View Full Version : Springfield XDS back from recall ??

09-30-2013, 09:43 PM
Just wondering if any members have got their Springfield XDS back from the recall yet ?? Wondering what the turn around time was and what they did. Mine is sitting over at the factory now. Thanks,

09-30-2013, 11:27 PM
It has been announced that they(Springfield) do not have a fix for the problem yet. They are saying it will probably be 8-12 weeks.

10-01-2013, 12:06 AM
I like Springfield, they have quite a good customer service reputation, second to none. Seams strange though they are in a big hurry to get me to ship mine in, talk about a 30 day turn around, and now announce that they don't have a fix for the problem yet ??? That would sure explain the lack of returns. Might end up being they were in a big hurry to get them out of service to prevent accidents. ( something well worth doing ) If that's the case, just wish they would have been a little more up front about it. Guess it is what it is.

10-01-2013, 12:26 AM
Buying any gun that ain't been out 2yrs is a big gamble. I'm sure they'll make it right. Sig p238 had a recall & mags issues, after 2 years they are quite nice. Sig was even including a mag for the return troubles, lets hope springfield take a lesson & fixes yall up good. Xd's are fun. I always wait & watch, nuther year, I'd get one.

10-01-2013, 07:34 AM
still at the family reunion looks like 8/12 weeks

10-01-2013, 11:17 AM
Free 7 round mag would be nice present for the trouble. That free mag for 50,000 pistols could end up costing them a million bucks. What might make it worth the investment getting the folks that wouldn't normally send them in for the recall to do it, might get them to do it for the free mag. Just one lawsuit from a AD or going full auto would pay for this free mag 10 fold to prevent the incident or a lawsuit. Still will be those who say mine works, why should I do it. I've run into a couple of those already in my area. Springfield can say they did all they could do to recall and fix them. Might still not end up being enough for that day in court. To many lawsuits in todays world in my opinion, but that's todays world.

10-01-2013, 01:37 PM
I have a sickening feeling this is going to be a long drawn out ordeal for us. Although I am a Springfield owner and am carrying a micro compact since my XDs is at Springfield I kinda wish I would have bought a Glock M36 like I intended to to begin with.
After a reasonable time period we should start leaning heavily on them.
But with some on here what is reasonable time?
Some it will be another couple weeks and with some they will bow to just whatever Springfield wants to dish out. 2 months, 3 months, 4 months a year? Just whenever they feel like it?

10-01-2013, 07:25 PM
I have regrets as well, was looking at a Glock 30 when I got the XDS. The Springfield won the contest because it was thinner and would see more time as a CCW if it was easier to pack. I guess the thing that grips me is Springfield left the impression that all the parts were there, they were ready to do the fix, all of their ducks were in a row. Showed a nice pic on line of the new roll pin installed in the grip safety. Ready to go. If what I'm hearing is true, they weren't even close to ready to go on this recall, just wanted to remove the XDS from service at the earliest moment they could. In fact, it sounds like the details of the fix aren't fully worked out either, not even sure of what they are going to do to fix the problem ?? I guess if you weigh the options, I have to commend them for doing their best to remove a defective firearm from being in a AD or full auto event where someone gets hurt because of a known defect. Much better performance on their part than some car makers

10-01-2013, 07:40 PM
Deception is deception. We have all used it at times.
BUT, still I think that if we let them get away with this what will it be the next time?
I think they need to be sent a message that we will be patient for a "reasonable" length of time then after that they may be owning a bunch of used XDSs's.
A situation like this without a lesson learned by them and us will not teach anyone anything.

10-01-2013, 08:40 PM
im just glad that when i bought my XDs that i also bought
a Ruger sp 101 i also looked at a Glock 36 i just hope that after
they take my Talon grips off springfield put a 7 rd magazine
in it when it comes home

10-01-2013, 08:44 PM
They can keep their mag. I want my pistol returned in a reasonable time.
2 came with the gun. I don't think I need more than that. If I do I will carry 2 guns plus a couple spare mags.

10-01-2013, 08:54 PM
A "Reasonable" amount of time is going to be different for each person here I guess. Mine was a CCW, used every day, and now I'm back to the Kel-Tec 380, just not quite the same coverage. Still at 8 weeks out, if it would come back without what ever defect it had, it would be nice to find that new 7 round mag in it, I'll be fine with it. Don't hold your breath on the free mag. I carry this thing inside the waste band and a AD would blow a nice big hole in my butt. Recovery from that one would be a lot longer than the 8 weeks. Already had one slam fire loading a M1 carbine, not a fun event.

10-01-2013, 09:05 PM
Excusing away being deceived is okay for some but not me. I want mine fixed too. I do not want to have to wait an extra long time for a repair especially since I could have bought a Glock M36 cheaper.
I don,t mind to wait but I mind to be jerked around no matter what the excuse is.
Just because there are people that can justifiy it doesn't mean it isn't aggravating.
What would be an appropriate time for a repair? How long are the owners willing to wait before they start to lean on them? Another month? 2 more months? 4 more months? Maybe just sometime in the distant future?
I'm not that patient.
Who on here is patient enough to just wait till sometime in the distant future?

10-01-2013, 09:16 PM
i sent mine in on 9/11 i was told it would be about 4/6 weeks
so i will wait till the end of october. then i will start to make
calls to them

10-01-2013, 09:28 PM
They received mine 9-9. I will give them till the end of the month then I am going to make phone calls, and calls, and calls, and calls, and calls, and call and more calls. I don't work during the day so I can stay on the phone.
My buddy is more hacked off than I am and may start raising Cain very soon.
I may begin to see a Glock M36 in my future. The purchase urged by Springfield.

10-01-2013, 10:52 PM
They got mine on 9/9 as well. Gets much past 30 days I think I'll make a few calls as well. The Glock 30 I was looking at was about $50 cheaper than the Springfield. I guess the deception issue going here is what prompted me to start this thread. Springfield reviews closed the sale for me, sounds like some might have been somewhat premature.

10-02-2013, 04:39 PM
What was the problem with the gun?

10-02-2013, 10:10 PM
The XDS is reported to "slam fire" when chambering the first round from a full mag. Also there is a U-tube video that clearly shows one of several pistols reported to double fire with one pull of the trigger, or another way of saying it is they went full auto for 2 shots. This double fire is so fast that the clip has to be put into slow motion to clearly see the 2 fired cases in the air just inches apart, fired real fast. Quite a few reports on the double fire are being reported, I have not seen a single first hand report of the slam fire. While Springfield acknowledges and confirms these defects, so far, there is no fix in place. They have recalled the XDS in 9mm and 45acp within a specific serial number range, might be 50,000 pistols. So far it seams they are sitting at the factory waiting on a engineering fix that hasn't happened, or been announced yet. Parts necessary for the fix not produced because the fix is unknown. Pistols sitting at the factory gathering dust waiting for a plan of action. From a safety standpoint, I'm sure it's safer for the owners to have these out of service than a pile or accidents stacking up from the defect ( what ever it is ) in this firearm.

10-02-2013, 11:06 PM
almost bought an xd, sure glad now i went glock.
sorry you guys are going thru this, gotta be frustrating as all get out.

10-02-2013, 11:08 PM
As far as I know the regular XD's are okay we are talking about the XDs's. There is a difference.

10-07-2013, 10:26 PM
Okay now, here's the question. Why can't Glock make a single stack (in every caliber) as small as the XDs series? No offense against those who favor the G-36, but I have both and favor the XDs. First, mine love cast bullets; the XD is smaller and more compact; and the factory magazines lock up metal-on-metal.

Could you imagine a 45 or 10mm five shot mini the size of a Glock 27? Just saying.......food for thought.

BTW- I called Springfield on my XDs, they said "another 30 days".