View Full Version : coleman campstove?

11-11-2013, 01:26 PM
I got a coleman dual burner propane camp stove. i was wondering from someone hpw much weight they can handle.

mold maker
11-11-2013, 02:18 PM
The long term high heat and extrta weight will do the grate in. If you use a small pot (up to 10 lbs) and reinforce the grate, it will work, but the fuel cost is a negative.
I picked up 2 (gas burners) for near nothing and ladle cast a bunch with them, but it's not a production method that I'd recomend. It is however, the way many of us started out.

Vulcan Bob
11-12-2013, 12:29 AM
Hi there, I gave a propane camp stove a try and it took forever to melt eight to ten pounds of COWW's. Picked up a fish fryer at Wal-Mart for Twenty bucks. It has a sturdy frame and melts my small twenty five pound pot in a jiffy.

11-12-2013, 11:24 AM
I smelted once, and I used a Coleman campstove. I filled the pot 4 times, and ended up with 160 lbs. So I did about 40 each time. But I think mold maker has a good point. The grate was glowing orange for a while, and I was thinking that it might not hold up in the long run. Having said that, 160lbs should last a while!

Wayne Smith
11-12-2013, 11:37 AM
When I was using one the grate was made of what looked like 1/4" steel rods. The often got red hot but never bent. I used a 10 lb pot on it for years until it gave up the ghost. Actually, I probably had closer to 20 lbs in the 1qt kitchen pot I use for pure.

paul h
11-12-2013, 08:39 PM
I have a coleman white gas two burner stove that I've used the smelt ~1000#'s of wheel weights over the years. I use a stainless thrift store pot that holds about 40#'s of ww's. Yes, the grating does bend under the weight, but in over 10 years it hasn't failed. I wouldn't mind upgrading, but it should last for the remaining 150#'s of ww's I need to smelt. My ww supply has dried up and that's not likely to change (though I wish it would).

5.7 MAN
11-16-2013, 08:07 AM
I use the Multi-fuel coleman and a cast Iron pot that will hold about 35# when full. Works pretty well. I would like something like turkey fryer though.