View Full Version : LLA Beeswax

10-05-2013, 11:39 PM
Anyone ever mix LLA and beeswax about 50/50? I've got a couple of bottles of LLA from LEE push thru sizers which I like but don't particularly like tumble lubing and have aquired some beeswax. Maybe an additional additive or two?

10-06-2013, 04:27 AM
Alox 2138 / equal part bzwax is the old NRA 50/50 formula. Yup, bin dun. LLA is alox with thinner (which you'd want to cook or evaporate out).

Airman Basic
10-06-2013, 07:52 AM
My old mixture of beeswax, (with assorted bee parts), vaseline, (the old petroleum variety), and paraffin seems to benefit from a few squirts of LLA, scientifically applied, of course.

10-06-2013, 08:34 AM
there's a difference in ye liquid alox and the ummm more solid version , the tumble lube aloxs' are a solvent cutback of ( iirc the numbers correctly ) alox 606 ? ( something like that ) the newer alox they peddle ( the more solid version ) is alox 350 , one can make an equivalent of ye olde alox 2138 with the addition of some micro wax to the alox 350
the solvent cutback is one of the problems i faced , it tends to evaporate and makes the lube shrink slightly
my best use of the LLA was in recluse's recipe , but ... i didnt add the 10% mineral spirits and i cooked it a bit to get rid of the LLA solvent , i then mixed that 50/50 ( a lil more or less to suit your stiffness/climate requirements ) with beeswax and it works fairly decently

10-06-2013, 04:59 PM
So if I get rid of the solvent it might be a little stiff for the old 450? What would be the best non petro based softener?

10-06-2013, 07:17 PM
alot depends upon the quantity you mix , as airman pointed out a few judicious squirts works , and also in part it depends upon your demands ( which i have no way of guessing ) if too stiff warming up the lubesizer usually makes it flow better ( a light bulb, a blow dryer or even a heater plate with a iron on it ) current room temp also plays a part in this

as for non petro based ...lanolin is much akin to vaseline yet adds extra tack and flex to it as well as making it softer , most animal tallows will work and even some animal fats ( usually less of the latter is needed than of the tallow ) a little bit of various vegetable based oils also will soften a beeswax base
desired usage would allow more folks to umm chime in so to speak