View Full Version : Had to do that which I hate

10-28-2013, 10:37 PM
My parent's dog bit my son twice today (same incident, two spots).

The decision was made, not by me...

Why is it so much harder with a pet? I had no connection with this dog, but it is a painful thing to do.


bruce drake
10-28-2013, 10:49 PM
1. How old is your Son?
2. What was he doing?
3. How old is the dog?
4. There are many events that lead up to a dog biting another member of its "pack." before you use a bullet on the dog, you might want to discover the reasoning behind it.

10-28-2013, 10:55 PM
My son is 10, there was no provocation involved.

If it had been my 2 yo girl, I probably wouldn't have been quite so understanding...

The dog had always been a little nippy, but he seemed to get more aggressive after losing his little hang-bag.

The shelters around here will not accept an aggressive pet?!?

Alvarez Kelly
10-28-2013, 10:59 PM
Been there. It sucks.

10-28-2013, 11:07 PM
You do these things out of love. There is a clear hierarchy of love and you know your boy is higher than any dog on that spectrum. You did a hard thing for the right reason, took no pleasure in it, and all I can do is recommend peace about it.

It is the ability to do the hard thing for the right reason that makes you a man. Your boy will know now that you care enough to protect him, and in turn he will know to do what it takes to protect his family.

Best to put down an aggressive pet most of the time. Another family could have a worse incident on a smaller child if the shelter did accept him.

10-29-2013, 09:47 AM
Had a Collie that developed a tumor on her brain. She started showing signs of aggression when playing with the kids. Not normal for these "Great Protectors" and family members.

Had to put her down. It was especially hard on the kids.

10-29-2013, 10:00 AM
Easy decision but tough to do! Good for you!

10-29-2013, 12:20 PM
i'd be more worried about you if it wasn't a hard thing to do.
I worked out a deal with my b.i.l. years ago about this kind of stuff, it's still hard but not nearly as bad.

10-29-2013, 01:05 PM
Most dogs are better than a lot of people I know [and the ones I don't know in Washington]

10-29-2013, 06:47 PM
Dilly couldn't have said it any better

10-29-2013, 11:56 PM
I guess I think differently than most.
It dont bother me one bit to shoot a dog that bites kids. I've shot several for myself and others. I dont care if the kid had it coming or not, you cant have a dog thats cant be trusted 100%.
I shot my black lab hunting dog because he bit a friends kid. She was playing rough with him, but he was way too big a dog to mess with. I kicked him in the head when I threw him in the kennel and he snapped at me. 2 minutes later he got lead poisoning.

There are WAY to many other dogs in this world to screw around with a biter that cant be trusted.

10-30-2013, 01:57 AM
One thing any domestic dog MUST understand in a crystal-clear fashion is who is the #1 Alpha species, and who is the dog. Obviously #1 Alpha species must without fail hold up his/her end as well for this relationship to function properly, but if the dog can't, it either needs a different home or a trip to see Jesus, callous as that sounds.

It's hell, though, mean dog, sick dog, whatever. If it doesn't tear your heart right out to pull that trigger you oughtn't be the one doing it or making the decision.


10-30-2013, 02:21 AM
Sorry to hear of your situation. I have been there myself in a way. Not for my dog biting anyone but for my dog being sick. Dogs bite for any number of reasons. Without seeing what exactly is going on when the dog bites, it is hard to say why they did. Just because a dog bites someone does not mean they cannot be trusted. If they are intentionally hurt or wrongly threatened that is their main defense. If someone were to punch me I would punch back. I think most everyone feels this way. When I was a kid, I was playing with my dog and one of his K9 teeth accidently got me on top of the head. He did not bite me but when his tooth hit my head it cost us a trip to the hospital and 14 stitches. We got home and my dad was dead set on shooting the dog but he couldn't get me to get away from the dog so he could. When he finally calmed down and listened he even said it was an accident and he was glad he didn't shoot the dog. I almost didn't reply to this thread because I know I am going get some negative comments on my opinion. There are times when the dog may deserve it but there are also times when they don't and it is our actions that cause them to do what they do that result in us putting them down.

10-30-2013, 08:12 AM
Most dogs are better than a lot of people I know [and the ones I don't know in Washington]

I like most dogs more than I like most people, and if dogs don't go to Heaven then neither do I !

11-05-2013, 09:44 PM
"I kicked him in the head when I threw him in the kennel and he snapped at me. "

. I wonder where the dog learned his aggression.

11-05-2013, 10:41 PM
"I kicked him in the head when I threw him in the kennel and he snapped at me. "

. I wonder where the dog learned his aggression.
I agree 100%. I have had to put down several dogs but only one that was aggressive. Tried to bite my wife and me and all we were doing was feeding him. The others were all sick or broken down with age etc. and had to be put down to keep them from suffering. ALL of them tore my heart out to do. Even the one that tried to bite. Dogs are the one animal that I can not stand for anyone to hurt or mistreat. Anyone who would mistreat a dog would mistreat a child. JMHO

11-06-2013, 07:32 AM
I dont think I could bring myself to shoot my dogs, I would pay a Vet to put them down.
Just me.

11-06-2013, 09:15 AM
I dont think I could bring myself to shoot my dogs, I would pay a Vet to put them down.
Just me.

Not just you!

Thin Man
11-06-2013, 10:51 AM
We had a doberman who was so gentle he had to sneak up on a biscuit to eat it. One day a friend had his toddler son at out house. The child fell onto the dog and bit it at the same time. Out of surprise the dobie yelped and turned his head at the same time. One of his teeth put a small scratch, maybe 1", on the boy's forehead. Both the father and I were present and saw the entire event. The father found no fault in the dog, but I was concerned about any future issues with him. There were none in the remaining 5 years the dog lived with us. He died of old age.

Then there was the time a veterinarian told us our cat had leukemia. This was really rough on the entire family. They all said their good-byes and I took her to the local shelter where they agreed to put her to sleep. I stayed at the shelter with her a while, then left with a knot in my stomach. Even this gentle exit for her left me wet-eyed as I left the shelter.

Thin Man