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11-05-2007, 11:23 AM
A friend of mine stopped by the house with a few thousand of my "Defective" cast boolits. I cast 200 each from 10 moulds out of my Master Caster. Sized and lubed using Magma commercial hard lube. They were for some friends to try out at the local club. Well He brought them by the house (while I was at work) and told my wife that they were defective and the lube was bad and all melted out between the time He got them at my house 'til He got them home (a 10 minute drive) This is the same lube that caused me to turn the heater on the Star up to be able to get it to flow. It turns out (After some questioning) that they were actually left in the back of His pickup under the cap for 2 weeks in August when the Pittsburgh temperature was in the 90's. I'd love to know the actual temperature that it got to be in the truck. I keep the heat at 120F to make it usuable in the Star.
I just finished melting it all back to ingots yesterday. I don't think i'd be upset if He just told me He screwed up. I'd probably shipped off about 15000 bullets that were lubed with the same lube. I was a little concerned that it really was bad lube.
Oh well.....at least He didn't just trash'em after He realized that they were all stuck together in 10 lumps in the back of His truck. Of course this is the same friend that borrowed my log splitter and returned it to my front yard in a rainstorm without as much as a tarp to cover it. :twisted:

11-05-2007, 11:47 AM
Sundogg Sounds to me likeyou have a real keepere of a friend there!!!!
Don't they say with friends like that you don't need enemies? LOL!!!
Probably hit 150 under that tonneau cover and more if it's black in color.

11-05-2007, 12:35 PM
................Your freind sounds a bit, er ..............drifty? :-)


11-05-2007, 12:57 PM
I wouldn't loan him the time of day.

11-05-2007, 01:14 PM
freinds like that you start charging things for...

11-05-2007, 02:06 PM
Ask him if he would leave a child or a dog in a sealed cap in high summer? I've had a few "friends" of that sort, but haven't seen any of them in 40+ years. Try it, it works!

11-05-2007, 02:28 PM
I had a "friend" that borrowed my logsplitter and returned it with the pump broken and motor damaged. He said it broke about after only 10 min or so. I heard him running it for two days before he stopped. He denied it all and wouldn't pay to get it fixed. He finally bought one as I "never had one" for him to borrow after that.

11-05-2007, 03:27 PM
My Father taught me that if I borrow a tool from someone, I take it back better than I got it, and if I have to borrow a tool for the second time, it's time for me to buy one. The funny part about the log splitter is He needed to split 8 logs for campfires. I told Him just to bring me the logs and i'd split them, but He threw me the guilt trip. I heat my house primarily with wood, and my shop with wood/coal. I use it to split between 10 and 12 cords a year. I really can understand forgetting the bullets in the back of the truck, but don't tell me I have bad lube.
Oh well. at least I got the alloy back. (prefluxed) ;-)

11-05-2007, 05:48 PM
For what it is worth, I store several thousand cast/lubed bullets in a black in color box trailer awaiting sale of the same. The trailer sits in direct sunlight, the trailer has no vent(s), and the door is locked. It hit as high as 110 degrees here this summer and not one of those bullets stored in the trailer had the Magma blue lube melt....it did not even get "tacky" to the touch at any time I checked it. The bullets were in cardboard boxes, 500 bullets per box, top of the boxes not sealed. Just for grins, I am going to put a thermometer in that trailer next summer.

I suspect that your "friend" is full of..........well........prunes perhaps. I would truly love to know what he actually did to cause the Magma lube to melt off those bullets.....unless they were in sealed plastic ziplock bags.....that is a whole new story.


11-05-2007, 05:56 PM
"wrong me once shame on you, wrong me twice shame on me"

11-05-2007, 06:54 PM
I look at this as a hole different problem. It's like Sundogg1911 said "My father taught me.." It's fairly clear that this guys father didn't teach him much. So I personally think it's up to the rest of us to teach him how to be a good person. You can just not let him use your log splitter or you can give him detailed instruction on the proper use and way to return it. Just as if you were a rental company renting your tools. You can just eat it when he gives you back a bunch of bullets that he screwed up. But Then you feel like crap because you had to eat it. That's why you posted this. If on the other hand you politely informed your friend that he screwed up and why he screwed up and you know that this is what happened and he will change. I'm sure that he pulled the same kind of **** with his father when he was a kid. His father just ate it and his son never became a man.

I know this is less then optimal that the rest of us have to take on the role of other peoples fathers but it's either that or we have a bunch of pre-pubesant reprobates living among us effecting our lives and the lives of our children.

11-06-2007, 02:21 PM
Mastercast.com, Yes they were sorted and each style in a ziplock bag, and then the bags put into a box.
Misfire99, The funny thing is, He's worse with His tools than I am. I think it's just other peoples that He doesn't take care of. A few years ago I made a stone path from my yard up the hill and into the woods where I have a fire ring for bonfire's kegger's etc. He took my quad up the path, got stuck and ripped out most of the stones. Needless to say I was the one that fixed it. Maybe that's why I enjoy spending so much time with my Dogs. They sometimes dig holes in the yard, but that's about as bad as they get.

11-06-2007, 02:44 PM
Why did this bozo have the opportunity to screw you more than once? You aren't a slow learner, are you?

Lloyd Smale
11-06-2007, 03:24 PM
THANK GOD FOR MY DOG!!!! There is a balance with everything in life between the joy it brings and the stress it causes and like you said pal my dog is the only thing that doesnt fall under that rule. The joy he brings is beyond priceless and his downfalls are more something to laugh at then to get worked up about. I know that id be one peed off sob if someone did that to me. Big difference if he would have admitted right away he screwed up and ask if you could salvage them. He would never get a single bullet from me again.
Mastercast.com, Yes they were sorted and each style in a ziplock bag, and then the bags put into a box.
Misfire99, The funny thing is, He's worse with His tools than I am. I think it's just other peoples that He doesn't take care of. A few years ago I made a stone path from my yard up the hill and into the woods where I have a fire ring for bonfire's kegger's etc. He took my quad up the path, got stuck and ripped out most of the stones. Needless to say I was the one that fixed it. Maybe that's why I enjoy spending so much time with my Dogs. They sometimes dig holes in the yard, but that's about as bad as they get.

ssn vet
11-06-2007, 03:26 PM
borrowed my log splitter

here's my solution to that type of problem....

I buillt a PTO driven log splitter that mounts on a tractor 3PH. And the tractors "not registered" so I can't drive it over. [smilie=1:


my tandem axel trailer has two lifts of salvage plywood stored on it....

sorry, can't haul the tractor, either!

....unless you want to hand unload and re-load the plywood

.....and go register the trailer for me :roll:

11-06-2007, 06:07 PM
My dog Chevy is my best bud, never judges me, says thanks in so many ways just for being home. When I set food down he looks at it,, then steps over and grins and you just see the love there. He has brought me thru some tough times recently, as well as a few of my brothers of the silver stream here. Giving thanks for the support here and for my dog, thats easy. Getting thru the rest would be so much tougher otherwise.

11-06-2007, 09:32 PM
"wrong me once shame on you, wrong me twice shame on me"

i say a little differnt i say wrong me once there ant no second time :Fire:

11-06-2007, 09:38 PM
"wrong me once shame on you, wrong me twice shame on me"

i say wrong me once and there wont be a second time

11-06-2007, 11:05 PM
sundogg, i've got the exact same type of friend. grew up together, known him 40yrs. everything he touches turns to s=it, been that way since he was 5, he has the best of intentions and tries hard, just never learns he is a big ole shleprock, we cut wood together so at least i can moniter my splitter, still there have been some (mishaps) and he never has any money to repair a darn thing, thats why he got to buy the electric chain saw sharpener a few years back. saves me enough money doing my own chains to almost pay for what he tears up during the season. then there was the year he ran out of wood and "borrowed" ten truck loads from me, i should get that back any year. ha ha

Bob Jones
11-07-2007, 12:40 AM
Mark Twain said that if you find a homeless dog that's cold and hungry and take him into your home and feed him that dog will always be your friend and will never bite you, and that's the main difference between people and dogs...

The older I get the more I understand him.

11-07-2007, 08:06 AM

The problem was the sealed plastic ziplock bags...the heat builds up inside the bags and has nowhere to go.

I found that out several years ago when I was selling bullets at a large cowboy shoot in my area. I had small quantity examples of my bullets on display in clear, sealed,ziplock bags on a table at the front of the tent for inspection by prospective customers. The bullets that were for sale were in cardboard, 500 count boxes behind the table. The ambient temperature was about 80 degrees around 9:00 A.M. that day, and the bullets in the ziplock bags were already getting "tacky" to the touch. By noon of that day, the temperature was in the mid 90 degree range, and the lube was melting off the bullets in the sealed ziplock bags!(The bullets in the sealed ziplock bags were not in direct sunlight.) The bullets in the cardboard boxes were just fine...not even "tacky" to the touch.

From that day forward, I have used nothing but carboard "cube" boxes(3 X 3, 4 X 4, and 5 X 5 inch)...I tape them closed where the end flaps come together on the top and bottom of the box...they are not air tight that way, and that hot air has an escape route.

The best price I have found to date for those boxes is at uline.com, PHONE: 1-800-295-5510, if you wish to use those. If you find a better price on boxes, please let me know.


11-08-2007, 12:15 AM
Amen Bob

home in oz
11-11-2007, 12:43 AM
Mark Twain was brilliantly insightful on the many aspects of human nature.

11-12-2007, 11:55 AM
ok. I feel bad for badmouthing my friend. Here's His good points: He would give a stranger the shirt off His back. He has lended me money on more than one occasion when in need for a new rifle etc. He is the guy that introduced me to handguns. He has loaded up my Beermeister with a fresh barrell on more than one occasion. :drinks: He taught me to fly fish (on the other hand....He taught my Wife to flyfish, so it's no longer a tranquil experience for me [smilie=1: ) He saves me Lino, and other hard alloy that He gets for jigheads/sinkers for His fishing shop. (I trade Him softer alloy) He is a really nice Guy. That said.........HE AINT GETTIN' MY LOG SPLITTER AGAIN! (But if He trucks the logs over i'd gladly split it for Him) :)

11-12-2007, 12:01 PM
The company I work for gets small transformers in white heavy duty cardboard boxes about the same sizes as you have, and the guys save them for me. (My basement is full of them) thanks for the advise on the ziplocks. I usually put small samples in the ziplocks and put all of the bags in boxes. I have never had a problem with the bullets that are just in boxes. I'll just start using cardboard dividers in the boxes or some other way to contain them. I have also stored boolits in an enclosed utility trailer without ever having a problem (no plastic bags though)