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View Full Version : I think im drunk

Lloyd Smale
11-04-2007, 04:56 PM
lots of stress right now in my life. This back injury deal has me twisted in a knot. Theres certain comp people that id like to do penetration testing on!! My best friend who owns the guns shop i deal with the most just bought a bar in town and knows what ive been dealing with. He called about noon and told me to stop by. I had just took an anexia but figured what the hell its crawling distance from the house. To be honest i havent drank 10 beers since last deer season but 6 or 7 with an anexia makes the world look a lttle better. We talked guns and watched the fricking amazing game the lions played today and im feeling a tad better right now. I guess if God will allow the lions to play like that theres hope he will even help me. Nascar race is starting about now. If Jr. wins it will be a sign from GOD!!!

11-04-2007, 05:02 PM
They can say what they want, but sometimes beer is just the therapy you need!

11-04-2007, 05:02 PM
Hang in there, Lloyd. As a boss, I had a lot of dealings with work comp claims. Luckily never for myself, but with those I supervised. The system is badly flawed and extremely slow, but it does no good to get mad and/or frustrated.

Beer drinking is one way to handle it, and much better than penetration tests!

11-04-2007, 06:55 PM
Lloyd,454, Don't get mad, get a lawyer.

Did you see that Alabama lawsuit where the state supreme court threw out the punitive damages on a natural gas fraud case? End award at this point (it does go on and on) is that the State gets 23 million or something and the Lawyers get 754 million or something in that kinda ratio.

11-04-2007, 07:45 PM
A man should not have to "think" they are drunk. He has a right to be certain. Have a couple of more to resolve the issue and remove the doubt. Life should not be lived in the grey areas.

Larry Gibson
11-04-2007, 08:09 PM
Not a bad thing at all....medicinal and all! I'm leaving for California in and hour, have to teach Marines at Camp Pendleton about AKs/RPKs and SKSs. Glad to help them boys out anyways I can.

Old Indian saying; "when you're too old to ride with the braves you stay in camp and give lessons in reading buffalo ****!" Seems that fits me now days. Anyways I'll have a drink on the plane (maybe the airport before too!) and join you. Keep well.

Larry Gibson

11-04-2007, 08:54 PM
have no fear, there selling truck loads of miller light,,, just for me!!! AND, new england just beat the colts!

11-04-2007, 09:30 PM
I'd be honored to have a beer witcha Lloyd.. :drinks:

Ken O
11-04-2007, 09:37 PM
Quite a few years ago I had some oral surgery done. The doctor (dentist?) then said he could prescribe pain medication, but in his opinion he thought Tylenol and Wild Turkey was a better way to go. he said it might still hurt, but you won't care. I went with his recomendation and never regreted it.

Pat I.
11-04-2007, 11:56 PM
A man should not have to "think" they are drunk. He has a right to be certain. Have a couple of more to resolve the issue and remove the doubt. Life should not be lived in the grey areas.

This should be tattooed on every red blooded American male above the age of 18.


11-05-2007, 07:54 AM
Ditto Chargar & PatMartin bro.:drinks:


11-05-2007, 10:58 AM
I hear ya Lloyd! My Wife and I are meeting with Her Surgeon on Friday to schedule Her next (number 3) back fusion. I just found out that I have a bone spur in my right foot, My 25 year old step daughter just moved back from Florida along with a Dog that I think is 50% Rottweiller and 50% Clydsdale. (Huge, but a really good dog)
The Steelers play tonight. I have a fresh quarter barrell of Bud in the beermeister. picked out a good cigar, and my brother sent me a great bottle of singlemalt scotch (Macallen!) I scheduled tomorrow off, and tonight I won't have a care in the world. (May even watch the game on a portable next to the jacuzzi!) The only problem is my world will all be back on Tuesday and im sure I have a hangover scheduled along with it! hang in there....better days are comin' (At least thats what I keep telling myself)

11-05-2007, 05:12 PM
"Beer is proof that God loves us, and wants us to be happy". - Ben Franklin



11-05-2007, 05:40 PM
"Beer is proof that God loves us, and wants us to be happy". - Ben Franklin



My most often used quote. I love that one.:drinks:

11-05-2007, 06:00 PM
Good luck on the comp hassle Lloyd. If'n ye ever down south Jawja way, stop on by anytime. I always keep a good dose of medicine handy here at home! :wink:


11-05-2007, 06:28 PM
Good luck on the comp hassle Lloyd. If'n ye ever down south Jawja way, stop on by anytime. I always keep a good dose of medicine handy here at home! :wink:


Ha! looks like my buddy Karls body shop!:drinks:

Single Shot
11-05-2007, 07:24 PM
I see you are already on the floor.

That's the best place to be for BEER THERAPY.

He Loyd,

I thunk I was drunk once.

Then my fried told me, "If you're still thinking, your not done drinking!"

Best advice I ever got.:drinks:

11-06-2007, 02:42 PM
Hmmmm.....I've been having 1 or 2 every night when I get home from classes. It'll all come out all right :drinks:

Lloyd Smale
11-06-2007, 03:18 PM
little advice. If you ever hurt yourself at work walk crawl do anything but get back there. DONT think workmans comp is gong to help you in the long run. dont let them operate on you unless its absolutely the last resort or you cant walk! You will be in pain either way and nobody cares about pain. Its not even a consideratioin for disability. You want comp or social security you best make sure you have a couple limbs amputatated. All comp will do is pay you enough to barely get by on and then add so much stress to your life that its more existing then living!

11-06-2007, 05:48 PM
Don't I know it.............. No blood = no loss.
Well, unless you count not being able to walk, drive more than a mile without needing to pull over and cry, being in constant agony and feeling as if I am carrying an extra 300# on my head and hundred lb sleeves on each arm.
My life is ruined yet they all, former employer, workers comp, all of the ins mongering dr's are fine just casting me aside. Not to mention the abandonment from all of my "friends" from ten years at the same job.
"there but for the grace of God"......................

I know I would have been better off crushed or similarly mangled then enduring a neck/back injury.

I implore you to put extreme pressure on the union reps since you have been paying them dues to back you on all of the labor related issues. I had no such backing and would love to hear they are of some assistance. I got injured well over a year ago , got all funds cut off as well as all meds back in april and I am in as much pain today or worse as the day it happened.
That means nothing to the "system" as written by the lawyers. Hangem all.

ssn vet
11-08-2007, 05:32 PM
I have the 'pleasure' of sitting on the mangagement safety team at the small/med. sized factory where I work.

Though the owner attempts to feign sincerity, it's pretty clear that the entire purpose of the excercise is to get workman's comp. insurance rates down (thus more money in his pocket).

What has surprised me is to see how tenacious our insurance carrier is to refute claims (especially back injuries). Their assumption is that, barring an amputation or broken bone, the emplyee is milking the system. Given the right circumstances, they won't hesitate to hire a PI to spy on the injured employee (i.e. photograph them raking leaves, etc...).

It bothers me to think that they might trash an honest & hard working employee that was doing his/her best to make them money! But my influence is next to zero, as the whole management safety team is pretty much a dog and pony show anyways. Though he may consider our ideas (and has to his credit spent a lot of $ fixing things up), when it's all said and done, the owner does exactly what he wants to do.

11-08-2007, 08:49 PM
Guys I haven't had the misfortune of having an injury, but I do have an 11 year old son who was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. My insurance from a job I have worked at 34 yrs. now has covered 25 major surgerys adn for this we are grateful. But he has needed intesive speech therapy for over a year and the insurance refuses to pay. There is a paragraph in the policy that pertains to persons under the age of three and the plan administrators think it applys to persons over the age of 3.
We haven't been able to find an attorney to help us. All of them at first say " oh yes you have a very good case" but then when they find out that the plan is not an insurance plan but one funded by my employer and administrated by an insurance carrier they all seem to fold up and give up. My employer is a huge transportaion company.
Well I am sorry to take up so much space just complaining about my problems when someone like lloyd has real ones. Take care Wes

Lloyd Smale
11-08-2007, 08:51 PM
hammerhead your problems are alot more important then mine. Ill say a prayer for your son!

Pat I.
11-08-2007, 09:18 PM
This thread should be required reading for people, myself included, who get peed off and start arguing about getting a cast bullet to go where they want it to. Seems rather small in comparison.

11-08-2007, 09:30 PM
Bottom line,, the lawyers have trampled the road between right and wrong. Hired to write the vague language and fight it on both ends leaving us left out when seeking help. Add in the insurance companies involved and the doctors willing to sell their souls when seeking a long term commitment from them and you have the "system" that we now have.
When it comes right down to it there is absolutely zero reason for any of the ******** to do whats right when its cheaper to make everything so frustrating they count on us giving up and walking away. Until they ALL endure pain on a level I have been in they will never do anything about it.

ssn vet
11-09-2007, 09:40 AM
Bottom line,, the lawyers have trampled the road between right and wrong. Hired to write the vague language and fight it on both ends leaving us left out when seeking help

that hits the nail on the head!

11-09-2007, 03:39 PM
Having fought tooth and nail with United Air lines over a knee injury years ago and almost getting fired over it, I can understand. It was even witnessed by a supervisor. They do NOT care about you no matter how good an employee your are.
You have to learn Spanish and wear a sombraro, then everything is free.
I have my grandson who is bi-polar and a handfull. He gets some SS from his mothers account. She made $13 more then allowed one month and SS would not pay us for the month. Now we found it was a paperwork error from the employer and she made far less but we can't get the money. I am retired and can't afford to take care of him without help. My daughter earned her SS but can't speak Spanish.
If you do everthing legal and jump through every hoop plus work and pay your entire life, you get nothing to speak of in the end. They want you to die early so they have more money to give to those that don't deserve it.
I hate management and CEO's.Trouble is I never worked for a poor man. :???: Over tax the rich and they just lay off workers. [smilie=1:

11-09-2007, 05:33 PM
I know it is popular to detest lawyer and blame them for all the social ill. Everytime things don't go our way, it just has to be some lawyer's fault!

I was a Texas lawyer for over 30 years, although I did not practice most of that time. I can tell you that lawyers are like doctors, teachers, fork lift operators and truck drivers, in that they come in all types. There is a certain portion of society that is scum regardless of how they earn their living. There is a much larger portion that are salt of the earth people, regardless of how they make their living.

I have know Lawyers of both types. There are many, many find moral, ethical lawyers who will go to bat for the little guy and fight big business, the goverment or a buzz saw just on principal.

It is not only unfair, but it is untrue to lump all lawyers into a class and blame them for is wrong in your life.

11-09-2007, 07:52 PM
I raise my hand in support of Chargar's post. And then some...:-)

It is ever so easy to vent our frustrations and anger at people we do not know, have ever laid eyes upon or been within shouting distance.

However, we do see and hear with great regularity the people who are directly responsible for our Nation's or respective State's ills. Many of those same ills are discussed here with equal regularity. We are forced to pay 'those people' salary, totally free to-die-for medical benefits, pensions fund, free transportation within and without the U. S. of A. accompanied by perhaps the very best security on the planet. Etc., etc. They have dertermined that our sustenance is theirs for the taking in whatever amounts they deem is for our own good under the pain of financial ruin and\or prison time.

When 'those people' give up the ghost most of these free benefits are passed onto their spouses and even children. This same group stand in judgment of each other. Many are fratricidal when threatened and turn canabilistic.

As surely as the Sun rules the day and the Moon governs the night there is a two or four year cycle when they espouse tender and caring love for us. At present there is almost no escape from their countenance and verbiage anywhere we turn. They smile, bite their lower lip, artfully gesticulate, and love all the World's children. All at our expense.

'They' enacted, but not neccessarily authored, the law and rules of Worker's Comp and S.S. Disability, but 'they' sure as Hell do not have to endure the consecquences.

If we want to be pi$$ed, get pi$$ed at them. Get focused on the real culprits. Every State has a particular Band of ******** in its Capitol. Many aspire to become a member a very special Great Untouchable Band of ******** in the District of Columbia.

Oy, almost political here ain't, I? :-) Four more "Sam Adams" and I'll have a regular Six Pack Putch in the making :lol:

11-09-2007, 08:09 PM
Defending lawyers is like defending nazis,I'm sure not everyone is/was a bad guy.

11-09-2007, 09:00 PM
I have known a lot of lawyers that were good salt of the earth people it's just that they get no recignition and the shysters get it all.
Lloyd thank you for you thoughts and prayers. My son ( Carter) is a gem. He is young and repairable so he has a lot of hope. I think you need all of our thoughts and prayers.
Anyway I took Carter fishing on North Padre Island this past weekend. We fished the Packery Channel Jetties and did pretty well. He loves to fish and would rather fish than eat I think!!!!
Just wish I could get away more often to take him.
Hope everyone with injurys gets well or can get some help.
But OMG can you imagine if Billary gets in office what our hobbies will be like?????? Wes

11-09-2007, 09:40 PM
My wife is having severe abdominal pains daily from chemo, I have been having to try to control her pain with codeine and morphine, had mixed results, found , by trial and error, the most effective treatment was a codeine and a vodka and tonic within the first 30 minutes of the onset of the pain, would usually last all day, other days , just using the codeine, it took as many as 6 a day just to keep her out of bed.
She has not had more than 2 codeine a day since I started giving her the vodka and tonic and she has not taken morphine in 2 weeks.
You may not appreciate how much better that makes me feel, until you are in the position.