View Full Version : Iver Johson pistol 32cal

09-30-2013, 06:35 PM
My question: Did I. J. make a 32 H&R magnum revolver?
I have a 32 I.J. that supposedly is a 32 S&W Long But if you measure the cylinder the chamber is the correct depth for it to be a 32 H&R Mag. 5 shot- Serial # B31 732 "J" code under rght grip. It is a one peice frame with removable center pin to remove cyl. It was origanally purchased in 1975.

09-30-2013, 07:31 PM
Could you post a photo of the gun and any other information you have?

Iver Johnson folded in 1993. The .32 H&R magnum was introduced in 1985, so there is a possibility that IJ made a gun for the cartridge. It's more likely that it's a .32 S&W long that was just deep chambered.

09-30-2013, 07:33 PM
Iver Johnson was gone from the scene, at least so far as revolvers are concerned, by the time the 32 H&R hit town. Though the firm lingered to 1993, they had no revolvers listed for sale in the 1982 Gun Digest. I think the last revolvers under their name came off the line in the 1970's--cerca 1975, IIRC. The 32 H&R did not see daylight until 1984 and while Ruger, Taurus, S&W, Rossi, and Charter Arms also made or at least advertised guns in this caliber--Iver Johnson most certainly did not. While someone may have rechambered a 32 Long to 32 H&R, I'm pretty certain no Iver Johnson left the factory so chambered. The revolver works doors were shuttered and though the name was stuck on a variety of imports of dubious metallurgy, Iver JOhnson Revolvers were history.

09-30-2013, 08:29 PM
I have owned this one sence 1975 and just realized how deep the chambers are. I always shot 32S&W Long in it. When I started casting for it is when I realized the chamber is so deep. The cyl. matches the dimensions for 32 H&R. Yea I know own it for almost 30 yr and just now noticed. Doesn't say on the gun as to what it is. Will post pic. tomorrw. So if they didn't start H&R until mid 80''s then it can't be an H&R mag. Just strange to see those dimensions.


09-30-2013, 10:34 PM
I understand. I've got an early .32 long revolver that will actually chamber the 327 federal round. I would never load a .327 federal into the gun, because that would be very stupid, but it could be done.

Stick with .32 S&W long, and let the gun live a happy life!

10-01-2013, 10:17 AM
No Zombies, the condition you describe is more than mildly scary. I know that you (and most others here) know your way around revolvers, but there are those out there who might not be so cautious or knowledgeable.

10-01-2013, 04:55 PM
No Zombies, the condition you describe is more than mildly scary. I know that you (and most others here) know your way around revolvers, but there are those out there who might not be so cautious or knowledgeable.

It is a scary situation! The cylinder on the very cheap .32 revolver was bored straight through from the factory in about 1900-1905, and is questionable for anything but the lightest .32 long loads. There aren't a whole lot of these types running around, but they do come up from time to time.

10-01-2013, 10:15 PM
NOZOMBIES, I have no intention of loading this with H&R! If you loook I posted that it is a 1975 model not a pre war series. Just by asking for inform doesnot make me a dangerous nut. Been shooting for several yrs. and by several I mean several as in about 54 yrs. Sorry gues I wasn't born with your knowledge, I have always had to ask questions or read to gain knowledge. Asking for inform. just makes me more knowledgable about my guns and their designs. This pistol is not bored straight thru, the cyl is bored to H&R dim. Just real strange to see one bored to those dim. 10 yr prior to the series coming out. If I had known it would upset the forum I would have looked else where.
Sorry for that and I will not ask question like this again!!!!!

10-02-2013, 11:43 PM
NOZOMBIES, I have no intention of loading this with H&R! If you loook I posted that it is a 1975 model not a pre war series. Just by asking for inform doesnot make me a dangerous nut. Been shooting for several yrs. and by several I mean several as in about 54 yrs. Sorry gues I wasn't born with your knowledge, I have always had to ask questions or read to gain knowledge. Asking for inform. just makes me more knowledgable about my guns and their designs. This pistol is not bored straight thru, the cyl is bored to H&R dim. Just real strange to see one bored to those dim. 10 yr prior to the series coming out. If I had known it would upset the forum I would have looked else where.
Sorry for that and I will not ask question like this again!!!!!

Please accept my apology if you were offended, I certainly didn't mean to imply that you were doing something wrong or being stupid!

Asking the question you did was a good thing, and I simply intended to state that you should stick with .32 long in the gun.

I was sharing the information about my gun so that if someone else found the thread through a search they would have more information, and a caution about being sure to know what their gun was designed to shoot.