View Full Version : neighbor help

10-05-2013, 08:21 PM
i can use some suggestions here on the right thing to do. my neighbor
a few years ago stuck in Arrow in my house right in the windowsill of the
window by my kitchen table one more inch it would have gone through
the window were my daughter sits. we had a long talk. today i found
2 arrows in my backyard with broadheads on them right in front of my deck
im not happy at all

10-05-2013, 08:24 PM

Your talk didn't work, call the Sheriff.


10-05-2013, 08:35 PM
Return them of course. Tires will probably make a good backstop, especially if they are attached to a car.

10-05-2013, 08:45 PM
If your neighbor is the approachable type go and talk with him again but this time lay some boundaries out, IE: if this happens again the law will be involved. You're talk obviously didn't sink in so now you need to set boundaries. Besides there is always the possibility that it could be a kid or a friend over that caused the problem this time and he may not even be aware of it.

Try to resolve it with a face to face talk if at all possible. IMHO, the state of the world we live in today is caused in part by the fact that people just don't talk to each other any more.

10-05-2013, 08:47 PM
just call the law. talking`didn't work. It is a weapon being discharged toward your house.

10-05-2013, 08:50 PM
I would have to know the neighbor, but from what you have said Jailers post sound reasonable.

10-05-2013, 08:53 PM
My first reaction would be to go over and talk to the guy but usually doing that gets me in trouble so i'd say just call the cops and have them talk to him. The problem is if you go onto his property to talk and something goes bad you most likely will be in a bunch of trouble,its sad but that's the way it works these days.

Ithaca Gunner
10-05-2013, 08:55 PM
I would have to know the neighbor, but from what you have said Jailers post sound reasonable.

I agree, you have to live beside him.

10-05-2013, 09:07 PM
I don't know your neighbor or the relationship you have with him OR most importantly your last conversation with him about this issue. It just seems to me if your neighbor is the one that shot those arrows he knows he did it and didn't bother to knock on your door to apologize. I hate to involve "the law" in anything I don't have to but it seems to me if that's all the more responsible he's going to be - especially since he's putting you and your family at risk - maybe a call to local law enforcement might be the right answer.
Just my two cents worth,

10-05-2013, 09:08 PM
Avoid a confrontation on his property. Call him and have him come over and pick up his arrows. Set him straight about flying them towards your house/property and make him understand that the local Leo's will be involved if he continues. Hopefully he will get the message.

10-05-2013, 09:10 PM
As far as I'm concerned, you shouldn't be using broadheads for target practice, especially if there is a chance that an errant shot could end up going towards your neighbor's house.

I would probably give him a call and ask him to come over to the property line, at which point, I would produce the arrows and ask him if he was missing any arrows. I would explain to him that I really don't want to escalate the issue, but if I found any more arrows in my yard, I would be forced to do so purely from safety concerns.

10-05-2013, 09:13 PM
I don't know about broadheads, but I do know that field point arrows can ricochet quite a bit from hitting a tree. I was shot in the arm with one (went between the two bones in the forearm) by a cousin who was shooting at a bird in the tree.

10-05-2013, 09:16 PM
i did go over to his house right after i found them no one came to the door
which was a good thing i was still seeing red at that time. my wife told me
to cool down for awhile and i did i went over to the neighbor on the side
of me and asked him if he found any Arrows he told me he has found them stuck in his shed. so at this point i think i need to speak to the local police in the morning

10-05-2013, 09:33 PM
Considering the cost of arrows and broadheads, you would think that he would have incentive to keep them on his own property.

Of course, you *could* just "return" the arrows late one night with your own bow into the side of his house or his roof. :)

10-05-2013, 09:36 PM
he does have a pool

country gent
10-05-2013, 09:53 PM
So far no one has been hurt physically, Your house was hit once awhile ago, escalating this by causing damage is only going to make for a nasty situation that may never heal or get better. It may be neglect or ignorance, or it may be a simple as a missed archery bale or a worn out bale. Peo[ple dont realize bales wear out with use/age. Talk to him or have the police explain it to him for you. Since youve removed them its your word where they were found. Broad heads will "steer" an arrow if not set up correctly. Not an excuse by any means. Try to remain civil and deal with this as mature adults. It may be a child or friend that got away with somethhing. Talk to your local procsecutor see what options you have to work with. Some areas have ordances not only against firrearms but also BB guns air rifles and archery discharges in the area or with in so many feet odf a dwelling home or road. The sheriff may or may not know all the finer points of the laws but the procescutor does or will find out. Make an appointment to speak with the prosecutor and see what advice he gives you.

10-05-2013, 11:08 PM
I would be furious as I consider this act intentional

10-05-2013, 11:10 PM
By all means talk to your neighbor, that will be the simplest and least costly approach. If he's beligerant or unco-operative involve law enforcement. It they can't/won't help ask the neighbor how he feels about return fire.

10-05-2013, 11:14 PM
I would set up a bow range in my yard and invite him to use it. That way the arrows would be going toward his house.
Seriously,Is this guy competent? If you think the situation will re-occur( and it sounds like it will) I would file a complaint. That would establish a record of the problem. Also have the other neighbor establish the fact that arrows were found on his property as well.

Bad Water Bill
10-05-2013, 11:19 PM
Unless he has his name and address on each arrow it might be a sticky thing to prove.

IF ANYONE finds another arrow in their property and your neighbor does not understand that your house in NOT a backstop then call the cops.

They have nice ways of finding out where ALL of those arrows are coming from and how to solve the problem.

I have no idea what a decent arrow or broad head costs today but they ain't cheap.

Just like firearms archery equipment should be kept secured where access can be denied.

D Crockett
10-05-2013, 11:26 PM
Luckydawg I would send the arrows back to him via the us post office only they would not be in the same shape as I found them and probaly a tad shorter and have him sign for the package I would also put a note in there saying the next time I found arrows on your property the law would be involved that you respect his right to shoot his bow on his property but do not respect his right to shoot on your property D Crockett

10-05-2013, 11:26 PM
If this nimrod is so incompetent as to have loosed arrows into your yard AND the other nieghbors, ESPECIALLY after sticking one in your windowsill?

Dude is an idiot, you warned him, he has chosen to continue being an idiot, and he's lethally indangering you and your family. Talk to him? I'd be afraid of killing him.


D Crockett
10-05-2013, 11:43 PM
Luckydawg on second thought forget the post office thing make the police report like Hamish said he is indangering you and your family D Crockett

10-05-2013, 11:47 PM
+1 for calling the cops.

10-06-2013, 12:05 AM
I have a hard time thinking someone wants to continue buying arrows, especially with broadheads. It sounds like maybe some kids are doing the shooting.
What can you see that would be considered a target?? Is there not a direction that they can shoot without shooting at a house??
Do you otherwise get along with your neighbors, calling the law often, does escalate the problem.

10-06-2013, 12:08 AM
Unless you are willing to have a significantly adversarial relationship with your neighbor for however long you and he are living there, you might want to not involve the cops unless it is absolutely necessary. Looking on the Cabella's site, it does not appear that arrows and broadheads are all that cheap these days, so I find it difficult to believe that he would willingly shoot them in such a manner as to lose them. Before I involved the cops, I would try really hard to solve this in a non-confrontational manner if at all possible. Give him (or at least pretend to give him) the benefit of the doubt and leave an opening for him to be able to save face. Once you get the cops involved, you are going to have an adversarial relationship from then on and it could turn out very bad for everyone involved. Do you really want to be looking over your shoulder for the rest of the time that you live there? There's some wackos out there and all it would take is one small thing to push them over the edge. Besides, if your neighbor is that close, it's nice to have one who is friendly and would call the cops or take some action if they saw your house being burglarized instead of just ignoring it while thinking that it serves you right for calling the cops on him.

10-06-2013, 01:18 AM
I'm betting kids.
A few years ago, I was finding golf balls on my property. I live in a pretty rugged wooded canyon, miles from a golf course. Didn't know just where they were coming from. Then one day I hear a ping of a club, and a ball dropped within ten feet of me. I saw the direction it came from, so headed up the hill with a handful of collected balls.
Dad wasn't home, but a teenage son and a buddy were there. I showed them the balls, and told them to have dad come see me when he got home.
When he heard what was going on, I could hear him yelling at his kid for five minutes without taking a breath. He knew he was missing balls, but didn't know why or how until I clued him in. I wouldn't have cared all that much, but didn't need to loose a windshield.

10-06-2013, 02:09 AM
First let me state I am a bowhunter. I have been for over 30yrs. You need to practice with broadheads. They do not always fly as true as field points. But this guy must be some kind of idiot to be shooting them into your yard. Where he could hurt someone. I say talk to him on Sunday night or Monday he probably is out hunting this weekend. Be nice but firm. If you see him out in his yard shooting or you find another arrow in yours. The cops will be called.

10-06-2013, 02:38 AM
Set up a couple bales of hay on your side of the property line between your house and his. Load some blanks for your 30/06 and when you see him practicing, you might as well get some target practice too. If he complains ask him what he thinks the difference is??

Bad Water Bill
10-06-2013, 02:53 AM
Set up a couple bales of hay on your side of the property line between your house and his. Load some blanks for your 30/06 and when you see him practicing, you might as well get some target practice too. If he complains ask him what he thinks the difference is??

A major problem there is that no one hears an arrow being released in or near a residential area.

Even if it is a squeaker load in the 30-06 lots of neighbors will hear it.

Most communities have laws against discharging a firearm within their limits.

Guess who can continue shooting their arrows while you sit in jail awaiting your court date.

10-06-2013, 11:01 AM
I think I would call the sheriff and have him to meet with both of you and get this settled without(hopefully)any hard feelings with the neighbor.We had this guy was shooting turtles in his pond and the boolits would ricochet and go everywhere he didn't believe us so we had the sheriff to come and explain to him with us in attendance.No problems since and we still get along.

10-06-2013, 11:28 AM
This fella doesn't have any respect for you cuz all you've done is talk. Call law enforcement to add action to your complaint. If that doesn't work and your unwilling to take care of business, then move or armor plate the front of your house. If the neighbors consider the armor plate unsightly, you can get some of the stick on pansies to put on surface, of course with neighborhood approval.

10-06-2013, 12:55 PM
Some neighbors have no respect for others. I had several of this kind for years. The only conversation they took seriously was what came from the cops who visited them. I would take pictures of said errant arrows so the direction they came from would be obvious. Then I would hand the cop those pictures and those arrow (in many small pieces) and point him the the right direction. I would not spend one penny of my own to erect barricades or fences just to protect my family and my property from such idiots.

10-06-2013, 02:01 PM
well i went over to his house cars were in the driveway but no one came to the door
so i went down to the local P/D gave them the Arrow to return to him the cop was real
kewl about it i told him that i don't want to press charges on him but to get the point
across to him that my house is not a backstop so i hope this is the end of it
thank you all

10-06-2013, 07:32 PM
I had something similar happen to me.Although i was the one that shot the arrow.I was young and dumb.There was snow on the ground and I could'nt retrieve my arrow.My neighbor came to me and said "did you lose something?" and handed the arrow to me.I said hey "I looked for that".Seems my dad and his dad had the same conversation years before hand.I know I was in the wrong, but I was not shooting in the direction of his house.He found the arrow on his property.I alway recognize what lay beyound and I think It made us better neighbors in the end.YMMV

10-06-2013, 08:02 PM
my dad always told us never shoot over a hill and know what's behind your target

10-06-2013, 08:23 PM
I would try the talking route if it worked in the past....however, I would take a small recording device and record what was said and by who said it; the tone and attitudes would also be recorded. It is not illegal to record the conversation as long as one person knows the conversation is being recorded. The recording also serves as a impartial witness if everything goes south.

If you dont believe that the conversation would work or the neighbor is hostile.....let L.E. do the talking......

Cactus Farmer
10-08-2013, 09:10 AM
I had a neighbor shooting Tannerite on his property but very near other neighbors. Long story short, he hid from the deputy the first time. Not so lucky the second time...........a stern warning and no more foolishness from these neighbors. We live in the county and by nature you had better make nice with your neighbors. You never know when you might need some help or when there might be an emergency at your place while you are away. We have taken care of several situations for friends out here with many thanks for doing so from the friends. I might not be so inclined to be helpful to an AH neighbor.