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View Full Version : What is/are your favorite thing/things about where you live?

Love Life
10-31-2013, 06:56 PM
As I was thrifting a thread with another member about where we live, it made me think about what makes where I live great. Well, great for me.

Fresh air
Solid firearms laws
Unlimited public lands
Amazing fishing

And I can go on for quite a bit!! What makes where you live such a great place to be for you? Pictures of the area encouraged!!

10-31-2013, 06:59 PM
Great people yet not too many of them. Lots of wide open spaces. Winters aren't too bad, usually.
Politics aren't too bad, we have some liberals but not too many.

Ranchers here know how to grow an awesome steak.

Dave C.
10-31-2013, 07:05 PM
It's not NY or NJ!

10-31-2013, 07:07 PM
Everything you listed and more, well, with snow a little goes a long ways and I don't know about prospecting in this area. I can only compare this area to what I escaped from so freedom is tops on the list plus the cost of taxes, groceries, electric and about everything else here is far less.

No pictures to post but if you Google the Twin Lakes region of north central Arkansas you'll get plenty. Some of the very best fishing in the country is right here with the lakes and the White River. Good hunting & I just got a lifetime hunting/fishing license, set me back $35.00. :mrgreen: If I go to the gun store and find a gun I want I pays my money and walks out with my new gun, sure couldn't do that in CA.

I moved back to America and Rick is right happy camper.


PS Paul
10-31-2013, 07:18 PM
Great fishing in Washington State!

Out here, we have Puget Sound, where I live- about two blocks from the Sound, mountains, Ocean beaches, lakes and MANY outstanding salmon and steelhead rivers within a short drive from anywhere.

State is libtarded politically due to overwhelming voting power in lefto-pinko-commie Seattle, but the rest of the State is generally conservative-leaning.

WA State is divided. West half is wet with mild winters and summers. The Eastern half is dry with HOT summers and lots of cold and snow in the winters.

It really is a terrific place to live if you like the outdoors, but it's cold and damp for 9 months out of the year, which I ain't crazy about.

Love Life
10-31-2013, 07:21 PM
Those are some big fish!!

10-31-2013, 07:24 PM
Nice fish but we grow cows way bigger than that. Red meat, yum!

Oh yeah, Nebraskans don't have an accent. Heck, the entire region around here doesn't have an accent. Ya'll can understand us easily, can't ya?

10-31-2013, 07:33 PM

10-31-2013, 07:35 PM

10-31-2013, 07:40 PM


10-31-2013, 07:45 PM
Awesome weather
I am 10 minutes from the range
I can carry concealed without a permit
Great gun laws
Hundreds of hiking trails
15 minutes from the lake

10-31-2013, 08:03 PM
3rd most free state in the Union, home paid for, range in the back yard.

10-31-2013, 08:13 PM
Everything you listed, plus a few more. Northern lights for one.

10-31-2013, 08:21 PM
As I was thrifting a thread with another member about where we live, it made me think about what makes where I live great. Well, great for me.

Fresh air
Solid firearms laws
Unlimited public lands
Amazing fishing

And I can go on for quite a bit!! What makes where you live such a great place to be for you? Pictures of the area encouraged!!

Love Life nailed it !!
And I will thro in Lot's of history here.

10-31-2013, 08:30 PM
I must admit, south FL does have some beautiful sights and amazing mountains........

10-31-2013, 08:35 PM
I must admit, south FL does have some beautiful sights and amazing mountains........
Yeah, I was smart enough to delete the photo from my ipad directly after posting.

10-31-2013, 08:38 PM
Coward. Smart, but cowardly.

Down South
10-31-2013, 08:40 PM
Great fishing in Washington State!

Out here, we have Puget Sound, where I live- about two blocks from the Sound, mountains, Ocean beaches, lakes and MANY outstanding salmon and steelhead rivers within a short drive from anywhere.

State is libtarded politically due to overwhelming voting power in lefto-pinko-commie Seattle, but the rest of the State is generally conservative-leaning.

WA State is divided. West half is wet with mild winters and summers. The Eastern half is dry with HOT summers and lots of cold and snow in the winters.

It really is a terrific place to live if you like the outdoors, but it's cold and damp for 9 months out of the year, which I ain't crazy about.
That last pic looks like a good road kill or a fish that fell off somebodys truck. It would go home with me. Hard for me to se tonight.

10-31-2013, 08:43 PM

I concur. Plus I can ride the Harley year round.

PS Paul
10-31-2013, 08:56 PM
That last pic looks like a good road kill or a fish that fell off somebodys truck. It would go home with me. Hard for me to se tonight.

Ha! That is a Chum Salmon swimming across a road adjacent a flooding creek in Shelton, WA at the base of Hood Canal. They are beautiful and bright fish when in the salt/ocean/Sound, but when they go upstream to spawn, they change into what we call "Army boots" and get those HUGE canine teeth.

There is a Chum hatchery near my house and I can be there in two minutes by car. The Chum returning are booted up, but playing catch and release is a BLAST. The Chum Salmon doesn't get much over 25 lbs., BUT they truly are the hardest-fighting of all salmon species pound for pound and put your tackle to the test. Lots o' fun!

Right now is Chum season and I've caught/released a few dozen in three trips down there so far. Good times. We don't eat 'em in this condition......

The ferry on top right is the boat I take to work in Seattle every day. I try never take that view for granted, you know?

10-31-2013, 08:59 PM
They are popular for dog food in that condition with the natives.

10-31-2013, 09:04 PM
This is a small thing, but no ticks or fleas or mosquitoes. Nice year round weather. Just a little snow. No neighbors, that I can see/hear, aka privacy. Fantastic views. Definite, country living. Since they say, and the O/P intended, if you can't say something nice about where you live, California, better to say nothing at all, but I can think of some nice things as stated.

10-31-2013, 09:19 PM
Northern Indiana, Good people, 4 seasons, Freedom, One of the better states regarding gun ownership, Very reasonable cost of living, the list goes on and on. I'm very Blessed to live here.

10-31-2013, 09:19 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot......After living in Louisiana for so many years, no mosquitoes!

10-31-2013, 09:22 PM
Hmmm..overall I think south-central Pa. is a great place to live. Where I'm at I have neighbors on 3 sides with shooting ranges close enough to walk to. Occassionally one of the neighbors drops off a box of lead! :) Two creeks converge in my back yard and the fishing is puddy good with the occassional goose/ducks. Lots of small game available. I can see one of my deer hunting stands from my back yard and I've shot a bunch'a deer from it. Only a 8 minute drive to work. Moderate weather compared to much of Penna. and plenty of jobs available. Franklin Co. is 75% conservative...now if someone would just nuke Philly&Pittsburgh our votes might actually count. Audie...the Oldfart..

10-31-2013, 09:56 PM
Bikinis on the beach in winter,riding my Harley in the middle of February with no jacket on,palm trees with xmas lights. I complain a lot about living here in SW Florida but overall it isn't to bad I guess,we do need bigger ranges though.

10-31-2013, 09:57 PM
Nebraska doesn't attract old people or tourists in droves. Just saying.

10-31-2013, 10:04 PM
We don't have a single mosquito in Alaska.

They are all married and have kids. lol

10-31-2013, 10:08 PM
well we are 50 miles from everywhere else.
just big enough to have two of everything, small enough to know most everybody in town and not have to wait in line for stuff.
close enough to the mountains I can ride the 4 wheeler there, or to the gas station without hassle, even with the rifle on the handlebars.
the closest reservoir is at the end of the street, and the range is close enough to tell if someone is using the rifle or pistol range from my front door.
I know most of our LEO's by name the sheriff and the chief of police by name also.

10-31-2013, 10:24 PM
This place was a hunters utopia in the 60's to mid 70's..But has gone way to metro for me..Nonetheless anyplace where you leave home after breakfast and be in Cody,Missoula,or Green River for supper has a lot going for it..Not to mention that the Jarbidge is 3.5 hours away,and the ION country is still chuker heaven...Onceabull

dagger dog
10-31-2013, 10:24 PM
Southern Indiana's rolling hills of the Ohio river breaks, plenty of public state and national forest land, lakes, rivers, water fowl, turkey, deer, small game hunting.

But I still envy you Zonies having spent some of my youthful years there, fishing and hunting the Tonto Natl. Forest, fishing Lake Roosevelt, and camping hiking the Superstions.

Love Life
11-01-2013, 12:04 AM
Fantastic everybody. I thought I would add some pictures:

That is Lake Topaz in the winter. I drive a beautiful 80 miles round trip everyday, and I still haven't gotten tired of it. Just a great place.

11-01-2013, 12:09 AM
Now that is sweet looking country. Am I right in my understanding that you are bugging-out to the South? That would be hard to leave.

Love Life
11-01-2013, 12:18 AM
Now that is sweet looking country. Am I right in my understanding that you are bugging-out to the South? That would be hard to leave.

I have to. I was issued my orders today and will reporting into Albany, GA in the summer of 2014. Not for good though. After I'm done in GA I'm going to beg and plead for Japan, bankroll money in both places. After Japan I will beg and plead for California. That's when I'm buying my spread in Nevada since I will be close enough to take care of it.

Just a setback Jmortimer. Just a small setback.

11-01-2013, 12:19 AM
So many things.

Four seasons. From 115F in the summer to 17F in the winter and everything in between.
Middle of the wilderness. Hiking, packing, fishing, hunting, camping, water skiing, house boating, river rafting, snow shoeing. It's all here and it's all very close, minimal driving required.
Epic fresh water salmon, steelhead, and trout fishing.
Mountains, lots of them. Clean, crisp fresh air.
Not a singe traffic light in the entire county.
CHP don't pull over locals.
Small town, tight community. Gold rush town, one of those places where when you meet someone and say your first name...they want to know your last name.


11-01-2013, 12:26 AM
"That's when I'm buying my spread in Nevada"

I hope to join you or vice versa. I'm on a four year time horizon.

Love Life
11-01-2013, 12:30 AM
Go to Northern Nevada. Las Vegas and it's county suck.

11-01-2013, 12:32 AM
That is for certain. Never would consider anything else. My buddy in Reno is on the lookout.

Love Life
11-01-2013, 12:34 AM
Buy Hoye Canyon, I'll pitch in half.

11-01-2013, 12:42 AM
How much? Or if I have to ask....

Love Life
11-01-2013, 12:45 AM
Bill- That looks like a fun time. I don't hunt the edibles anymore, but I do enjoy setting up a good camp and just wandering. Chase that elusive gold flake...

Jmortimer- $100,000 total for the parcel with a half mile of fishable/buildable Walker River Front. The property is split by a public road and the other side of the road has hills with few buildable spots. The only reason I didn't buy it is because it will cost $50,000 to run power to it.

11-01-2013, 12:47 AM
Now I wish I had elk.

Love Life
11-01-2013, 12:48 AM
That picture you posted is beautiful Kull. I'd love to throw on the mickey mouse boots and snow shoes and go exploring!

PS Paul
11-01-2013, 12:50 AM
Fantastic everybody. I thought I would add some pictures:

That is Lake Topaz in the winter. I drive a beautiful 80 miles round trip everyday, and I still haven't gotten tired of it. Just a great place.
I mentioned this to you some time back in another thread, but it bears repeating: I believe the mountains in and around Lake Tahoe are in the top three most gorgeous places on God's green Earth. Still sayin' it.

Also, your plan for GA, Japan then CA really sounds like a solid plan to me. I've moved aroundquite a bit and have ended up here in WA, but it ain't gonna be home forever.....

11-01-2013, 01:06 AM
This is a small thing, but no ticks or fleas or mosquitoes. Nice year round weather. Just a little snow. No neighbors, that I can see/hear, aka privacy. Fantastic views. Definite, country living. Since they say, and the O/P intended, if you can't say something nice about where you live, California, better to say nothing at all, but I can think of some nice things as stated.

Reckon I better not say anything then.


11-01-2013, 01:07 AM
That picture you posted is beautiful Kull. I'd love to throw on the mickey mouse boots and snow shoes and go exploring!

Thanks. Ya I hella love the snow. Especially around Christmas.

11-01-2013, 01:14 AM
"Jmortimer- $100,000 total for the parcel with a half mile of fishable/buildable Walker River Front. The property is split by a public road and the other side of the road has hills with few buildable spots. The only reason I didn't buy it is because it will cost $50,000 to run power to it."

I believe you linked this property a couple months back. Can you re-link it? Could be the new Cast Boolits Ranch if we can band together a few members. I like off the grid.

11-01-2013, 07:51 AM
My congressman is progun
No brush/wild fires to speak of as we don't seem to have droughts
My son makes low flyovers of my place in his F16
Good school system for my daughter
Friend owns a scrapyard - FREE LEAD, Woo Hoo!
My wife is still putting up with me so I get to sleep in the house.

I am in NW Ohio, flat as a pancake. Lots of good folks around and a lot of Cast Boolit members are close by.


11-01-2013, 08:03 AM
Not much I like about my home state here, Kansas.

I can't wait until I can move close to the ocean. I miss the smell of salt water in the morning.

It's too stinkin' hot to fly in the summer & you're almost always fighting a headwind. Too cold to ride in the winter. For being a red state there's a bunch of lefties. We're over ran with illegals. It's flat & it's boring.

11-01-2013, 08:18 AM
Having grown up in N. Virginia, I moved up here after getting out of the Army. I was 22 and I never considered going back to Va. Up here we have -
Good trout fishing less than 1 hour travel.
Super trout fishing 3 hours away - up by State College.
Hunting nearby, needless to say.
Salt water fishing 1.5 hours away
People are very nice here.
Very gun friendly state.
What's not to like ?? Mike

11-01-2013, 08:46 AM
Southcentral Pennsylvania here...

Change of seasons
Decent gun laws, decent hunting (pheasants, black bear, deer, grouse, squirrel and rabbits)
I suppose the fishing is pretty good(I fish at the market, salmon, swordfish,shrimp, crab legs and lobster)
I have 1-3/4 acres with a 1/4 acre in woods right off my back deck. I can watch the birds and squirrels and an occasional deer...the black Lab that runs this house even allows me to walk him in the rain(apparently, I am the only one here that can do that)

lots of history...Valley Forge, Philly, Gettysburg
Close to big cities, if you need them for things like medical care

Taxes are pretty high which makes it certain that I don't have a lot of decisions to make about what to do with my disposable income (there ain't any after paying taxes):groner:

11-01-2013, 09:58 AM
It was a bit depressing only coming up with being sort of close to work, my wife's medical specialists, and a couple of decent parks and lakes to visit. We are pretty close to our little slice of heaven though, and will live there one of these days(maybe, hopefully). Finally convinced the wife the travel trailer should stay there permanently instead of hauling back and forth.


11-01-2013, 10:34 AM
It's great if you like this stuff for as far as you can see. Only took 20 min to get the grandkids to school this morning.
Plus the last place I worked was only 5 min. away.

11-01-2013, 10:35 AM
What! no Illinois posters here.LOL

11-01-2013, 10:39 AM
It is not New Jersey!!!!!!!

11-01-2013, 01:08 PM
It's quiet ...


paul h
11-01-2013, 02:33 PM
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, here's a few that can more elequantly express why than any words.











11-01-2013, 02:40 PM
Northern Indiana, Good people, 4 seasons, Freedom, One of the better states regarding gun ownership, Very reasonable cost of living, the list goes on and on. I'm very Blessed to live here.

Agreed. I'm in Fort Wayne and the people are generally very nice. Love the seasons and the laws. Not too far from where I grew up (MI).

PS Paul
11-01-2013, 02:40 PM
Well, Paul H. YOU WIN!! Like the shot of the spot shrimp in the pan. Nice.

Love Life
11-01-2013, 02:41 PM
Beautiful country. If I had a billion dollars, and the rest of my life, I doubt I'd be able to see all of America. The wife asks why I don't visit other countries and I always reply "Why should I?"

11-01-2013, 02:44 PM
I love visiting other countries but nothing beats coming home.

We are fortunate as a nation to have so many great places to live

11-01-2013, 02:46 PM
I remember my dad saying when I was pretty young, that he would never live long enough to see all of the things in this country he wanted too, it just wouldn't make sense to start on a new country. lol I pretty much took that to heart.

Love Life
11-01-2013, 02:47 PM
Mexico was fun as a teenager...

paul h
11-01-2013, 02:47 PM
And a few more











paul h
11-01-2013, 02:51 PM







11-01-2013, 03:00 PM
Mexico was fun as a teenager...

I have to agree, But I know mexicans that just go to el paso now and have their relatives come to them. lol
I haven't been to Mexico, for several years, and really doubt I ever go back. The pictures that Paul H has posted shows one of the main reasons why.

11-01-2013, 03:00 PM
At some point you are just showing off

11-01-2013, 03:48 PM
I don't think we got to that point yet.
except for the salt water part those look pretty much like the pic's i'd throw in.
me at sunset on a local lake.
DK-17 HMR and the site owner Ken at the bbpds.
one of the areas we hiked this year for the deer hunt.
local hot spring.
some random picture from a week back out the trucks windshield.

Just Duke
11-01-2013, 03:54 PM
las vegas and it's county suck.

i can't tell you how correct you are sir!!!!!

11-01-2013, 04:13 PM
While Minnesota is half prairie, half woods, and half farmland...it's chock full of natural freshwater lakes, we don't really have mountains, but there are a few on the north shore of Lake superior...The highest is Eagle Mountain at 2300 feet rising above the great lake (which is a 600') 15 miles away. The north shore is surely the most picturesque part of MN, known by many as the Norwegian Riviera. There is Salmon and Lake trout in Superior as well.

google image search for "minnesota north shore images"

I love minnesota, but the politics is quite liberal. It is still firearm friendly because of the hunting/pioneer traditions (meaning many minnesotans who vote liberal are gun owners). One large drawback is the lack of public land for general use. The Lib's have made a park out of every scrap of public land there is, each with long lists of rules and banned activities. When I compare MN to western state's public lands, MN is like a big theme park...get in line and do as you're told.

Just Duke
11-01-2013, 05:22 PM
Can I have a couple weeks to think about this?

11-01-2013, 05:27 PM
If you have to think about it then it isn't very important to you, is it?

I bet you could rattle off a couple things you like about where you live, least in hope you could.

11-01-2013, 09:47 PM
This thread makes me sad about where I live. I long to be in a place that looks like what paul h posted......

I have to admit though I do enjoy the equal amount of the 4 seasons we have here. You go north towards the UP and winter grows and the remaining three shrink.

I was told once by a yooper that the UP has 9 months of winter and 3 months of bad sledding.

paul h
11-01-2013, 10:26 PM
I wasn't intending to make anyone jealous, I jus enjoy sharing.

If its any consolation we truly are a lamd of extremes. The nicest people you'd want to meet, and the most depraved; the best weather in the world, and the worst; the most lexel headed conservative folks, and the most rabid liberals; the sunniest days and the darkest. And then there is the dicotomy of either you can make enough money to enjoy the state (and it takes a lot) or you can have the time to enjoy the state, but very few manage both. If you can't afford to enjoy what the star offers you'll absolutely hate it, and many simply can't acclimate to the long dark winters.

11-01-2013, 10:30 PM
Paul, you do have a way with words, and pretty much described Alaska to the T, in one paragraph. lol

Just Duke
11-02-2013, 04:21 AM
This was last week elk camp on the continental divide, 8600'.

Hard to tell by the pic but those look like Mules?

Just Duke
11-02-2013, 04:24 AM
I wasn't intending to make anyone jealous, I jus enjoy sharing.

If its any consolation we truly are a lamd of extremes. The nicest people you'd want to meet, and the most depraved; the best weather in the world, and the worst; the most lexel headed conservative folks, and the most rabid liberals; the sunniest days and the darkest. And then there is the dicotomy of either you can make enough money to enjoy the state (and it takes a lot) or you can have the time to enjoy the state, but very few manage both. If you can't afford to enjoy what the star offers you'll absolutely hate it, and many simply can't acclimate to the long dark winters.

I never thought that. I'm just glad to see someone living life to it's fullest. Where I live there is zero to do. Friday night 1:30, where am I here.............

Just Duke
11-02-2013, 04:32 AM
This thread makes me sad about where I live. I long to be in a place that looks like what paul h posted......

I have to admit though I do enjoy the equal amount of the 4 seasons we have here. You go north towards the UP and winter grows and the remaining three shrink.

I was told once by a yooper that the UP has 9 months of winter and 3 months of bad sledding.

Your one hour to the lake though. https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Ithaca,+MI+48847&daddr=M-13+N%2FN+Euclid+Ave&hl=en&sll=43.289202,-84.605713&sspn=3.346568,8.453979&geocode=FTKUlAId9P30-inP8_Nw40EiiDHKEDDtAVLKFw%3BFU21mQIdRZL_-g&t=h&gl=us&mra=mift&mrsp=1&sz=8&z=8 I'm one hour to a holding pond.
Talk to Mooseman about AK now that he's changing his AO. He will enlighten you. ;)

It takes three days full respiratory recovery from a trip to any casino here even for just dinner. The smoke is deafening. I have never drank either.

11-02-2013, 05:23 AM
Its not a city, don't know what it is but the older I get the less I like visiting major cities even for a few days.
I honestly feel sorry for the majority of people living in them because they simply don't know any different.
About 1000 people in the little town where I live and I guess I know half of them by name and the majority of the rest by sight. Most of the people I visit in cities are luck to know their next door neighbour let alone anyone else in the suburb.
I like that the majority of people still have a connection to the land, they know where their food comes from, they appreciate a cow has died to provide the steak they are eating and it didn't miraculously appear in plastic on the supermarket shelf.
I love that hunting, fishing shooting and other outdoor pursuits are still seen as great things to be involved in that firearm ownership is about 600% above the national average, that I have access to a pistol club, shotgun club and 2 rifle clubs within 20min drive.
Being able to decide to go fishing or hunting and be in the field chasing anything from rabbits to deer in under 30min is great.
We have four distinct seasons, typical Australian summers with plenty of days well above 100, a real spring and fall and winters that are cold enough to know its winter. Not cold by many standards but 20 is enough for me and if I want to see some snow its only a 20min drive.

11-02-2013, 09:07 AM
Fresh Air
Being able to see for miles and miles

paul h
11-02-2013, 12:15 PM
I never thought that. I'm just glad to see someone living life to it's fullest. Where I live there is zero to do. Friday night 1:30, where am I here.............

I grew up in California, but 28 years there was enough. Actually there are wonderful parts of CA but its just too crowded and expensive to enjoy. Visited AK with my wife on our honeymoon, at her suggestion and fell in love with the state. Took a few years and a leep of faith but we made it. I've come to the realization you can be happy or miserable anywhere, productive or bard as well.

Love Life
11-02-2013, 12:17 PM
I'd love to get to Alaska. One day...

Just Duke
11-02-2013, 12:27 PM
I'd love to get to Alaska. One day...

If your in the Army you could be stationed there. My good friend Ed Moody built dog sleds for the Army NG in AK. He was also in the Admiral Bird expedition.
Dog sledding and getting a paycheck in AK. WOW!!! <big smile>
Or maybe I'm the only one here that finds dog sledding fascinating.

Just Duke
11-02-2013, 12:28 PM
I'd love to get to Alaska. One day...

Your dutch oven is boxed and ready to ship. ;)

Love Life
11-02-2013, 11:52 PM
Sweet deal!! On a totally unrelated topic (there are snow in some pictures) unissued CZech 100% wool blankets are currently on the market. I'm going to try and make some things with them and test them out this winter in my wonderful mountains.

Pictures to follow.

11-03-2013, 12:14 AM
Water. In Michigan you're never more than 100 miles from one of the Great Lakes.
Essentially no poisonous snakes. Massasauga encounters are rare enough to make the local and regional papers.
Four seasons so we can appreciate the lousy Xxxxxxxxx weather from the previous Xxxxxxxxx.

Oh, wait. That's also one of the irritating things.

11-03-2013, 12:20 AM
Duke there is one good thing I like about Vegas, actually two. There is a really good mexican food, real mexican food within a half a block from the pilot truckstop. It is also very reasonably prices before 5.30in the evening, when prices change for some reason.

The other is if there on a weekend the races are about the cheapest entertainment in the country, and unless it is some big national race going on there won't be 100 people in the stands.

11-03-2013, 12:37 AM
Sweet deal!! On a totally unrelated topic (there are snow in some pictures) unissued CZech 100% wool blankets are currently on the market. I'm going to try and make some things with them and test them out this winter in my wonderful mountains.

Pictures to follow.

I looked at those. They are pretty small. For the price, you are better off buying a used Hudson's Bay blanket off of Ebay.

Love Life
11-03-2013, 12:40 AM
I'm cruising Ebay now. Good buys are to be had. I want to make a capote.

11-03-2013, 12:45 AM
I'd love to get to Alaska. One day...

Just do it, it is only money. lol It isn't really that expensive to get round trip tickets, and after that you can do it fairly cheap or make it as expensive as you dare to.

Just Duke
11-03-2013, 12:51 AM
Duke there is one good thing I like about Vegas, actually two. There is a really good mexican food, real mexican food within a half a block from the pilot truckstop. It is also very reasonably prices before 5.30in the evening, when prices change for some reason.

The other is if there on a weekend the races are about the cheapest entertainment in the country, and unless it is some big national race going on there won't be 100 people in the stands.

Yea I keep meaning to stop in there at VIVA ZAPATA'S . I'll check it out next time I'm up that way. If it's car races my interest in cars was short lived due to my street racing problem. The court system cured me quickly of drag racing as a youth.

Just Duke
11-03-2013, 12:58 AM
I'm the only one here that finds dog sledding fascinating then as expected.
I have no fascination with cars or trucks.
We have several 7.3 Crewcab Duallys that just sit in the front yard waiting to do farm/ranch duty <crickets chirping> and maybe an occasionally wander to Walmart.
Why on earth was I born 125 years late.

Love Life
11-03-2013, 01:01 AM
Just do it, it is only money. lol It isn't really that expensive to get round trip tickets, and after that you can do it fairly cheap or make it as expensive as you dare to.

I should have done it while here. Oh well, I'll get there one day.

Love Life
11-03-2013, 01:02 AM
Why on earth was I born 125 years late.

My thoughts exactly.

Just Duke
11-03-2013, 01:05 AM
I looked at those. They are pretty small. For the price, you are better off buying a used Hudson's Bay blanket off of Ebay.

What he said.

11-03-2013, 01:05 AM
Lots of dog teams around here, and we (especially my wife) always go down and stand on the river to either watch the teams take off or the finishers come in for the Yukon Quest. lol

My wife follows every teams progress every day on the internet. lol

Duke there is usually plenty to look at at the races besides cars. lol

Lovelife, pricewise it is probably not much as any to fly from georgia or nevada, you might find you want to get out of that heat and humidity in georgia sometime. lol

11-03-2013, 01:06 AM
I'm cruising Ebay now. Good buys are to be had. I want to make a capote.

Make sure you get a real Hudson Bay. To some of the sellers, if they have stripes that's what they are. Not all blankets are created equal to a real Hudson Bay. The only other comparable would be a Whitney.

Just Duke
11-03-2013, 01:12 AM
Make sure you get a real Hudson Bay. To some of the sellers, if they have stripes that's what they are. Not all blankets are created equal to a real Hudson Bay. The only other comparable would be a Whitney.

Yep what he said. We had 12 or so and wifey ebayed and SASS Wired them all off to buy saddlery. They went for a pretty penny. I think she's a Pendleton dealer now. I do miss the Hudsons and the Whitneys though.

Love Life
11-03-2013, 01:18 AM
Wow. I think I would actually shed tears when I start cutting on a Hudson Bay blanket. The Whitney blankets prices are much more palatable.

MT Gianni
11-04-2013, 02:08 PM
Well in SW MT the ice fishing is great. I can fish local ponds or be on the Missouri reservoirs in an hour. Summer fishing is good if I have the time for it. It is rare to be able to fly a kite here, we have had up to 85 mph winds in the last 5 years. Get some good smoke from forest fires annually. Too dry of a climate to mess much with a garden and I only mow the lawn June to Sept 15th. I know several people who moved here from Alaska for the hunting as it is local, not fly somewhere to hunt. The weather keeps the cowards out we run -30 F to 105 F annually. I would guesstimate that every household has at least one gun. Our county range is small [2 benches] but free and two miles from the house. Rate of cattle to people is at least 7 to 1, no stop lights in the county. Neighbors are mostly neighborly. Great views of the stars with little light pollution. I have seen Antelope, deer and Elk 1/4 mile from my house which is 1 mile from town. Social is great there are two restaurants that serve supper, a Subway, combo A&W/KFC and a breakfast-lunch diner, 5 bars and 10 churches. Friend has a working arena and there is team or tie down roping three nights a week. Three airports within 70 miles, one grocery store and only 30 miles to Walmart if your tastes run that way.

11-04-2013, 02:42 PM
You got me with the word wind. I have seen enough of it to last me the rest of my life. lol

MT Gianni
11-04-2013, 06:44 PM
You got me with the word wind. I have seen enough of it to last me the rest of my life. lol

Yea, I wasn't exactly advertising for more people.

11-04-2013, 07:09 PM
Wow. I think I would actually shed tears when I start cutting on a Hudson Bay blanket. The Whitney blankets prices are much more palatable.

Kinda why I didn't mention I have a 6 point for sale! Cutting into a nice blanket isn't for the weak of heart!

Love Life
11-04-2013, 07:12 PM
Sent you a PM, Ric.

Dan Cash
11-04-2013, 07:24 PM
Tough climate
Big Country
NO inner city problems
Fine people
Fine neighbors

11-04-2013, 07:51 PM
Sent you a PM, Ric.

Told you, you didn't want to know! :D

Love Life
11-04-2013, 07:52 PM
Crunching numbers in my head...

11-04-2013, 07:59 PM
I can pee off the porch and shoot my guns in the yard! Woody