View Full Version : Fishing pics, copper river salmon for LTC Wayne

11-04-2013, 11:41 PM
These are for you LTC Wayne.... S.F. Fishing in cordova, home of the copper river salmon... They really are famous...

This was on fathers day this year. This is what you are eating LTC. We canned about 200 of them this year.

Here is AlaskaGurl with the one that didn't get away...

Here is my autistic son Alaska boy with his haul of silvers.

I am releasing a nice Dolley Varden Char in spawning colors.

And this is the biggest halibut i ever got with rod and reel about 15 years ago.. About 340 lbs

And here is a pic of some very happy customers of mine.. Did i tell ya that i am a fishing guide here.

And here is a short video of Alaskan Girl reeling in a big one... She insists that it was a humpback whale.


If anybody ever wants some info on fishing in alaska, just pm me... I love my job...lol

11-05-2013, 09:26 PM
I guess there aint no fishing fans around here cept me and wayne...lol

11-05-2013, 09:40 PM
I guess there aint no fishing fans around here cept me and wayne...lol
Have some patients...this thread isn't even 24 hours old ;)

I love to fish. Grew up on a small Lake in MN...fishing AK is alot different that what I'm use to. I've been to AK once...to visit relatives in Aniak and fish that town's Silver Salmon Derby. The fishing was pretty good, but the highlight of my trip (besides visiting with relatives) was Aniak's State Fair, it was more of a rendezvous by Minnesota's standards :) the agutuk was fantastic :) :)

11-06-2013, 12:46 AM
I grew up fishing Koronis in central MN by Paynesville. Love fishing and being outdoors.

Lloyd Smale
11-06-2013, 06:25 AM
wonder how long it would take me to smoke that halibut ;)

11-06-2013, 06:52 AM
All depends on how big on pieces you cut it in to. Spent 4 years up in Alaska when my father was stationed there with the AirForce. I would give anything to be able to go back. I assume all those where caught on rod and reel. Think the only time my father ever went to the copper river was to dip net for them. Always came home with a huge cooler full and then my work began. That is one big "Barn Door" of a fish you got there.

11-06-2013, 07:14 AM
I love to fish. Alaska is a great place to fish, however the pond in my back yard is closer. I did a little fishing on the side of the road when we went on vacation there about 5 years ago. I caught breakfast for us that morning.

11-06-2013, 10:44 AM
There are silvers running here through the end of the month... As far as that halibut is concerned, the big old ones like that are kinda wormy, so you gotta be careful... And they are a bit-ch to fillet... You have to fillet the fillets about 4 times to get a managable fillet... 100 pounders are the best eating.. That big one took 2 guys and about 2 hours to get to the surface and was estimated about 75 years old.... Broke my heart a few times when i thought the battle was over only to have him go 200 ft back to the bottom to start all over...lol... Shot him with a .410 shotgun to end the battle..lol

11-07-2013, 12:26 AM
What kind of limit do you have on salmon in cordova??
I had never paid any attention, but did not realize the copper ended up at cordova. Is it right at town, or is there a boat ride involved or road to it?

11-07-2013, 01:06 AM
The road goes to it... Copper river delta starts right outside of town. With the river channels being spread out for miles.. Limit for silvers is 3 per day unless you have a subsistence permit...

11-07-2013, 01:23 AM
Yea, that 3 per day sucks, especially if you have to do a bunch of traveling. Hopefully work won't keep me from trying out the dipnetting on the copper next year.
What is the best time of year for your fishing?

11-07-2013, 01:58 AM
If you get down here.... We can surely fill your fish boxes between the 2 or 3 or 4 of us.... You can get 100 lbs in a day or 2.... Come in aug or sept... Late august is best... Bring rain gear and your camper... And we will fill ya to the brim.. Just hop the ferry in valdez for killer fishing in a few hours...

paul h
11-07-2013, 02:26 AM
Caught a few fish this summer.

First trip of the year was a good one



Had a buddy visiting from Texas and managed to get him on a few fish.



I haven't uploaded pics from the other trips. Last two trips were limits of silvers and sending a good friend home with 100#'s of fillets.

I think the most memorable part of the summer was the weather


11-07-2013, 02:50 AM
That sounds great, bbut that is usually my busiest time of the year, which sucks as it kills moose season for me too. We may drift down that way one of these days though, the wife has been wanting to see that part of the world, she has seen most of the kenai, but hasn't been to valdez yet, and neither of has seen anything past there.

11-07-2013, 03:59 AM
End of sept works great too...

11-07-2013, 01:56 PM
Some years the end of september is doable, that is when we usually start winding down.

bruce drake
11-07-2013, 02:31 PM
nice Goldfish.... ;) Ok, now where are the pictures of some nice bluegill... ;)


11-07-2013, 03:15 PM
No bluegills in Ak, we don't use live bait, so we don't need them. lol

Lloyd Smale
11-09-2013, 08:24 AM
im kind of jealous of you guys that can catch 100lb fish. Heck a couple of those would keep me in fish all year!!

paul h
11-12-2013, 05:50 PM
Not all the fish are 100 pounders, in fact you'll probably fish for several years before landing a 100# halibut. But, we have fairly generous limits and if you go fishing with your family, it's no problem to bring back over 100#'s of fish from a single trip.

Capt. Methane
11-16-2013, 05:57 AM
Oh, I'd love to do that again. One of these days I will!

Weather prevented me from getting up to St. Mary's when the Kings were running but I got some Silvers on the Kwethluk later that year ('99). Still get through Anchorage periodically but don't usually have enough time to get that far away...or how I'd get the fish home-otherwise heck yes I'd go!

11-16-2013, 07:27 AM
Fishing was my first love, but eventually life kinda took over, and somehow firearms and hunting kinda filled the void. Love to go hunting or fishing in AK someday, but most likely won't happen. At least, I can watch Alaska the last frontier, and Yukon Men.

11-16-2013, 01:21 PM
Nice Fish! We fish out of Seward and Homer with more fish then we can haul back. Alaska is fishing paradise! We had some great Tuna trips in San Diego this year...