View Full Version : Lots-o-lead

11-13-2007, 02:56 AM
Has anyone ever checked out this government sight and/or bid on scrap lead?
You just type in what you're looking and/or state you're interested in and you can find all sorts of things. I would but there is never any lead for bid in my state. Looks like it would be a good price. The only problem is you wouldn't know what else was mixed in the lead.
Just an idea.

Trez Hensley
11-13-2007, 03:14 AM
Here is 77,940lb from this site just waiting for a lot of money and time to get it.
GROUP BUY.......[smilie=1:[smilie=1:..........right.......

Didn't see any reasonable sizes lots for any individual I know. If you want to get into the scrap business maybe. The big buyer (Honcho's--Honcho/KING Honcho) could ship it out to us in 1000 lb lots.


11-13-2007, 11:46 AM
The language is vague, "DOD personel must wittness destruction" what does that mean?
If you bid low and get it it will have to be hauled to an aproved site I am sure, and it will take two 18 wheelers to pick it up and at $3 a gallon and the trucks get at most 8 MPG you are talking a lot of money. i would bet they aren't going to just jet you take it to just any place to smelt it down.
Big headache when dealing with the Goverment.

Wayne Smith
11-13-2007, 12:03 PM
Too bad. It's literally in my back yard. Probably at the Portsmouth Naval Station, home of Drydock #1, first in America, still functioning. Site of the construction of the CSS Virginia from the remains of the USS Merrimack.

Not only haulage, but would also need a site to deliver and store. What would be mixed lead and steel that needs destruction?

11-13-2007, 01:46 PM
The way it works is for those large a lot..... The professional recyclers bid more than we are willing to pay. Some sites do not load out or only load certain types of trucks.

the DOD folks would have to watch you smelt or otherwise officially destroy the item if that is part of the sale.

Sometimes there are small lots that are not big enough to gain the big boys attention and they slip by. Some require and end user certificate others do not.

Really it is a crap shoot. It also makes me mad as I have seen some perfectly good tools go to watse because they sit them outside in the weather for 3 months before they get around to putting them o nthe site.


Morgan Astorbilt
11-13-2007, 02:33 PM
A friend if mine used to own a huge scrap metal yard, and bid on a dozen pieces of machinery still in their crates. Two of them were metal lathes, about 14" swing, He had to lift them high in the air with a crane, and drop them, while an agent for the seller looked on. I almost cried. He was able to sell the chucks and other tooling, but the lathes were scrap.

This is where I got four steel drums full of Lino and Monotype, fifteen years ago, for a nickle a pound. Everything resembling lead was a nickle a pound, which was what he was paying for it.
Managed to get a ton of pure lead X-Ray room shielding, and 600lbs. of 95-5 solder. He's since sold out to his partner, so the good times are over for me.