View Full Version : Any News?

10-07-2013, 03:59 PM
Anyone got anything new on the XDs recall?

10-07-2013, 06:54 PM
just there update http://www.springfieldrecall.com/Recall%20FAQ.asp

10-07-2013, 08:53 PM
I got the same thing in my personal email. They asked for your email when filling out the recall info. Gota say they are doing a better job letting us know what is going on, a little more info, sounds a little more honest. Think posts here and elsewhere could have made Springfield rethink their PR approach. Sure looks like the 30 day time frame is way out the window, I'm at 4 weeks now. That's all right, want it back fixed right the first time. Sounds like couple of the 9's went full auto with a full clip ?? Bet in the small XDs frame that was fun to hold on to. Think anyone who has not sent theirs in yet needs to at least unload it, not use it. Doesn't sound like this upgrade will be optional in the end, for safety sake, doesn't look like worth taking any chances

10-07-2013, 09:33 PM
I'm sure you guys have a time frame in mind which at that time you are going to come unglued at having to wait.
What time limit are you willing to give before you call and start giving them the devil and giving some demands?
We are going to have to put our foot down some time.

10-07-2013, 09:46 PM
with the amount of pistols they have to fix i'm not looking for a 2 week turnaround
im thinking at least 6/8 weeks once they know how to fix it as of now i don't
think they do so im thinking at the earliest thanksgiving

10-07-2013, 10:04 PM
I wasn't going to be quite that generous. Maybe till the 9th of Nov. till I start calling and becoming the customer no one wants and avoids like the plague.
I may be somewhat more generous though depending on my mood and my good nature.

10-07-2013, 11:52 PM
If you were a LEO that used the XDS for duty, you would need this thing back RIGHT NOW !! Also, there are others out there that use them for CCW, returned very soon would be good for that group, especially if that was their only pistol for that use. Me, I've got a safe full I can press into service and I'm more concerned that this thing be properly fixed, and then returned. Now if that is going to take until Christmas, it might be time for Springfield to come up with a plan "B". I'd rather them come up with the fix and return it repaired than go to a plan "B", I liked mine for the CCW gun I bought it for. I think it might be time to be patent and see where they end up going. The last thing any of us want is these things returned with a half-baked repair and start seeing/or having accidents. Bottom line is that I don't think we get to set a "Deadline" for this, they do. Worse case would be someone getting accidently killed from withholding a pistol from the recall not wanting to be bothered with it. But like you, sooner the better, just make it right.

10-08-2013, 12:11 AM

No one wants a half baked fix. But I think you know this can drag on for months at the worse and maybe a month at best. You keep bringing up a person holding on to their gun etc.. That is not the subject. Also I want my gun fixed correctly too. But I am not willing to wait till they come up with a fix if it is going to take months. I have x amount invested in the gun and my money, so to speak, is laying at Springfield not at my house.
I have other carry guns too specifically a compact 45 ACP.
Now are you really wanting to wait on your gun for another 2, 3, or 4 months. Come on now be reasonable.
Being diplomatic and trying to give the good guy image is okay but reality doesn't look too good at this time.
Seriously now come clean. How long until you loose the good guy image and want your gun or your money returned.
I gave my time frame.

10-08-2013, 12:57 AM
You want a timeframe ?? How about Thanksgiving, that's soon enough for me if fixed right, If they can't fix it right, then a check. Simple enough ?? I have some good money in this one to, but what ever we want will not change the time it takes to get the job done. Different mind set I guess. I worked my working life as a machinist. When someone would come in the door, want something unreasonable done "Right Now !!" I would usually point them down the road to another shop. Didn't need the money or the aggravation that goes with that type of person or job. Never needed work so bad that I would put it out the door poorly or do shoddy work. When work went out my door it had my name on it. The same pride I expect from Springfield.
I expect Springfield to treat this recall the same as I did with my work. Different mind set, machinists usually expect good work to take some time. Every Machine shop expects some bring-backs, not what a customer wanted. Springfield is no different, Smith & Wesson, Glock, Sig, and all of the rest have had them. My truck has been recalled twice as well.

10-08-2013, 08:09 AM
I have a buddy that is a machinest too. I understand you position too. But I bet when something did go wrong with what you did you tried to be honest about it and tried to fix it in a timeframe that was withing reason or returned their money if you knew it was going to be some ignorant length especially when you knew they wanted or needed it since they had their money invested In a product that was defective ect..
My buddy will find any minute flaw in a gun and rant about it on and on. He can't understand that they are not made by a machinest but mass produced by Rem, Win, Savage .
Drives me nuts being around him when he is on one of his fault finding rants.

10-08-2013, 01:40 PM
Just listened to Dennis Reece on guntalk with Tom Gresham and nothing was said about the recall that they don't have on their website. Why they went to the effort to have him on there I don't know.
He needs to be in there working and testing and shooting with the rest of the people instead of doing damage control.
He did say they were working tirelessly on the problem and have hired new people to be trained to help update the handguns when they find a fix.

10-08-2013, 03:47 PM
I have to admit that us machinists are folks who live for the details, in that line of work, the details are everything. Almost everything, quality is a close second. Thinking we are going to get some positive news next update on Friday, at least hope for the best. As far as the damage control goes, much damage to the product and image have been done. Would have been far better for him to openly talk about the problem.


10-10-2013, 10:44 PM
I just listened to that same "Gun talk radio" program that had Dennis Reece ( of Springfield ) on the program with Tom Gresham. I got the same thing out of the program, Nothing new about "what" the defects are, just a focus on getting them back to Springfield. Sounds like they purposely avoided the part about what is defective and what the fault is. But that could be the lawyers telling them to avoid the subject in case this ends up in court, could end up being a admission of guilt. Guess I don't care about the lawyers angle much, just get it fixed right and returned. Supposed to be new news on this tomorrow.