View Full Version : What the heck is this.... Look what i found..

10-23-2013, 05:03 PM
Ok, so i was wandering around an old homestead that has been abandoned for a billion years (it sure looks that way) looking for some lead from old commercial fishing nets, and i started noticing old brass in one of the falling down old buildings. There were also many unloaded bullets and small chuncks of lead... So i start digging around a bit more any i find some of these......

The top bullet is a standard 308 for comparison.... The headstamp has the military O with the + in the center.. And it looks to be LC (lake city) or LO and 64 ( probably the year). Also, i got to poking around into the center of the case with a toothpick and there was old powder in it. The case is also primed but cant tell yet what type of primer. The neck is sooooo tiny though.... I believe that i also found a strange looking bullet as well that looks to also maybe fit in the neck, but cant tell for sure until it gets out of the tumbler..... Looks to be 308 whatever it is....

Any ideas??? From some of you older then me old timers?. I was like 5 years old if the headstamp is actually showing a year...


Bullshop Junior
10-23-2013, 05:04 PM
They are military blank shells used for training. They would be 308 (7.62 NATO).

10-23-2013, 05:08 PM
So are they worth keeping?? Collectable? And what about the bullet that i found that goes with it??

10-23-2013, 05:13 PM
Here is a pic of the bullet, but upon further examination, dont think it could fit..85104

10-23-2013, 05:24 PM
I've got a box full of them that a friend gave me to melt down and cast with (in brass). Probly only worth scrap price.

Bullshop Junior
10-23-2013, 05:51 PM
They are worth scrap price but that's it. I've picked up hundred of them out by donally dome.

10-23-2013, 06:47 PM
they do look cool when stuffed in machine gun links ( erm after cleaning of course , some punk/alternative rocker would give you more than scrap price for a belt or sash made from them that way ( that's what i did with my stash of them and got $75 vs. the less than $10 scrap would of been at the time )

Bullshop Junior
10-23-2013, 07:33 PM
they do look cool when stuffed in machine gun links ( erm after cleaning of course , some punk/alternative rocker would give you more than scrap price for a belt or sash made from them that way ( that's what i did with my stash of them and got $75 vs. the less than $10 scrap would of been at the time )

I never thought of that. Put em on ebay and put vintage in the listing and you might make something lol. I have a couple
Belts of loaded ones I found. Only problem would be shipping them...