View Full Version : They might not be pretty...

11-05-2013, 11:08 PM
Okay, they look awful, but they are mine. 8660086598
Half (or more) of them should be scrapped, but I don't think it is too bad for my first try. Using Federal brass the first time probably didn't help. But still, I'm happy. I made them using HG Firearms swaging dies. They aren't as good a BT's but they aren't that bad either. They're a good set of starting dies. Oh, I have a newbie question. Has anyone else had brass that has folded tips and wrinkled tips from the same annealing batch? I'm really confused. One more question. How on earth do you rotate pictures?

Edit: Fixed the pictures!

Re edit: Never mind. Stupid computers. Or operator, I'm not sure which.

11-05-2013, 11:24 PM
The wrinkled tips might be caused by to much lube, try reducing it. Sprink

11-05-2013, 11:26 PM
Hey they look like they will work. If they were mine I would use them!

11-05-2013, 11:30 PM
Don't get me wrong, I'm going to use them. They just aren't very pretty. :) Thanks Sprink. I'll try less lube next time and see if it helps.

11-06-2013, 12:00 AM
i dont swage but to rotate your fotos before you post them open them in any foto program , ( ms paint,infanview,photshop,picasa etc etc ) all the ones that i'm aware of have a place to rotate or resize etc ,once you have it the way you want it then post it , i combined several into one foto and posted it once

11-06-2013, 12:31 AM
Huh. Okay, thanks. I uploaded the pictures straight form my phone so I didn't think they would have to be rotated. You see where thinking got me. I'll keep that in mind next time I post a picture.

R.Ph. 380
11-06-2013, 12:41 AM
Shoot those little golden bullets. Good work. Just takes working and trying what works best for you. Agree on a little less lube, try lubing just the base and what would be the case head. Very acceptable for plinking. Congrats on taking the plunge


11-06-2013, 01:36 AM
How were they annealed ?

11-06-2013, 08:58 AM
In a big giant pan over a forge. I tried to keep them stirred but I think some on the edges didn't get annealed quite enough and the ones in the middle got too much. I'd like to get a cheap, used electric lead pot to anneal in. I have posted in the swapping and selling forum but haven't got any responses. Anybody have one? Never mind. Someone PMed me while I was typing this. But if it falls through, I'm still looking.

bullet maker 57
11-06-2013, 09:28 AM
How do you lube the jackets when point forming? I use a cheap HF rock tumbler and use minimal lube. Let them tumble for 5 min or so. You have to find the right amount of lube to use when point forming. To much and they dimple, not enough and they stick in the die.

11-06-2013, 10:01 AM
The wrinkles are as stated from too much lube. The folds are usually from not enough anneal. As for lubing the cases I dab some lube in my hand (I use 50/50 lanolin/castor oil mix) and work it in. Then I place a small handful of jackets (maybe 20) and rub them between my hands. After about 100 cases or 4 to 5 times I add another dab of lube and repeat. It doesnt take much with this lube.


11-06-2013, 10:46 AM
For lubing, I use the 50/50 lanolin/caster oil. I accidentally got them mixed up with my freshly derimmed, still lubed cases. The lube got on my good jackets and I thought it was about the right amount. I guess it was too much. Normally, I heat the lube and whatever I will be swaging up then put some of each in a tupperware container and swirl them around.

11-06-2013, 11:15 AM
way to go MO! now get out to the range and get back to us with a report ...

11-06-2013, 11:30 AM
Shoot first, alibi later.
Words of wisdom, taught to me as a newbie compitetor by a vetran shooter on the fireing line.
After all they might work just fine!

11-06-2013, 11:38 AM
Shoot first, alibi later.
Words of wisdom, taught to me as a newbie compitetor by a vetran shooter on the fireing line.
After all they might work just fine!
amen if they hit what they were sent after they are beautiful in my eyes.

Prospector Howard
11-06-2013, 12:22 PM
You said it, that's the important thing. I'll bet they'll still be a thousand times better than trying to cast .223 bullets and paying for gas checks. As someone that's tried to cast for .223, I can say that I think it's a total waste of time. You can't shoot them past about 1800 FPS for any accuracy, so I just don't see the point. If you tried to shoot them at 3000 FPS like we're doing here with the swaged bullets, the group would be the size of a barn door. Too many people get hung up on having to shoot "one ragged hole" groups. Yes it would be nice, but everyone has different goals, and just about any decent swaged, jacketed .223 bullet is still way better than cast for this caliber. Keep at it MOcaster, they'll get better as you get the hang of it.
amen if they hit what they were sent after they are beautiful in my eyes.

11-06-2013, 07:38 PM
They look just fine to me. And they will shoot as well as the ones without the dimpling. Just remember, Shirley Temple had little dimples and they never harmed her!


The secret to attractive, accurate bullets made from 22LR cases will not be found here. You must seek out the sorcerer who will teach you the art known as "the tinseling". In English, they call him Kugel, the Bullet Sorcerer. An old alchemist who has practiced the black arts for many hundreds of years. He is the master of his craft and knows the secrets, but be warned, to obtain them comes at a terrible price!

He is in the Nexus: the intersection through which all things pass, on their way to the place where they will be, but haven't got to yet. The path to the Nexus was once known to the Ancients as "The Filament". A road of light that passes through the darkness of ignorance. Find Kugel and you will learn the truth.

P.S. It really smells there - what with all that slime, sulphur, fire and the annealing pools - so bring cologne and a hanky!

But before you go, don't forget to buy some refreshments from our snack bar, located in the lobby!


Oh, What a Pong!

Oh, what pong!
It's lasted so long
I think that I'm going to be sick
Such a raunchy, foul fetor that hangs in damp weather
With a density several feet thick

Oh, what a stench!
That Old Spice won't quench
It causes my nostils to bind
A malodourous reek that's lasted a week
I think that I'm going to go blind

Oh, what a stink!
Too malicious to shrink
It grows with each passing hour
A revolting, sour niff that burns when I sniff
So incredibly rancid and dour

Oh, what a smell!
I'd damn it to hell
But I haven't the strength left to fight
It continues to fume. It's filled up the room
A noxious, overpowering blight

Oh, what a scent!
A vile, wretching vent
That pervades every inch of this place
I beg you go home and leave us alone
It's peeling the skin from my face

Oh, what an aroma!
We're all in a coma
The fumes have gone to our heads
You're a toxic mephitis. A charmless colitis.
That likely would smell better dead.

- Stephen Redgwell

11-06-2013, 07:47 PM
Just a quick question. Does anybody have an unused electric lead pot that I can buy so it is easier to anneal?

11-06-2013, 09:01 PM
I don't know if you've seen this page or not, but in case no one answers, check here.


11-06-2013, 09:39 PM
I forgot about Titan. I would still like to have a used one because it would be cheaper but I'll keep Titan in mind.

11-08-2013, 08:43 AM
The wrinkles are as stated from too much lube. The folds are usually from not enough anneal. As for lubing the cases I dab some lube in my hand (I use 50/50 lanolin/castor oil mix) and work it in. Then I place a small handful of jackets (maybe 20) and rub them between my hands. After about 100 cases or 4 to 5 times I add another dab of lube and repeat. It doesnt take much with this lube.


lube to anneal tag

11-08-2013, 09:24 AM
I will try not to be too critical about you bullets, because they look better than mine did when I started out.
When the 22 rimfire cases are annealed at high temperatures it burns out a lot of the zinc and compromises the structure of the copper jacket, leaving it softer than it should be.

Several thing happen with too soft of a jacket, the first is when making them. The shank of the bullet or bearing surface will collapse when the nose is put on, ( your picture is not the best, but it appears that there are rings on the shank of your bullets) this will cause the over all length of the bullet to change as well as the ojive. When seating the bullet in the case the seating depth will also change.
The second thing that will happen when the jackets are over annealed it that they will cause more copper fouling in the barrel of your rifle, because the zinc has been cooked out of the copper.
Zinc is a very good metal to have in the copper as it acts as a lubricant.

Below is a picture of how I anneal my jackets.
This process allows only annealing in the area where it is needed the most, where the nose or ojive is formed.
The shank of the bullet retains the zinc in the brass needed to help lubricate the bullet and reduce the copper fouling in the barrel.

Don't loose heart in making these bullets, they are the best bullets for the money anywhere in the world. Because you made them.


11-08-2013, 05:49 PM
I want to respond to the ripples in your bullets. I bought dies from HG also, BIG mistake, and they all did the same thing. I sent them back, still haven't gotten the replacements back yet, 3 months later! My 45's would all have wrinkles around the tips. No it is not too much lube, I put dry jackets in, same thing, I put really lubed jackets in, same thing. I have a digital microscope and I finally looked at them thru it. There were pits and scars in the die! Simply put just plane piss poor workmanship! No other way to put it. Now I am in a legal battle with HG over the dies and press that he made me.

lead chucker
11-10-2013, 09:24 PM
Those are your bullets, there are many like it, but those are yours. Kind of a take off from the movie full metal jacket. I think they look good. I am looking forward to making some. I have been collecting 22 lr cases for a while. How do you like the H&G dies? Did you get the adjustable core mold from him?

11-10-2013, 10:42 PM
I did get the mold from John but I haven't got it yet. He shipped me one but it got lost in the mail and he hasn't gotten me another one built yet. The dies aren't the best but I don't think they are the worst. One thing that I don't like about them is there is one main die body with different inserts for it. I think I could get a couple of Lee die blanks and have my gunsmith make me more die bodies so I don't have to completely reset my dies every time I change out the insert.

11-14-2013, 06:55 PM
over the last several decades, (can it really have been that long?) I have asked many many varmints if they objected to the way my bullets looked. Never had a complaint. Truth is, never had a response of any kind.