View Full Version : Anyone learning Guitar?

10-01-2013, 03:32 PM
I have always wanted to try learning Guitar but always put it off as other things got in the way. I am left handed so that put me off also. Lately I found a left handed Fender DG-10 from the mid 90's and decided to get it and see what happens. I'm now just trying to learn how to form the cords and admit its not easy but was told it will get easier with steady practice! Time will tell. Maybe there are others here that play?

10-01-2013, 04:38 PM
I have been playing since I was 15 years old(56 now) and still learning. In my opinion the electric guitar is far easier to learn on than the acoustic.You can play longer and learn faster with lighter gauge strings on the electric. That said it will take determination to get somewhere with the acoustic. You can self learn from You Tube, lots of lessons there. 35 years of playing has taught me,
1. learn the blues scale and it's five positions. I learned it early and it has allowed me to easily master songs by giving me the dexterity to achieve my desired song.
2. Find a good guitar teacher that can teach you finger style in it's full realm of picking patterns not just pieces of some major and minor deviations of the full pattern.
I do have a preference for acoustic guitars and mostly play them now,but I can still Rock on the electric.
Perseverance is your friend, my SIL started a few years ago and is doing quite well good luck and don't be discouraged, it is one of the most satisfying things I have ever done. It will relieve more stress from life than any other stimulant.

Pepe Ray
10-01-2013, 04:39 PM
I envy your courageous plunge.
I love acustic guitar music, country, bluegrass, latin, classical etc. Seventy five years of abuse, busted fingers and doubt.

God Bless your endeavors.
Pepe Ray

10-01-2013, 06:33 PM
Check out Laura Cox on youtube - She has been playing only about 5 or 6 years and she can play a variety of sounds. You can find her early videos as well as later videos of the same tune to she how fast she progressed.

Here is an old video of Laura's playing a variety of sounds. Not my kind of music except for Knopfler but she is pretty versatile for her experience level..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JSYEM78NHc&list=PLEA71D0E44CE3AFD5

I have kept up with her for a few years. She made early progress in spite of a finger on her left hand being broken by a badminton racquet.
I come from a family of pickers and fiddlers that go way back. I enjoy the range the electric guitar a lot but a finger picker on an acoustic is good also - that was my grandmother. I started out on the fiddle but I am going to switch over to the guitar a while and see how that goes.

The best way to learn how to play is have a brother to learn with from the age of about 12 or 13. Like the Wright brothers you can learn how to fly like that.

10-01-2013, 06:51 PM
Thanks for the encouragement fellas! I'm sort of taking it as a challenge to myself! From my conversations with people it seems that it is VERY hard at first and then when you get to a certain point you take off??? How you get to playing chords to lead I don't know,but hope to find out!

If the girl in the vid has only played for five years she's done very well! It is very encouraging!

PS Paul
10-01-2013, 06:55 PM
Pick an artist or two you really like and learn a song or two. Then play along to find your "rhythm".

I'm 45 and have played since I was 12 years old. Made a living at it for a time......

Three-chord songs seem to be great for just learning at the outset. If you're into rock ,' roll, AC/DC is terrific for learning rhythm. Simple and basic, they are just a lot of fun. Bluegrass? Can't help ya there.

10-01-2013, 08:09 PM
I've been trying to learn as well, only been at it for a couple of years and I'm still not very good but then I don't practice like I should either. It is much easier if you have somebody to jam with which I don't have very often. Getting the caluses formed on your finger tips takes a little time but makes seating the strings a whole lot easier when forming chords. I enjoy the challenge and really love to listen to good pickers. (that's not me)

ps I'll be 54 in December.

10-01-2013, 08:10 PM
Find others to play with. Worst thing I did when learning was play too much by myself with fiddle, because I sucked! Mandolin was easy after learning fiddle. You learn a lot about timing and playing when with others, though. I never did get very good on the guitar, and was paid big money to stop playing the banjo. Keep at it steady, and it seems that every once in awhile, something just clicks, and you make a major improvement in your playing.

10-01-2013, 08:47 PM
I took up guitar when I turned 39. I am about to turn 44. I have never had a music lesson before this. When I say I have no talent I am being generous. I practice an average of 30 minutes a day and only rarely miss one. It is slow going, slower than I ever imagined.

Practice fingering and chord changes. After a million reps it starts to come natural.

Ive done a lot of difficult things in my life but this could be the hardest. However, I dearly love it.

10-01-2013, 09:29 PM
I played quit a few years back with my 2 uncles and ???. I tried going and taking lessons. B O R I N G.
The best advice I got was from my uncle, and it W O R K E D. IF you have good time, I DID. If you can carry a tune, I COULD.
Pick one of you favorite songs. Pick the cords that you can sing it in. Play the song, sing the song as you play, make your cord changes as you sing. This way, you will have fun learning your favorite song, you will get better and better with your timing, your cord changes, and just maybe your singing.
I hope this helps.

10-01-2013, 11:52 PM
From a guy that started with a *** @ 8 and is now over 70, you made a good choice with a decent instrument. I've never seen a left handed piano. Takes two hands. Learn the walking base, learn the fretboard. Don't try cording first. Single note rhythm and develope dexterity and speed. Learn to finger at the fret, not between. I like electrics cause you can use lite strings, get good at bending and pulls, hear what you are playing - actually hear mistakes. It is harder to play softly good. I'd advise getting a good inexpensive electric, small amp and earphones(for later) or a hole mount pickup. The diff between left & right is just the bridge and piece at the head. You will find that going between 3keys and what to do next is the hardest. Practice runs. I did play for money for a short period but it is a hard way to make a living. I took up bass a few years ago.

10-02-2013, 12:08 AM
I'm 57 now and have always wanted to take lessons, probably never happen. I'm lucky I can play my iPod.

10-02-2013, 01:03 AM
Thanks fellas,some very good info here and real world experience! Can't beat that! I'm 58 now but I don't care, life is life till that last breath! I started learning Spanish later in life and glad I did. Being a Merchant Marine it has come in handy along the way. Was in Mexico working last month so still comes in handy!

I see this guitar thing like that,not easy, but learn a little each day and it adds up. The hardest thing I ever did was quit smoking tobacco back in 1985! If I can do that,I can do this!

The good news with being left handed is there are books and lessons for lefty's now! Jimi Hendrix and Paul McCartney never had it that good!

10-02-2013, 07:38 AM
I'm a lefty but learned to play guitar right handed. Found that an advantage, since I have more dexterity with my left hand when forming chords. If only I had an ear!


10-02-2013, 07:38 AM
I've been playing and singing since my pre-teen's (I'm now 59).

Little Jack's advice is spot on for all intent and purpose. The others have also given some great advice.

Youtube is your friend, trust me. What I would give to have had the lessons to be found there and advice 40 years ago. Just search for Guitar Lesson on Youtube and try not to be overwhelmed.

Being an acoustic, your purchase is going to be a little harder to learn to play. The reason being is this. The string height can only go so close to the fret before problems set in with what is known as string buzz. This is when the strings have been lower too close to make it easier to play for some. One must press harder to get a clear note, this wears the hand out quickly and can get frustrating.

Purchase a guitar capo and clamp it at the 1st fret. This will effectively lower the strings to a much easier height for the beginner.

One thing about playing the guitar. It's for your own personal enjoyment and pleasure. While I admire those who dedicate themselves to learning the pentatonic scale (which can be complex and make a fella wanna give it up quickly), it isn't totally necessary unless you want to play lead. As for chord's, you have your basic chords such as C,A,G,E & D. You'd be amazed how songs (especially older country) use only 3 chords for an entire song.

Good luck and just remember not to give up.


high standard 40
10-02-2013, 08:18 AM
I played the guitar from my teens through my 20s, and was never really very good at it. An injury to my left hand (I'm right handed) put a kink in my playing and I drifted away from playing and sold the guitar. I'm now 63 and entering retirement and had been considering picking it back up again. I took the plung recently and purchased a Fender Affinity Stratocaster and a Mustang 2 amp. Over the off years, I have payed close attention to technique and am applying those principles to my playing now. I believe I'm a much better player now than when I was younger. There is a wealth of information online to guide you. You are really only limited by your desire and determination.

10-02-2013, 02:21 PM
pentatonic scale - the trick of bass players. Gonna take a relaxing time at beavers Bend this weekend. How you get to playing chords to lead I don't know,but hope to find out! By starting with single note rhythm! If you start with chords, you spend your time trying to remember where to put your fingers. Learn single note series (scales/rips). Coordination between left and right hands + speed. When you can play along (melody) with 20 or 30 songs without major mistakes, then try chords and lessons. C,A,G,E & D ALL music (non-asian) is just these. Dropped D just makes rips easier (used by C&W). Most R&R is E,F,G up and down the neck to be in a different key (like G, almost everything is G) .Capo is a good idea as the nut (top bridge) is always problematic. It's also good for the arthritis. My left trigger finger takes a 20 deg. turn at the knuckle, pinkie got injured and gives me an extra inch reach. Have fun and keep at it, you'll enjoy it or hate it.

10-02-2013, 07:12 PM
I took lessons from John Pisano 1959-60-61. At the time he was working at NBC studios in Burbank on the TV series Peter Gunn as a studio musician. He started me from scratch, knowing ZERO. He taught me to read music and I practiced scales day after day. Don't try and learn guitar by playing chords. Start with scales and read the music. I was also playing steel guitar/slide guitar by age 10. (didn't say I was good!)

John Pisano was one of the early musicans with Tijuana Brass.

I still have the Silvertone f-hole Spanish guitar I got new in 1959 though I gotta admit my granddaughter's $150 Yamaha sounds better.


I list of guitar styles I put together for my two granddaughters.


10-03-2013, 09:09 AM
Thanks Gentlemen, I found some left hand scales to practice on u tube. Looks easy on the vid but when I tried my fingers didn't want to come along! Ha! Thats where the practice comes in I guess. I will have to admit I will probably try to learn chords and the scales. I see that the guitar is pretty versitle as you can get the same note at different places on the fret board!

10-03-2013, 12:21 PM
Learn chords in the first position to start with,get proficient with chord changes,then move on to scales!

10-03-2013, 03:46 PM
Don't learn on a right handed guitar like Doyle Bramhall II. He left it strung for a righty so he plays upside down.


Mark Knopfler is a left hander that learned to play righty.


Gary Moore - a player barely known in the States.


Just Duke
10-03-2013, 07:47 PM
Put a mirror in front of the TV.

Just Duke
10-03-2013, 08:07 PM
As a science geek I went to heavy metal clubs in my youth beings that is the genre of music I preferred, and watching the favors offered to rockers from the matriarchal gender I ended up mastering the electric guitar in 6 months. I was deemed a World Class guitarist by my peers in just short of a year.
I did befriend fellow rocker Randy Castillo in Den CO drummer of the Offenders and the Wamblies and we both discussed egressing our AO for more lucrative music venues in CA.
Randy left to CA and ended up being gainfully employed with Lita Ford and later a band called Ozzie Osborne. He later died in 02 of cancer at 50 years old. He was a chain smoker and I'm sure smokey clubs full of carcinogens exacerbated the problem.
I though have squandered all my talents post and past chasing skirt........
I have no regrets as I found the lot of them to be extremely effeminate and look back on them all and feel they were a bunch of closeted cupcakes.
With that, keep your fingernails short and get a squeezy ball as most use the acoustic guitar to strengthen their hands for playing the electric.
I also played a Martin I bought for $300.00 from some tweaker also back then.
The guitars now a days a junk. The necks are now 2 piece and scarf joined and most music shop no longer carry neck throughs due to the prices.

10-04-2013, 09:59 AM
Hi Duke,
Interesting and funny! I don't think I'll master the guitar in a year though! It is turning out to be fun and my fingers quite hurting as much,now they are just sort of numb. Supposedly my beginner Fender (Made in China) has a dovetail neck thats suppose to be a good thing? A guitar guy at a shop told me I would want something better after about a year but that will depend on my progress!

I think Lita Ford lives down the road from me in the Tampa area,and remember her and Ozzie doing some songs together? Of course like they say if you can remember the 70's you weren't there!

Just Duke
10-04-2013, 11:06 AM
Hi Duke,
Interesting and funny! I don't think I'll master the guitar in a year though! It is turning out to be fun and my fingers quite hurting as much,now they are just sort of numb. Supposedly my beginner Fender (Made in China) has a dovetail neck thats suppose to be a good thing? A guitar guy at a shop told me I would want something better after about a year but that will depend on my progress!

I think Lita Ford lives down the road from me in the Tampa area,and remember her and Ozzie doing some songs together? Of course like they say if you can remember the 70's you weren't there!

Give me a jingle and lets talk axes. BTW That Pawn Star dude, the smarter one of the four hangs out at my friends heavy metal club we frequent here in Vegas. The name of the club is Vamp'd. Jake E. Lee from Ozzie hangs there also. and we sit at the table of the keyboardist of a band called Stix. Well one of the keyboardist at least.
I'm told owner that he does the Counting Cars show but I don't watch much TV.
Give this link time to load. https://www.google.com/maps?layer=c&z=17&sll=36.144287999999996,-115.23954599999999&cid=8880388945632813005&panoid=Pj3mJeDoEdCLCPBU39sc6Q&cbp=13,79.90966231127344,,0,0&q=Vampd&sa=X&ei=tdpOUteIC4v8iQLpjoCoCQ&ved=0CLABEKAfMAk

I have this one on my Ebay watch list along with a copper snakeskin version. It's a Jackson custom shop with an Alder body. I can't seem to find the Blue Bengal Jackson Kelly though. I prefer neck trough the body guitars as it's easier to hit the higher frets for some good Malmstein licks.
Jackson moved to AZ from what I have been told.

I need to sell one of my homes first though. ;)

Just Duke
10-04-2013, 11:09 AM
I'll find the pic of the Snakeskin guitar.

Just Duke
10-04-2013, 03:51 PM
Got it! Coupled with a Mesa Boogie or cheaper yet Line 6 amp and you have that crunchy Metallica/Megadeath sound. I met both bands several times. ;)




Just Duke
10-04-2013, 04:06 PM

She really went know where. She can't sing unless they run her through a voice synthesizer. She would have done better if she had Gaga's voice.

Just Duke
10-05-2013, 11:56 AM
Forgot to add the acoustic guitar is a gateway instrument. ;)

Just Duke
10-05-2013, 11:58 AM
Tmi? .....

10-07-2013, 01:02 PM
Grand-Ma got Sean an Electric Guitar for his Birth day and He had been trying to learn on My Daughters Acoustic for a bit, Then WE found this guy --> http://www.guitarjamz.com/bgs_lessons/lesson1.php And he signed up for a free Email thing and after about a month hes playing all manor of stuff (Classic rock) Kids got some taste at least haha,, But Check out the link-ie and he makes it fun as your making tunes you know right away so better then when i tried to learn worth a look,, Hope you get something from the email deal thats offered, dont buy anything the mail will have ya playing real fast,,


10-08-2013, 10:36 PM
I love the guitar and own several. It is harder than casting and loading though!!!

10-12-2013, 03:09 PM
I'm 59, been playing off and on since I was 16. Follow Harry's lead, and you'll do ok.

Just Duke
10-12-2013, 04:37 PM
It is harder than casting and loading though!!!

I find guitar much easier that's for sure.

Just Duke
10-13-2013, 01:40 AM
I guess I won't post a pic of the George Lynch J-Frog guitar then.

10-13-2013, 04:33 AM
Marty schwartz videos on You Tube are great. If you have an ipad, e-media guitar method is great and Marty's videos can be had in series. Beginner Guitar, Blues guitar, and solo guitat are the names of the aps. I teach guitar and band for a living. My kids love the schwarts series. We have 8 complete songs now including solos and have played since August. PM me your favorite Genre and I can send you some attainable songs you can learn inside a week. Once you get a couple under your fingers, it just gets easier from there. I am a lefty but play right handed. No big deal there just everything is mirrored.

10-13-2013, 11:44 AM
Thanks fellas,I'll have to check out Marty as he has been endorsed here by a few of you! I just got a new bike so have been lax in my practice lately but will resume! I was never really into team sports always interested in the things you would actually do to challenge yourself, and Guitar is that!!!

10-20-2013, 08:49 PM
I don't play guitar but I do "fiddle with fiddles". :-) I had a major heart attack and triple by-pass at the ripe old age of 43. During rehab, I was asked by the nurses what I was going to do as I recovered. I had always been fascinated with those who could fiddle and old time fiddling. I told 'em I was going to learn how to fiddle. The guy on the exercise bike asked me if I had a fiddle. I told him "no". He said "I'll bring my Dad's and give it to you the next time we have rehab class". I was blown away and he insisted that he had no use for it, he had to listen to it all the time he was growing up and could care less if he ever heard fiddle music again. Long story short, I took some classes and learned to play. It has given me so much enjoyment and even though I can't read music, I can pick up tunes fairly fast. I went to a workshop many years ago at Elkins-Davis College in WV and it was the best thing I ever did. Moral of the story? Don't give up and don't get discouraged - you'll learn the guitar - and just remember it's supposed to be fun! Don't be too critical of yourself as it takes time to learn any musical instrument. Play with others and watch their techniques, ask lots of questions and just have fun! Sharing and learning from others is what it's all about! Good luck to you - looks like you have a mighty fine guitar. ;-)

10-22-2013, 08:44 AM
Hi Bedbug,
Nice story and sounds like good advice! Thanks!

10-22-2013, 09:02 AM
Anyone check out the Loog guitar? Three strings, build yourself, easy to learn the basics. Cool story how it came to be as well!