View Full Version : need help from the metal masters can you identify these?

10-22-2013, 11:15 AM
some kind of lead alloy i'm guessing...
roughly 4 inches x 2 inches x 2 inches...
brother just brought me over about 250 of them..said they were from a old house he was cleaning out, also brought over a few buckets of scrap lead and some well worn bullet molds
just not sure what these ones are...
http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i279/kritter2000/IMG_20131022_102435_624_zps44aa72f1.jpg (http://s74.photobucket.com/user/kritter2000/media/IMG_20131022_102435_624_zps44aa72f1.jpg.html)

10-22-2013, 11:42 AM
Test the hardness and let us know. That is the 1st thing you must do to ID rogue metals like this.
If you do not possess or can afford a hardness tester, use the artist pencil test procedure described here. Do a search for it. It will get you in the ballpark.

Whatever it is, you will be able to use it! Good catch.


10-22-2013, 12:05 PM
Maybe they are zinc anode to keep the house from corroding. I hope it's lead though. Is it malleable?

10-22-2013, 12:35 PM
If you drop one on concrete, does it go thud, or ring a bit. A thud is soft lead. The more ring, the harder it is.

10-22-2013, 01:33 PM
There's another Thread on here about Merit Metal Babbitt, maybe that's what you've got. If it is, you hit the mother lode.

10-22-2013, 07:39 PM
If you have a good scale weigh some and take a fairly close dimensional measurement.
Once you figure weight per volume you'll get close. If it's tin Cu Babbitt it's only worth about $18 a pound.
Yep, mother load.

10-23-2013, 01:19 AM
My first thought on seeing them was wiping solder. Not sure why, that's just what popped into me head.

If you got 250 of them, it is worth having them tested to get a true reading on mix.
Some scrap yards have a hand held gizmo that will take the reading. You might call around to local scrap yards to see.

Great score whatever it is.

10-23-2013, 05:54 AM

Lists Merit Babbitt as-

Lead 73-75%

Tin 9-10%

Antimony 15-17%

Copper 0%

Just a wild guess based on a google search, but I think it's a good score.

10-24-2013, 04:22 AM
yepp had it checked,, it be babbit..18 bucks a pound?:holysheep