View Full Version : What am I doing wrong with my RCBS LAM 2

10-19-2013, 09:31 PM
Finnaly got it set up today with all the new parts, filled it with Bens red and started lubeing Accurate's 45-300B boolits but after only a half dozen or so lube was getting on the base of them and kinda makeing a mess of them. The lube is coming from between the shaft that's inside the lube die.

Is this normal to have to clean them up before loading ?
It's also filling the crimp grove, Is this normal also ?

Thanks for your help, Steve

MT Chambers
10-19-2013, 09:58 PM
First you have to adjust the die to fill only up as high as you want and not as high as the crimp groove, you also have to learn how much heat and/or pressure to put on the lube, that's why you are getting it under your bullet.

10-19-2013, 10:08 PM
If you are using RSBS dies, the punch in them is flat-topped as opposed to Lyman punches which are dished. If the bases of your boolits have any imperfections, such as a bump the sprue cutter left it will allow lube to be forced under the boolit base. I have had much grief with that. Try using less pressure on the lube screw, just enough to fill the grooves. If the crimp groove is filling with lube, the boolit is going too deep into the die.

10-19-2013, 10:36 PM
First you have to adjust the die to fill only up as high as you want and not as high as the crimp groove, you also have to learn how much heat and/or pressure to put on the lube, that's why you are getting it under your bullet.

The adjustment at the bottom of the machine is almost all the way up but it could go some more, Not useing heat, [Was 85 degrees today] and for pressure if i used less it was leaveing gaps in the lube band.

I am useing Lyman dies with the cupped tops, The lube is comeing up the side of the cupped shaft and the die wall.

10-20-2013, 02:04 AM
I have the same problem when I have too much pressure on the reservoir or too much heat. I have experienced the exact problem as you described and had to add a little heat so I could drop the pressure to fill the groove. It was a trial and error process for me.

10-20-2013, 10:12 AM
"The adjustment at the bottom of the machine is almost all the way up but it could go some more...."

BTS, I've had the same problem with mine. Tommeboy suggested removing the "elevation locking nut," for lack of a better term, on the [front] underside of the LAM, which will give you ~1/4" more adjustment.

10-20-2013, 11:59 AM
I am useing Lyman dies with the cupped tops, The lube is comeing up the side of the cupped shaft and the die wall.
The fit between the die and the ejector pin should be too close for lube to pass through there.
Have you 'polished out' your die for a custom diameter?
Is it possible that you got the pin mixed up with one from a different H&I set?

When the pin and the die are good and clean, there should be no play between them. If you can detect any 'slop' you need a new pin.


11-04-2013, 04:18 PM
This pretty much always happens to me, with any bullet, any lube. Some to a very small extent, just a film, others with big gobs. Seems to be no rhyme or reason. Personally I don't worry about it, I just seat the bullets and do so so they are upright. One thing that has helped is running a slightly softer lube and/or warming it so less pressure is needed on the screw. But you can go overboard too, and it gets to runny and you're back to sqaure one.

11-04-2013, 04:46 PM
"The adjustment at the bottom of the machine is almost all the way up but it could go some more...."

BTS, I've had the same problem with mine. Tommeboy suggested removing the "elevation locking nut," for lack of a better term, on the [front] underside of the LAM, which will give you ~1/4" more adjustment.

When you take the locking nut off of the ejector screw, put it back on at the top of the casting. That way the ejector screw won't back down. I don't know why it doesn't come from the factory that way. I've never seen a boolit that you needed to adjust it all the way down for, but a lot of boolits that need the extra upward adjustment. If you don't get full groove fill with less pressure, you may not be waiting long enough at the full stroke. Give it a little pause and see what happens. Best wishes,

11-04-2013, 06:06 PM
I use thin SPG with Lyman Moly lube mixed in (8 parts SPG to 1 part Lyman Moly lube), so no lube heater needed. I adjust bottom stop correctly then when sizing has reached bottom stroke i hold lever down onto boolit so that no lube will enter base. Some allways manages to slip by sometimes...i just wipe off with paper towel then set boolit in case. Bevel base can be a bigger problem...making it hard to get lube off bottom edge.

Sounds like your bottom stop my be set too deep causing lube to migrate upward past front boolit band.. Raise your bottom stop to prevent. I hope your pin is correct diameter.

Too much lube pressure can make things worse also. You need just enough to fill. Thinner lube is easier to feel while turning pressure lever.

11-05-2013, 07:47 AM
Under sized boolits that are smaller than sizer is another possibility, but you know this...

11-10-2013, 08:05 AM
Happens to me no matter what. I use the Lyman dies in mine. Tried different temps and pressures and it happens with all dies and bullets. I just wipe the base on a towel after sizing. It's annoying but I gave up trying to fix it.

M Hicks
11-12-2013, 03:04 PM
When you take the locking nut off of the ejector screw, put it back on at the top of the casting. That way the ejector screw won't back down. I don't know why it doesn't come from the factory that way. I've never seen a boolit that you needed to adjust it all the way down for, but a lot of boolits that need the extra upward adjustment. If you don't get full groove fill with less pressure, you may not be waiting long enough at the full stroke. Give it a little pause and see what happens. Best wishes,

I have an NOE mold for 9mm that I need to do this to. Not really sure why I never thought of it but it does make sense. When sizing them I have to eyeball where to stop at inorder to prevent going to far and getting lube onto the the nose of the bullet.

Thanks for setting my light bulb off.