View Full Version : Casting station

10-31-2013, 06:26 PM
I saw an article in the current Backwoodsman Magazine about turning an old grill into a casting station. It isn't very long and there are a few pics. The author is Mark Kirchgesler. I looks like he did a good job making it sturdy enough to handle what he was going to be casting. http://www.backwoodsmanmag.com/ has a pic of the cover and a list of some of the articles inside. fwiw.


11-04-2013, 01:30 AM
It's an interesting article, but based on my experience with old BBQ's (most are tippey and rickety).. He is really going to have to beef it up to handle any sort of weight.


11-04-2013, 02:53 AM
I may have just bought the wrong issues of backwoodsman, but it seems like he doesn't really like to spend money, which is fine, but he takes junk and turns it into junk and glorifies it in an article. Several years ago iirc there was an article about the last mountain man, I bought it thinking it was about the old guy Bill something that lived his life on a river in Idaho, but the article was really about a bum that lived in the national forest by stealing from tourist and hunters. Another had an article about how to live good on 7500 a year, it was all about sponging off your relatives and friends. I'm sure there are some good articles, but the last one I bought was because it had an article about the perfect jeep gun, again bought junk and made junk.

11-04-2013, 09:54 AM
Backwoodsman is about the best mag put there for the cheap guy tinkerer outdoorsman. I know that a lot of the finished products you see are pretty crude, but it's the idea that counts, the finished product is up to the producer. Fur-Fish-Game is the other mag worth subscribing to, but you won;t find much fancy in there either.