View Full Version : Harrington Richardson 1873 45-70

10-09-2013, 06:20 PM
I have a chance to grab one of these rifles in 45-70, I know it's a Trapdoor replica and should be reloaded as such.
Does anyone here own one of these, how good are they? My primary use will be shooting cast boolits of course in the 405 grain weights and bigger.
I have oodles of brass and powder, I just hope it's a good copy and accurate.[smilie=s:

John Allen
10-09-2013, 06:35 PM
I had one years ago. It shot very well. Just slug the bore and shoot with a 405 grain and some black.

Larry Gibson
10-09-2013, 07:27 PM
I have 2 of them; Officers Model and LBH carbine. Love 'm and shoot them often.

Larry Gibson

10-09-2013, 10:23 PM
Whoo hoo, I hope the seller and me can make a deal.:bigsmyl2:

10-09-2013, 10:38 PM
Just got my first 45-70. Marlin 1895. Have always wanted an H&R Officer's Carbine. After I get the 1895 set up, might look for one in earnest. They are WAY cool! Good luck.

BTW - IF you have some brass to spare, I would be interested. Nothing fancy/once fired - just some well used stuff to get started. Trapdoor load levels... Thanx

10-10-2013, 12:46 AM
I have had many Marlin Guide guns, a couple Browning B78 singles in 45-70, I have always wanted a Sharps in 45-70 or Springfield Trapdoor in the same.
I like the single shots, they have a certain magic about them, hopefully I will own one within the week, and shoot :cbpour: in it only.[smilie=p:

10-10-2013, 12:54 AM
Just got my first 45-70. Marlin 1895. Have always wanted an H&R Officer's Carbine. After I get the 1895 set up, might look for one in earnest. They are WAY cool! Good luck.

BTW - IF you have some brass to spare, I would be interested. Nothing fancy/once fired - just some well used stuff to get started. Trapdoor load levels... Thanx

My name is John, I am a brass hoarder. I have brass for guns I no longer own and brass for guns I will never own....I know, I have a problem.[smilie=s: