View Full Version : New Rifle Made In Texas?

11-02-2013, 12:12 PM
Has anyone else seen the new rifle that is being made in Texas that has a Fighter Pilot Target system??
I am sure that there will be a lot of folks that will disagree with me, but, where is the sport in that?? If you have to have something like that, then you are not any kind of sportsman are you?? I understand that not everyone likes to reload or can't for some reason. For me everything I can do in the process the more fun it is. Back many years ago, I really was into Drag Racing, I would never drive anything that I did not build, but my little brother, who has more talent in his little finger than I have in my whole body, he would rather buy than build !!!! Different strokes for different folks!
Okay, here is your chance, I sure want to here other shooters thoughts??

Love Life
11-02-2013, 12:20 PM
I don't like the system, but for other reasons. It smacks of outright laziness to my. I busted my hump to be able shoot rifles well, and this is just a way for people to buy their way to accuracy.

11-02-2013, 01:07 PM
i saw something about that a while back and i thought, wheres the fun in that? their will probably be a market for it as their are alot of already once a year lazy shooters. they come here from big cities at deer season to hunt off of 4 wheelers with guns that shoot a mile and cant hit a deer at a100 yards. i wouldnt mind them but they look down on the locals when we hunt where we live. ive never had a real good experience with a out of state hunter yet and that is too bad. would the gun your talking about be legal for hunting? it is interesting at all the equipment they bring, even during turkey season. i think hunting with all that new tec looks like search and destroy did in vietnam. ill stick to the old way of skilled shooting and hunting. keep us posted on this new development. thanks for the post

11-02-2013, 01:17 PM
I saw that on Fox's News yesterday. They stated that they have orders threw this year.
I think this will be very bad thing for our sport!!

11-02-2013, 01:18 PM
I pride myself in reloading in the search of ultimate accuracy and to put down my game with one shot. Practice, Practice Practice..
This is just another rich mans way of short cutting that process .. no time put into learning anything

11-02-2013, 02:11 PM
I expect the GOV.org to restrict its sale to LE or military, or else to highly regulate it. They're scared of it.

11-02-2013, 02:19 PM
They have not invented sensors cheap enough for shooters to measure wind direction and its force along a projectile's trajectory in the small increments necessary. Again, beginners aiming for "inherent accuracy" will be taken all the way to the bank without passing GO. ... felix

Love Life
11-02-2013, 02:28 PM

Like the guys who get wind readings at their shooting bench with wind meters and wonder why their bullets are doing funky things on the target.

11-02-2013, 04:16 PM
I can buy a heck of alot of toys for $28,000.00 bucks. Big market in "BIG GOVERNMENT"

11-02-2013, 04:41 PM
smoke 4320: your right on when you say rich man. i like to be fair to every one but this is a toy with no fun in it. no challange, just for guys who like to brag and do nothing for it. when i was a boy many years ago, about 1952, i saw my dad drop a nice white tail buck in mid air about 75 yards off. it was sailing over a fence when he shot and he hit it perfect broad side in the front shoulder. he was a natural with a 30/30. lets see that gun do that. guns like that one on fox scare me.

11-02-2013, 05:34 PM
This little news lady shot out 600 yds.(I was thinking it was 800 yds.) but, anyway I fear that the wrong people WILL get there hands on them! $28,000.00 bucks is nothing to the Cartells!!! I will never give up my guns, but that cannot be call a gun!!!

11-02-2013, 08:12 PM
Probably heard similar tales of woe from the flintlock crowd when percussion caps were invented, longbow, recurve, crossbow controversy, same old story when technology comes a calling. This isn't going to ruin the shooting sports. How about affordable night vision gear, now thermal imaging gear? Take a deep breath and enjoy the advancements.

11-02-2013, 09:33 PM
JMHO, but if you're too lazy and/or outright stupid to learn to shoot accurately using the brain, eyes & hands God gave you....maybe you should take up golf or tiddlywinks or some other such past time.

Love Life
11-02-2013, 09:49 PM
Or just send me the money!!!

11-02-2013, 09:57 PM
What exactly are we talking about?

No pics, no links? I obviously missed the boat on this one.


11-02-2013, 10:04 PM

You seem to be missing the fact that it requires a connection to an Apple laptop computer to work.

They admit that the shooter must do his own wind doping.

It is an interesting toy but it has no legitimate usefulness as anything more than a sniper rifle and from what I can see those guys are already as good is it is.

Dan Cash
11-02-2013, 10:46 PM
Probably heard similar tales of woe from the flintlock crowd when percussion caps were invented, longbow, recurve, crossbow controversy, same old story when technology comes a calling. This isn't going to ruin the shooting sports. How about affordable night vision gear, now thermal imaging gear? Take a deep breath and enjoy the advancements.

I concur. What the heck is going on with this forum and this thread? More bias than a left wing hen fest.

Love Life
11-02-2013, 10:58 PM
No left winging going on here. Nobody has advocated a ban, or the company being denied the right to build IOT to be 'Fair' to all shooters.

In fact, "For the children" and/or "Everybody should be able to shoot XX far without putting in some effort." was ever mentioned. Those are left wing ideals, leanings, and thought patterns.

We did what conservatives do. We laughed at it, ridiculed it, and in the end said "It's their choice to buy it!"

-The end.

11-02-2013, 11:47 PM
Well that's what got us into trouble!We did what conservatives do. We laughed at it, ridiculed it, and in the end said "It's their choice to buy it!"

11-03-2013, 10:11 AM
https://tracking-point.com/precision-guided-firearms/xs1 I have never done a link so I am sure it won't work!

11-03-2013, 10:40 AM
Who will buy it?

PT Barnum said, there's a fool borne every minute!

My computer is housed under a baseball cap.

Three 44s

11-03-2013, 01:40 PM
three 44s,
The Bad Guys!

11-03-2013, 01:57 PM
OK, now I see! Who gives a ship?. I am going to be very surprised if the thing will do what it claims more than once. MY BS detector is screaming right now.

First: 2750 FPS +/- 10 fps. That's some pretty impressive loads to guarantee in writing. Seems like just a shift in temp would shoot that claim all to hell.

Also has this thing got some way of steering the bullet? Or is it just a video sighting system?

Also they say it is the most accurate rifle to 1200 yards out there.. I just bet Chey-Tec would dispute that claim.

I see an expensive rifle that may or may not live up to it's expectations. I also see Barrett, Chey-Tec and other who are well established companies ( Established Govt Contractors)as their main competitors.

I see this type of thing every year at the SHOT show and usually there is a Car salesman in the booth with it. Usually they are on the lower floor in a booth the size of your bathtub.


11-03-2013, 04:06 PM
I hope that you all know, don't shoot the messenger!

11-04-2013, 01:21 PM
The most accurate gun(s) are those which are electronically sighted AND take into account the weather with the guns' foundation (bench) bouncing all over the place. How about a inch and a half equivalent group at 26 miles? That would be a squared off football field as a target. Too bad, though, the final gun system has been mothballed. Talking about one of the big 4 battle wagons, the one which has the full complement of the latest "gun" electronics, including weather calcs via satellite sensors. ... felix

Nowadays, the projectiles themselves are pre-programmed via on-board computers having embedded target information. The gun platform and weather are taken out of the equation. There were (are) two locations in the USA which burn the information into the chips before delivery to the platform to be plugged into a specific "cruise missile". These were used during the desert storms. The drones today probably have such missiles which are probably programmed in real-time from the ground station. Required, because targets are unknown in advance of the drone's flight. ... felix

35 shooter
11-08-2013, 12:53 AM
And here i was all happy with my new vari x II 3x9 50mil. Hmmmm....well it still does work without the satelite connection. That might come in handy. Whew! Ya'll had me worried there for a minute.

11-10-2013, 01:53 PM
I think it would be fun to play with for a range trip or two, but $28,000 ? I don't do much long range shooting but the calculator on my smart phone along with a dope card and a range finder should get me very close to what this machine will do.

12-06-2013, 07:34 PM
Jeez, another evil black rifle, just what we need. Probably enough extra **** on it to be declared a bolt action assault weapon in several states. LOL

Did you notice they said it uses "open tipped ammunition"? Pretty funny, sounds like they're afraid to say the scary thing, hollow point bullet. Not PC enough for their intended market?

12-06-2013, 10:11 PM
I don't like the system, but for other reasons. It smacks of outright laziness to my. I busted my hump to be able shoot rifles well, and this is just a way for people to buy their way to accuracy.

All I gotta say is this: If your enemy has one, you better have one too!!!!!

Marvin S
12-14-2013, 08:38 PM
There is a write up in the American Rifleman about the cheaper version of this thing. It is offered by Remington as a package on select rifles. It does not need a computer or I-pad connected to it to work but you can if you want someone else to view it also.
On the other end of things there is a small article about Henry Arms bringing back a US made 1860.

12-25-2013, 11:28 AM
billy dixon didnt have this new gun and he did alright. ive seen some pretty good long range shots with diff. kinds of buffalo rifles at the alliance ne. range. seems to me their is more talent and skill in that then running a computer.

12-25-2013, 11:35 AM
Or just send me the money!!!

That's what I was thinking. Some of you better shooters should hire out for half the money!

Randy C
01-24-2014, 09:10 PM
I want a Burris eliminator 4 its not out yet, Scheels said they were not going to get any more 3s in they are waiting for the 4s to come out. I will put it on my 243wssm for coyotes.

01-25-2014, 01:18 AM
The threat of a weapon like this, if it works (and if not it eventually will), is that someone with very little training and poor skills can execute shots that place them at or near the same level as an accomplished marksman.

Do not think in terms of harvesting game. That is a narrow perspective.

And prices will come down. Look at what happened with TV's.

Don Verna

01-25-2014, 01:56 AM
I expect the GOV.org to restrict its sale to LE or military, or else to highly regulate it. They're scared of it.

There was an assassin type movie some years back that used something just like that as part of the plot. Yeah, Gov.com would be afraid of that, just as they are afraid of us.