View Full Version : Tried my hand at wood panel grip making

Deep Six
11-01-2013, 09:59 PM
I recently got to thinking that it would be an interesting and enjoyable project to make a set of grip panels for one of my revolvers. Since this was going to be my first set and I didn't want to risk messing up an expensive chunk of wood, I just picked up a finish grade hickory 1x4 with an interesting grain pattern from the local home improvement store. I also wanted to do something you never see much on a gun - so hickory fit the bill perfectly. It took me several hours of sanding, filing, fitting, and finishing, but here is the final product. The gun is a Ruger Blackhawk (obviously) convertible .45 with the Bisley grip frame. I used the Birchwood-Casey Tru-Oil stuff for the finish. It turned out too glossy so I used some of the "stock sheen and conditioner" to cut it down to more of a semi-gloss. There is no screw hole on the pictured side because I used an insert nut that goes in from the inside surface of that panel. I think it turned out great for my first attempt! I do like the look of the hickory - and it sure as heck won't get beat up riding around in a holster!

Reverend Recoil
11-01-2013, 11:40 PM
They look great. It was clever of you hide the threaded nut on the inside of the panel.

11-01-2013, 11:47 PM
good work, and work like that really make one feel good. it will lead to more work like it. i like hickory, a few years back we had a local man build us a new kitchen with hand built hickory cabnets. it started a trend in this county and now their is a lot of hickory cabnets in our county. their are a lot of beautiful woods out their. get some buffalo bone slabs or camel bone slabs for the next one. stain them with shoe leather die. makes the grain in the bone jump right out. almost makes them look like granite stone polished. thanks for the post

11-01-2013, 11:57 PM
Looks like you did a great job. I'll bet the new grips would look great on a blued gun.

11-03-2013, 09:03 PM
Very nice! A trick piece of walnut would look killer!