View Full Version : I think I've lost my mind---

10-22-2013, 09:39 AM
this bullet casting stuff just seems to take over your life. I keep looking at different molds to buy just to try different bullet designs. In the last couple of months I have bought 3 Lee molds, 2 Noe molds and just won a Lyman 358156hp on Ebay. Up to 12 molds now so I should be good for a while. Also bought about 10-12 lbs of different powders to try.
I must be nuts as I don't even have time to cast right now so they are all sitting pretty in my cabinet. Going to pick up another bucket of wheel weights at lunch today. Went to the Dollar Store and bought baking items so I can make some Bens Red with all the ingredients I just bought. Found a Beekeeper a couple miles up the road and got a big hunk of beeswax for $10.
Man this stuff is fun.:bigsmyl2:
BTW, The NOE molds look awesome and I can't wait to try them out. I picked up the 360-180wfngc for my .357 Marlin and a 432-265wfngc Ranch Dog for my Henry and Ruger SBH Hunter.

Wayne Smith
10-22-2013, 09:57 AM
Obviously, Randy, you are just starting! Welcome to the madness.

10-22-2013, 11:07 AM
Well at least the molds don't eat much while you aren't using them, unlike horses.


10-22-2013, 11:26 AM
So the question you will start to ask yourself is do I cast to shoot.....or do I shoot to cast?

10-22-2013, 12:28 PM
Just wait....20 or 30 years from now what you have will seem like nothing.

I thought after 40 years I would have everything I could ever need....I'm waiting on an item at Midways to become " in stock" so I can place another big order....Like I need more reloading stuff? YESSIREEBOB...opening that box of goodies is better than Christmas. And how many wheel weights do I need...more more more.
Welcome to the addiction.... Hi , my names Gary and I'm an addict.
I cast just cause I like making boolits...always did enjoy it.

10-22-2013, 04:43 PM
Just placed an order today for some gas checks and a couple reloading tools. I think I'm done now.LOL.

10-22-2013, 07:06 PM
" I think I've lost my mind--- "

Yes. Yes, you have.

Try to keep the symptoms at bay, there seems to be no surefire cure. Try not to go broke "saving all that money",,,,,,

10-22-2013, 07:48 PM
" I think i have lost my mind "

10-22-2013, 07:56 PM
Welcome to a club of " Lost Minds ".

10-22-2013, 08:12 PM
Just placed an order today for some gas checks and a couple reloading tools. I think I'm done now.LOL.


Just keep telling yourself that. Over and over again.


10-22-2013, 08:34 PM
Rick's emoticon says it all !


You better start saving up some extra cash ! :)


10-22-2013, 08:51 PM
there seems to be no surefire cure. ,

Cure? Who wants to be cured!
Enjoy the rest of your life casting and shooting.

10-22-2013, 09:08 PM
Let's see... Randy's join date is Jan... mine is just a few weeks ago...

In that time I've purchased 5 2 cavity Lee's, 1 6 cavity Lee, 2 molds from JT, I'm on at least 4 groupbuys for Mihec molds... I've only had time to cast ~400 boolits because right when I decided to try the casting thing the wife and I had our first son. So... there's a good 200lbs of smelted WW lead waiting to go into those molds and the "new' Lyman 45 sizer I got.

Yep... it's a disease.

10-22-2013, 09:52 PM
My wife wont bother even asking, "whats that for?" anymore.
She knows better? :)

10-22-2013, 10:07 PM
You have been smitten by a powerful addiction for which no cure is needed beyond more lead, 8 lb jugs of powder and mo' molds.

Oh, go to the range once in a while to shoot some of this lead up.

10-22-2013, 10:17 PM
Waco, if she does ask, tell her it's a Kootchenator for a Sidehill Gouger.

10-22-2013, 10:26 PM
If you're like me, you'll spend quite a bit to save a little money.

I'm still young, so it's a long-term investment.

10-27-2013, 02:04 AM
If the molds are lonely send them to me and my molds will keep them company. I'll take them out for "strolls" also.
I've cast half of your weight of lead stash in one weekend quite a few times.

10-27-2013, 05:32 AM
...............If you have say a 38, or a 357 (or both), or a 45 ACP it is no problem whatsoever to have MORE then a dozen moulds for each one of them individually. Doesn't take much time either!


10-27-2013, 01:00 PM
yes new molds I want yes more powder I want yes more alloy i want, oh primers primers, sell all j words sell all j words

10-27-2013, 03:46 PM
I've shown remarkable restraint since I bought my first mould a little over five years ago; 16 at last count. I had the same problem when I was building bicycles; shiny bits that arrive in brown boxes brighten up any day! Shiny new custom moulds are prettier than Shimano 105 cassettes, BTW, and you only need one cassette per bike. A good rifle can always be improved with one more mould. ;-)

10-27-2013, 05:36 PM
My name is DLCtex and I'm an addict. I don't want to be cured. If I'm in denial, I'm happy there!

10-27-2013, 05:50 PM
Lost your mind not so .. Wait .......Exidor come back here with my molds... come back.. No NO Rocco did not steal them ...

10-27-2013, 07:33 PM
I've shown remarkable restraint since I bought my first mould a little over five years ago; 16 at last count.

I too have shown remarkable restraint, I only have 70+ molds. Only 70, 85601 that's so sad. I know of one member here that has well in excess of 400 molds.

My name is DLCtex and I'm an addict. I don't want to be cured. If I'm in denial, I'm happy there!

Yes, denial is a warm, happy place. :mrgreen:


Wayne Smith
10-28-2013, 09:19 AM
Nah, not lost your mind yet. When you have to buy a new gun to feed a mold you 'found' you are truly gone! Several of us fit that description. Come to think of it, I have a mold that I have no idea what it fits! Gotta go fix that - but I'm on vacation.

10-28-2013, 01:36 PM
So the question you will start to ask yourself is do I cast to shoot.....or do I shoot to cast?

the answer to that question, if no one else has beat me to it, is a resounding YES!

10-29-2013, 01:09 PM
Lost your mind? I wonder
think of 40 plus moulds and another coming sometime
used to buy powder by the pound now it is by the 8 pound jug
used to buy primers 1000 at a time now it is more like 5000 or more at a time
brass used to buy only 100-200 now it is like 1000 if I can find them or the money to buy them
bullets buy them by the thousand used to be only a 100-200 at a time
yes it is a disease and it will only get worse until one day you don't need any of it anymore.
Don't forget the lead purchases 100# or more at a time
melting pots etc.
then get the black powder bug and see where things go and that is where I started this reloading thing and went from there to reloading center fire stuff.

Now my biggest challenge is to find a place that is mine not a rental so I can again find stuff that has been packed since my divorce a few years ago.

mold maker
10-29-2013, 02:07 PM
In 1962, at an estate auction, on a whim, I bought 850 pieces pf nic 38 brass. The seller through in an H&G mold. That infection has eaten its way through a small fortune.
I shot some of that brass so much the plating looked like a road map.
I have no idea how many molds I have, or how many K of brass, but it never seems enough.

10-29-2013, 08:18 PM
Thanks for all the encouragement!!
I find myself looking for the next items I need on almost daily basis. I look at this like it will be a long term investment in enjoyment and satisfaction.

11-02-2013, 07:10 AM
New here to casting and reloading, sparked last year mostly by the shortage, but now by the fun of it. 3 new molds this week, and a used die set and 3030 reloader on the way., " Here come the men in their little white suits an they are coming to take me away, haha"