it. Glad I gave it a second read, doubt I'd have found it in a Stickies section.

11-18-2013, 01:20 AM
Perhaps the solution would a be a function like some other sites have that allows us to show or hide stickies.

I've got to admit, I recently "discovered" a sticky on this very page that made no sense to me first time I read it. Glad I gave it a second read, doubt I'd have found it in a Stickies section.I guess that's why we have the stickies. I've been testing the 'problem' of a long list of stickies and find my mouse with a roller scroller is all is needed to scroll past them - no effort or bother. If given the choice I'd keep stickies 'on'. Every now an then someone adds to a sticky.

So that would be my vote - the option to hide or show stickies.

I personally like it when someone asks something. If there is a sticky on the subject, those of us who know it's there will direct them to it. The poster still gets to 'talk' to others. That's what's it's about for me. But reading posts on this thread I get the impression that y'all like to 'talk', answer questions, throw in some funny comments and help folks. ;) It's been said many times that this site is the greatest and having visited quite a few quite good sites I can say categorically that this is indeed the best site there is for shooters and hunters, let alone casters and reloaders.
And we Kiwi's have quite a good local site that caters for us quite nicely. :drinks:

11-18-2013, 12:07 PM
Sometimes people point you to the stickies because they can't answer your question.

11-18-2013, 12:29 PM
My Pastor touched on a similar subject yesterday at church; people don't want to read/study anymore. They don't know how to or don't want to plan ahead and they live in the "right now", no interest in tomorrow. All their electronic toys will give them an instant answer to nearly every question man ever had, and all that's needed is hitting a few keys. No patience, no research, just type in a question and get an answer right now. Of course not everyone is living this life style but the majority of younger people are becoming the "instant generation". Every High School kid in my small town has a cell phone with "apps" for every interest they can think of. It seems to be the way the world is going; Good or Bad? I may be old, a relic of times gone by but one of my favorite pass times is perusing a reloading catalog or reloading manual and putting together loads for my favorite firearm in my mind...

11-18-2013, 01:34 PM
My Pastor touched on a similar subject yesterday at church; people don't want to read/study anymore. They don't know how to or don't want to plan ahead and they live in the "right now", no interest in tomorrow. All their electronic toys will give them an instant answer to nearly every question man ever had, and all that's needed is hitting a few keys. No patience, no research, just type in a question and get an answer right now. Of course not everyone is living this life style but the majority of younger people are becoming the "instant generation". Every High School kid in my small town has a cell phone with "apps" for every interest they can think of. It seems to be the way the world is going; Good or Bad? I may be old, a relic of times gone by but one of my favorite pass times is perusing a reloading catalog or reloading manual and putting together loads for my favorite firearm in my mind...

All will be well----until the power goes out!!!

11-19-2013, 11:46 PM
All will be well----until the power goes out!!!For me too! [smilie=1: Heck, I get agitated when I con't get online to chat with you guys! :killingpc :mrgreen:

I think (I know I'm like that) that a lot of folks who have a question want to have a 'live' chat about it. They (like me) would likely go through some stickies after a while. But that live question, answer and discussion is what makes it all the more fun. There is an element of sharing like interests or talking to someone with the interest and experience.

See, even here we having fun discussing stickies!:drinks:

11-20-2013, 11:43 PM
My Pastor touched on a similar subject yesterday at church; people don't want to read/study anymore. They don't know how to or don't want to plan ahead and they live in the "right now", no interest in tomorrow. All their electronic toys will give them an instant answer to nearly every question man ever had, and all that's needed is hitting a few keys. No patience, no research, just type in a question and get an answer right now. Of course not everyone is living this life style but the majority of younger people are becoming the "instant generation". Every High School kid in my small town has a cell phone with "apps" for every interest they can think of. It seems to be the way the world is going; Good or Bad? I may be old, a relic of times gone by but one of my favorite pass times is perusing a reloading catalog or reloading manual and putting together loads for my favorite firearm in my mind...

Self-actualized people who can think for themselves, have a knowledge fund sufficient to make decisions and assertions, and who have a capacity for reason are dangerous threats to those who seek to shepherd a flock on a grand scale. What was once considered to be the essential qualities of a good citizen now make one a "revolutionary". It is arguable whether the characteristics of our newer generations are a cause, or an effect of the manner in which information is sought and delivered.


11-21-2013, 12:27 AM
Self-actualized people who can think for themselves, have a knowledge fund sufficient to make decisions and assertions, and who have a capacity for reason are dangerous threats to those who seek to shepherd a flock on a grand scale. What was once considered to be the essential qualities of a good citizen now make one a "revolutionary". It is arguable whether the characteristics of our newer generations are a cause, or an effect of the manner in which information is sought and delivered.


That seems true but it quite true on an individual business scale. Having too much knowledge or capacity to reason and simply think, without the necessary butt kissing skills:kissarse: is definitely gonna get you onto the black list (don't ask how I know [smilie=1:). It makes sense that big business, corporations, the military and governments want unthinking followers (think cannon fodder) to mold and lead. Heck, there even gun forums that want that! (But not this one :2_high5:).

11-21-2013, 01:01 AM
They don't know how to or don't want to plan ahead and they live in the "right now", no interest in tomorrow.-mdi

I've called that the McDonalds syndrome for years, starts earlier than that for some folks. My generation had to wait for a bottle of milk/formula to be heated in a pan of water on the stove. Babies today get bottles after seconds in the microwave. Instant gratification vs the satisfaction of figuring things out for oneself.

Jeff H
11-21-2013, 01:40 AM
Self-actualized people who can think for themselves, have a knowledge fund sufficient to make decisions and assertions, and who have a capacity for reason are dangerous threats to those who seek to shepherd a flock on a grand scale. What was once considered to be the essential qualities of a good citizen now make one a "revolutionary". It is arguable whether the characteristics of our newer generations are a cause, or an effect of the manner in which information is sought and delivered.



Anything I have to add would only be less articulate.

45 2.1
11-21-2013, 09:05 AM
Self-actualized people who can think for themselves, have a knowledge fund sufficient to make decisions and assertions, and who have a capacity for reason are dangerous threats to those who seek to shepherd a flock on a grand scale. What was once considered to be the essential qualities of a good citizen now make one a "revolutionary". It is arguable whether the characteristics of our newer generations are a cause, or an effect of the manner in which information is sought and delivered. Gear

+1 to this thought.................. Agendas abound here.

That seems true but it quite true on an individual business scale. Having too much knowledge or capacity to reason and simply think, without the necessary butt kissing skills:kissarse: is definitely gonna get you onto the black list (don't ask how I know [smilie=1:). It makes sense that big business, corporations, the military and governments want unthinking followers (think cannon fodder) to mold and lead. Heck, there even gun forums that want that! (But not this one :2_high5:).

Opinions vary on some of these items............ usually divided up in age groups too.

Mal Paso
11-21-2013, 10:06 PM
My generation had to wait for a bottle of milk/formula to be heated in a pan of water on the stove. Babies today get bottles after seconds in the microwave.

Heating bottles in a microwave is dangerous. Too easy to get hot spots and burn a baby's mouth. (New Grandfather)

Sorry, that was too serious.

How bout a Great Quote Sticky starting with Gear?

11-22-2013, 12:03 AM
My Pastor touched on a similar subject yesterday at church; people don't want to read/study anymore. They don't know how to or don't want to plan ahead and they live in the "right now", no interest in tomorrow. All their electronic toys will give them an instant answer to nearly every question man ever had, and all that's needed is hitting a few keys. No patience, no research, just type in a question and get an answer right now. Of course not everyone is living this life style but the majority of younger people are becoming the "instant generation". Every High School kid in my small town has a cell phone with "apps" for every interest they can think of. It seems to be the way the world is going; Good or Bad? I may be old, a relic of times gone by but one of my favorite pass times is perusing a reloading catalog or reloading manual and putting together loads for my favorite firearm in my mind...

Maybe it's a sign of age but anymore I find myself in a minor panic if I have to go into something completely blind. It never used to bother me and I would jump head first into something without a second thought. Heck in my early twenties the first time I was ever in an airplane I jumped out of it and didn't give it a second thought.

I lurked on this site for over 9 months before I joined reading everything I could about casting. I would read until I got information overload and then stop only to return the next day to pick up where I left off. I can't just go blindly into the night because someone said it's what I'm suppose to do. I have to have some sort of knowledge foundation before I can embark on any new project or endeavor.