View Full Version : Restock 1886 Winchester

Sgt Red Leg
11-09-2013, 09:33 PM
Howdy boys and girls. I have a 1980's Miroku Winchester 1886 in .45-70 that I want to restock. After stripping off that horrible high shine finish, I found out the stock had light wood on one side that had been stained dark. I want to replace the stock w/a better figured wood and have it checked. I had my Daughters rifle done in Warsaw, MO and do not want to go there again. I really get the willies when I have to send one MY fire arms through UPS or FEDEX. Just don't like to do it. Because of the mishandling I hold my breath until they return. Ugh.... So, anyone out there able to recommend a jobber ? My internet searches have not come up with much. Maybe because of the way I am asking . . . . . not sure. Anyone ? ?

Thanks . . . . . Sarge

11-09-2013, 09:35 PM
Macon gun stocks. Superb work for reasonable price.

Sgt Red Leg
11-09-2013, 10:14 PM
Thanks for the response. Macon did my Daughters 1886 and I will not let them do mine. I am afraid to send hers back.


11-10-2013, 10:43 AM
Thanks for the response. Macon did my Daughters 1886 and I will not let them do mine. I am afraid to send hers back.


That's unfortunate. I've had good luck with several rifles. The latest was about 1 year ago. It's a shame they took so long, it made it back 1 week after my father passed.

11-10-2013, 12:01 PM
Have you looked @ Boyd's? Don't know if they supply the 1886 stock but I am very pleased with one I got a few months ago. No need the ship the gun, only minor fitting involved.

11-10-2013, 05:50 PM

This is where I'd go for just about any 2 piece stock I ever need (http://www.treebonecarving.com/winchester-levergun-stocks.html)

11-12-2013, 10:56 AM
Another source I've run across but haven't done business with is Winchester Bob's Gun Shop. I think Numrich/Gun Parts Inc has stocks as well.

Sgt Red Leg
11-12-2013, 08:44 PM
OK, XTR & TX I wll check these guys out. Thanks for the advice.


11-12-2013, 10:53 PM
It's getting testy sending anything through the mail these days:
I sent a box of books to my granddaughter early last week. The box was sent priority mail. It should have taken 2 days. A week later the box arrived, the box looked fine except that out of the dozen or so books that were mailed, there was one book in the box.
So we have thieves working for the USPS now. The box was very cleverly opened, books taken, the packing put back in, and they left one book in the box. 14lbs of books sent, 1/2 lb received.
The postal worker told me to go on line and file a claim. They want you to set up an account, PROVE that you bought those books, send in the receipts, give them 30 days to respond......like I'm ever going see anything from them.
I bought those books over a period of 20 years.....they're gone.
Swine postal worker.......