View Full Version : Tzatziki sauce and Shwarma

MT Gianni
11-08-2013, 02:42 PM
Traditional Greek sauce is made by finely shopping 2 cucumbers and letting them drain for 20 minutes then salting and draining ten minutes more. Add to the cukes 4 oz plain yogurt, 3 tbsp sour cream, 2 tbsp lemon juice and 2-3 cloves garlic finely shopped. Let it set in the fridge for 4 hours to mix the flavors. Use it for dipping crackers, flat breads or as a sauce.
For Shawrma, cut meat in thin strips and let it marinade for 6-24 hours. Mid-Eastern folks use lamb or goat. We use Beef, Chicken or Pork. Bought some boneless pork loin on sale for $1.49 a couple of weeks back. It was mixed end pieces but I cut it into pork chops 1/2"-5/8" thick. Grilled the marinated chops and they were great. For thin sliced traditionally it is served on Pita bread but goes well by itself or on a sandwich roll. If you spent time over there and liked the flavors try this.

11-08-2013, 02:44 PM
Do you marinate the meat in the tzatziki?

11-08-2013, 02:54 PM
Made this many times. !2 hours is better.

We also have it when we go to Zorba's Greek Restaurant.


11-08-2013, 03:29 PM
Sounds good John, I'm going to give it a try~!

11-08-2013, 05:00 PM
Arabic Salad: finely chopped - tomato, onion (sweet), and celery.

Finely Chopped: 1/4" square.

Dressing: Oil/Vinegar (salt, seasonings) or Greek Dressing (bottle)

A number of 'non-salad' types like this.

And Costco (Oregon) has been selling naan bread - flat bread. Hopefully they did not knead with there toes.

MT Gianni
11-09-2013, 10:55 PM
Do you marinate the meat in the tzatziki?

Yes, sorry to not make that clearer.

11-11-2013, 08:22 PM
And Costco (Oregon) has been selling naan bread - flat bread. Hopefully they did not knead with there toes.

