View Full Version : Lee Machine Rest

10-17-2013, 03:47 PM
Discontinued since the early 80's. Current market would be verygood for an affordable machine rest.

This rest looks like it would work good.

10-17-2013, 06:14 PM
That's NOT a machine rest, the Caldwell that is.

I can do as well with a couple sand bags, that cost me nothing. Or my rifle rest.

I had one of the lee's, you needed an adapter for each handgun you were going to test, you still had to hang onto it, so nerves, shakes and tremors were still able to affect groups.

The Ransom rest is what everything is compared to. Nothing equals it.

10-17-2013, 08:07 PM
A couple of sandbags and a dot sight will compete just fine with a Ransom. Some years back I owned a Ransom and was set up on my property to use it. After putting "dots" on my guns (presbyopia) I found I could match the Ransom groups off the bench with bags so I sold the Ransom.

10-17-2013, 10:39 PM
The Caldwell works, cost more than sand bags but is a hell of lot lighter than sand bags. Should be at or just below shoulder hight to work well. Most ranges have benches for rifle and they are a pain to use with the Caldwell pistol rest.

10-17-2013, 11:39 PM
I have had a Lee since the early 80's. The only advantage of the Lee is with handguns that have open or fixed sights. Hand guns that have optics on them can be shot just as accurately using sand bags or in my case the Pistol Perch that Otters ??? use to make.
Using my Lee rest I never tried to hit a target like the guy in the video.I just put up a large piece of paper and fired one shot to see where the gun was hitting and then put a piece of paper over the hole and fired for group.Also the base of the Lee rest has to be mounted a lot more solid than was done in the video..........Terry