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11-05-2007, 04:50 PM
warning this could happen to you
several years ago i loaded 3000 45 auto withmy regler load and put them in 1 gal
milk jugs and put them on the back shelve in case i needed them for a rush match well thay sat on the shelve for 2 or 3 years just in reserves while i loaded up as i went on with my shooting .i gave up match shooting
iwent to b.p. shooting but one day i tried to pick up 2jugs and the bottom fell out of both jugs 45s went ever where i learned 3 things that day
1 milk jugs arnt made to last so thay wont fill land fills
45s will find the worse places to hide inso iwas careful with the auther jugs
3 and the most imporant BLACKPOWDER IS HABIT FORRMING